Food and drinkRecipes

Draniki with cheese - delicious and fast

All of us, from childhood, are familiar with such a dish, as draniki or simply deruny. But why not give the traditional dish an unusual taste? Try to make juicy pancakes with cheese and mushrooms.

Draniki with cheese and mushrooms

To prepare them you will need:
• 700 grams of potatoes;
• 200 grams of onion;
• two eggs;
• one hundred grams of flour;
• 200 grams of champignons;
• 50 grams of butter;
• 200 grams of cheese;
• two hundred grams of sour cream;
• salt;
• pepper.

We cook pancakes with cheese in stages:
1. First you need to wash the mushrooms, brush them and cut them into small cubes. Then mushrooms are fried in butter.
2. Peel potatoes rubbed on a fine grater. The resulting juice is best drained. For the preparation of pancakes, it is better to use a sort of potato of yellow color, so the ready-made pancakes will have a very beautiful golden shade.
3. On a small grater, rub onion and add it to the potatoes. In the received weight we add two spoons of sour cream (with its help draniki become more juicy and soft). Then we pour out the flour, add the eggs, salt and pepper. We mix everything well. In the end, add the fried mushrooms and mix again.
4. Pour the vegetable oil on the frying pan and reheat it.
5. Next, put the spoon on the frying pan with mashed potatoes and fry until the ruddy crust on both sides.
6. We rub the cheese on a grater and put up on top of each pancake when you have already turned it well the other side. Thus, while the bottom side is fried, the cheese melts on top and covers the top part of the pancake.
7. It is better to lay out the dough on a frying pan in small portions, then the pancakes turn out to be crispy.
8. Serve this dish better, while it is warm and with sour cream.

This recipe is distinguished by its originality and at the same time simplicity. You can choose a filling, based on your own taste. With all this, the dish turns out to be very beautiful and insanely delicious. Do not even suspect what it is? We will not torment you. It…

Potato pancakes with cheese and stuffing

To make such draniki you will need:
• potatoes;
• garlic;
• the egg;
• Filling (vegetables, mushrooms, meat and others);
• mayonnaise;
• cheese;
• salt;
• pepper.

How to properly prepare pancakes with cheese and stuffing:
1. We clean the potatoes, rub them and put them in a colander, so that excess liquid escapes.
2. Then add the crushed garlic, salt and pepper to the potatoes. We let it brew for a minute, and squeeze out the whole of the juice. Add the egg and mix thoroughly.
3. We put a frying pan on the gas, add sunflower oil and make fire a little less than average.
4. Spoon the potato mass on a frying pan, so that the oval shape is obtained.
5. Fry the pancakes on both sides until a ruddy crust appears.
6. We already put the finished draniki on a baking sheet. From above a little grease with mayonnaise and spread the filling. You can still salt a little or pepper. On top of the filling put a thin slice of cheese or simply sprinkle with cheese, grated on grater.
7. We put the pancakes in the oven for about seven to ten minutes at a temperature of approximately 160-180 degrees.
8. Draniki with cheese and filling is best served hot.

Today, it's hard to surprise anyone with a recipe for simple deruns. Then surprise everyone by making pancakes with cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese pancakes
Required products:
• one pack of cheese;
• one egg;
• three large potatoes;
• soda (on the edge of the spoon);
• about 5-6 tablespoons of table flour (the dough should be like a thick pancake);
• salt.

Preparation of cottage cheese pancakes:
1. We rub our potatoes on a large grater and add the cottage cheese (previously well ground).
2. Then add the egg, soda, salt and flour. We mix everything thoroughly.
3. Fry in the pan as usual.
4. Serve these pancakes can be both hot and cold and preferably with sour cream.

This is how you can turn ordinary jack-o'-oars into draniki with cheese, with any filling or cottage cheese. Such culinary masterpieces, for sure, will be appreciated.

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