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What is the New Year: the history and traditions of the holiday

Virtually all countries of the world like to celebrate the wonderful night of the transition from the last day of December to January 1. This is a magical period. The night is loved by both children and adults.

What a holiday New Year: history, traditions

One of the first (about III millennium BC) decided to celebrate the New Year in the Ancient Civilization - Mesopotamia. Great Julius Caesar did this a little later. In the forties of our era, he decided to start the New Year from January 1. Inhabitants of the Roman Empire on this day began important important affairs (this was a good sign) and carried the sacrifice to the great Janus. Also, gifts and praise of officials were timed to this holiday. They were presented with fruits in gilding, copper coins and other expensive things. Special gifts were given to the patricians. This custom for a long time "settled" in Rome.

The ancient Romans dedicated this day to the god Janus. It is a two-faced god of doors, entrances and all beginnings. And the first month is named after him.

The New Year begins its course from the island of Kiribati in the Pacific Ocean, and ends in the Pacific Ocean on the island of Midway. But there are countries that celebrate this night on different days and even months. For example, in China, this is due to the lunar cycles.

Israeli Traditions

In Israel, what is the history of the New Year? Traditions are honored since antiquity. In this country the holiday of Rosh Hashanah (means "the head of the year") is met during the month from September 5th to October 5th. Usually after Pesach, in 163 days. From this day the Jews begin the time of self-absorption and spiritual repentance. It lasts ten days. The next ten days are called "days of teshuvah" (or repentance and trembling). And they end with the so-called Yom Kippur. The Israelis believe that in these days a person's destiny is predicted for a year ahead. Therefore, they meet each other with the words-parting words: "May you be signed in the Book of Life and written down for a good year!" At the festive table, an apple or a halo is dipped in honey (a symbol of happiness and well-being).

Chinese traditions

How does China celebrate the New Year? History and traditions are fraught with a lot of uncharted. Features of the celebration have deep roots. In the People's Republic of China, it is customary to celebrate the New Year at the end of the full cycle of the moon, the first after the winter solstice. Consequently, from December 22 is counted, and after the second new moon and comes a festive night. Residents of this country called the change of the year "Spring Festival". It has been considered the most important celebration since time immemorial.

By New Year's Eve in northern China love to decorate the house with flowering peach branches or fruits of mandarin trees. Apricot trees and almond trees bloom in the streets. In the south of the country, to attract good luck in the new year, the altar is decorated with watermelons. On the eve of the holiday in the streets of cities and towns there are massive lush processions - dragon dances. Especially spectacular is the action at night.

In Russia

What is the New Year in Russia? For a long time (until the XV century) the New Year celebrations came on the night of the first of March. And since the XV century, Rusich greeted the New Year on September 1. Approximately at the same time, there are first references to the emerging traditions of celebration.

John Vassilievich III (Grand Duke) in 1492 made a firm decision and decided to begin the church and civil year in September, the first day, that is, the day of collecting dues, tribute and duties.

To give him solemnity, the tsar himself appeared in the Kremlin. Then ordinary people or noble boyars had the opportunity to seek from him mercy, truth and justice. The Byzantine celebration of the church's new year has become the prototype of the celebration of the new church year in Russia.

The sixteenth-century dictionaries interpreted the name of this celebration of those years: "The first day of the year." Since 1700, according to the decree of the great emperor Peter I in Russia, the New Year is celebrated, as well as in European countries, that is, according to the Julian calendar. And when is this? Of course, on January 1st.

What is the New Year in the XX century? Continuous metamorphosis: on January 1, 1897, this day was declared a day off. In the period 1930-1947 biennium. He again becomes just a worker. And in 1948 again made it a holiday and a holiday!


What is the New Year? Traditions and features of the meeting of New Year's holidays in many houses of the world are important, sometimes fatal. In addition to numerous festivities and feasts, a coniferous tree is dressed, houses, streets of cities are decorated. Everything is shining, shimmering and shining. And almost every people has a New Year's grandfather. In the Christian world grandfather's name is Santa Claus. This name came from the name of St. Nicholas, thanks to a distorted Dutch transcription. He gives the children gifts for Christmas. Santa Claus is more like a Christmas grandfather. Although he is also welcomed on New Year's Eve.

And what does this holiday mean to us? What is the New Year? A holiday that gathers close people together. And of course, our dear Santa Claus comes to us! This fairy-tale character appeared from distant Slavic myths. Impersonates winter frosts and blacksmiths, fettering the water. The image of Frost, of course, collective. The main motif of the Grandfather - Saint Nicholas, diluted with the magic of the deities of the ancient Slavs: Zimnik, Pozvizda and Korochun. Our native grandfather comes in felt boots, blue, less often a red fur coat embroidered with silver, with a magic staff. And always with a bag of gifts on his shoulder. He usually moves on a triple horse.

old New Year

In modern Russia there is a special - the old New Year. He appeared after the abolition of the Julian time. And it is celebrated at night from January 13 to 14.

New Year traditions

Before New Year's Eve, according to the Cuban ancient tradition, all kinds of basins, jugs, bowls, etc. are filled with water in the houses. And at midnight this liquid flows from all the windows, as if seeing off the year, wishing him a light and bright road.

On the Japanese islands, New Year's Eve is accompanied by the sound of bells. 108 strokes symbolize all shades of human vices.

Use all kinds of fireworks, fireworks, firecrackers began in China. Noisy, loud and bright tradition allowed to drive out numerous evil spirits. Now it is the custom of all countries of the world without exception. In the New Year's Eve use Bengal candles, salutes, Roman candles, big and small crackers, etc.

In recent years, the capital of some countries are invited to attend New Year's pyrotechnic shows. The most large-scale shows are held in London, Sydney and various cities in China.

In Sweden, for example, before the New Year choose the beautiful Lucia. Do it kids. Choosing a queen of light, they dress her in a white outfit, and a crown with burning candles is placed on her head. Queen Lucia gives gifts to children, and pet treats for delicacies.


Now you know what the New Year is, what are the features of this holiday. We hope that the article was useful to you.

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