Food and drinkRecipes

Fingers with jam: recipe for yeast dough. Folded and sandy fingers with jam

Baking sooner or later is mastered by any hostess - at least with the purpose of treating delicacies to their children. And among all the variety of sweets, the most popular are the fingers with jam. The recipe for such bagels and secrets to it pass from generation to generation. Already grown up daughters with nostalgia remember Mom's delicacy and try to do the same for their descendants.

Fingers with jam from puff pastry

Whatever you say, and the development of the culinary industry greatly facilitated the life of modern cooks. Now it is much easier, than before, to bake puff fingers with jam. The test recipe is not very much interested in the ever-busy cooks. It is enough to go to the nearest supermarket and buy a ready-made package. After its defrosting, you can immediately begin to manufacture coveted bagels. And no additional products will be needed, and the kitchen will remain much cleaner. If you decide to make a jam-making finger out of a ready-made dough, the step-by-step recipe will look like this.

  1. The table is lightly sprinkled with flour.
  2. Rolled dough sheet - not too thick, but that did not shine through.
  3. Triangles are cut. What size - it's up to you. The larger the "cutting", the greater the value will be bagels.
  4. On the wide edge of the triangle is put a spoonful of jam, and the dough gently slides down.
  5. The ovens are lined with baking paper or smeared. Lay out prepared fingers with jam. The recipe advises to lubricate them with a whipped egg on top - for blush, but you can disregard this recommendation.
  6. The pan is placed in the oven, heated to 200 degrees.
  7. Finished bagels are powdered with sugar powder or poured with melted chocolate.

All! Children probably already spinning in the kitchen in anticipation of their dessert.

Yeast fingers with jam

Classical sponge dough requires a "light hand". Even experienced chefs can not guarantee a 100% success of the result. Therefore, we offer a simpler dough, from which you can cook delicious fingers with jam. The step-by-step recipe is as follows.

  1. A glass of milk is heated to body temperature or slightly more; It dissolves three tablespoons of sugar and dilute yeast (70 g).
  2. A small packet of margarine in 350 g is laid out on a flour hill and cut into a crumb with a knife.
  3. Milk is added with a yeast cap, vanillin is poured (if you like it) and dough is kneaded.
  4. Wrapped in film or in a plastic bag, for a couple of hours it hides in the refrigerator.
  5. The dough is rolled, cut (rhombuses or triangles), jam is put, curled rogails.

The last steps are standard: the sheet - the oven - sprinkle with powder. Finished fingers turn out to be magnificent, and the dough for them, as you can see, is simpler than a spoon.

Short-fingered fingers

What is not built from such a test! A variety of cookies, cakes and pastries are appreciated by sweet tooth. In this tasty list there are sandy fingers with jam. The recipe is easy to perform even by a rather inexperienced cook. Flour is sown in a deep bowl. In the center of the hill is a pit, where a quarter kilogram of melted margarine is poured in which a quarter of a glass of sugar is dissolved. Add 0.5 cups with a little not too fatty sour cream. The dough is mixed. As the mixture is gradually added flour. How much it will go - depends on the fat content of margarine and butter. When the dough becomes homogeneous, the subsequent actions are the same as in the previous recipes: roll out, cut diamonds or triangles, stuff them with jam and roll them into rolls. The only difference is that the short dough is dense, so the fingers will be baked longer - about an hour.

Almost lean fingers: without yeast and oil

It turns out still delicious, and takes much less time than cooking from yeast dough (although more than using ready-made dough ). Such a recipe for cookies "Fingers with jam" begins with an egg whipping with three tablespoons of sugar. When the weight reaches the foam state, a teaspoon of natural honey is added, five large spoons of sour cream and a little salt. Sifted flour (one and a half cup) is mixed with a teaspoon of baking powder (with a slide!) And poured into the mixture. After blending and short stays, a soft, yet elastic dough is obtained. From it, the fingers with jam are already circulating in the usual way. The recipe provides for the addition of a small amount of starch in the jam to avoid leakage. But he does not need to follow. It is better to take jam thicker.

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