Food and drinkRecipes

Several recipes for the hostess: how to close the apple compote for the winter

On our festive table there is always such a drink as compote. After all, to cook it, even the most delicious, is very simple, with the use of a minimum of ingredients. We need only mature apples, sugar and water. To obtain new, unusual gustatory sensations, you can add other fruits and berries: apricots, pears, plums, grapes or currants. There are many different ways of how to close for the winter compote of apples. Let us analyze some of them.

With the first option, cook the syrup from the calculation: per liter of water - 300 grams of sugar. Carefully wash my apples and cut into slices. Small fruit can not be cut, this refers to the crampons. Sterilize the jars and put on the hangers of sliced apples, then pour the boiling sugar syrup to the edge of the neck. Cover the lid and leave for ten minutes. Drain the liquid, boil again and pour the container until the syrup begins to pour out. We roll up the metal covers, turn the jars upside down and wrap them in a warm blanket. In a day we remove the compote in a cool room for storage.

How to close for the winter compote of apples for the festive table? The second recipe is ideal for this case. We will need: a liter of water, apples (five pieces of medium size) and granulated sugar - 200 grams. My fruit, the tail is removed and cut into large pieces. We put a pot of water and sugar on the fire. Once the sugar is completely dissolved - the syrup is ready. In the boiling syrup we lower the apples and cook on a small fire for about three minutes. Then take them out of the pan and - into a jar, previously sterilized. We bring the liquid to a boil, pour to the top in a container of fruit and close the lid. Done!

In the third case, let's look at how to close a compote of apples with spices for the winter, using a variety such as snails. We will need all the same: a liter of water, a kilogram of sugar and apples. Also add a pinch of vanillin and 3-4 clove buds. First of all, cook the sugar syrup and add spices at the end of the process. My fruit, we remove the tails and cut out the core. We dip the apples in boiling syrup, cook for about seven minutes over a small fire, take it out of the pot and spread it over the cans, almost to the top. The liquid is again brought to a boil and poured into jars. We roll up the lids, put it on the floor upside down and cover with a warm blanket. In order to get a pronounced taste in boiling water, you can add cinnamon and lemon.

By the way, a few words about the correct sterilization of cans. For this it is necessary to adhere strictly to the temperature and time regimes. At 95 degrees it is necessary to withstand liter cans 20 minutes, two-liter - 30 and three-liter - 45.

How to close for the winter compote of apples without sterilization? Let's imagine one more recipe. Carefully, as we will also use the peel, wash the apples, clean them, cut them into four parts and remove the core. Fold in a bowl, sprinkle with lemon juice, mix, cover and remove while away.

Fold the skin in a separate pan, pour water (one and a half liters) and bring to a boil. Pour sugar, stir and cook for five minutes. Remove the container from the fire, the resulting hot syrup is filtered through a sieve.

Fold the apples in a dry clean jar. Fill it with syrup, cover and leave in peace until cooling. Then carefully merge it into a saucepan and again bring it to a boil.

In the meantime we take the buds of the carnation, we cover them with boiling water and put them in a jar with apples. Fill boiling syrup to a level of 1.5-2 cm below the top of the can. We put the container for 20 minutes in a pan with boiling water, then tightly close it, turn the bottom up and leave it to cool. Then we store it in a dark cool place. This time we prepared compote from apples without sterilization.

For the preparation of compote, you can, in principle, use different varieties of fruit. But the most delicious drinks are obtained from sweet and sour fruit of not very large size. And although they are often cleaned from the peel, it is necessary to wash the fruit thoroughly beforehand.

Here we have mastered several ways of how to close the compote of apples. Good luck with this business!

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