Self improvementPsychology

How not to be jealous of her husband?

It is believed that jealousy is a sure sign of love. However, those who have ever suffered or suffer so far from it, are unlikely to agree with this. Even the most powerful and sublime feeling can easily be killed by jealousy. Many will ask: how not to be jealous, if there are so many temptations around? The answer is simple enough - to trust. To learn this is not so simple.

If the jealousy is different: for and without. Almost every woman is able to find or invent it. Then everything depends on the nature. One will silently experience resentment and anger in itself, and the other will scream and beat the dishes. And the one and the other option will not do.

In the first case, sooner or later there will be a nervous breakdown with all the ensuing consequences, and in the second case the beloved person will grow cold and still find a worthy substitute for a jealous person. How not to be jealous of her husband and to save the relationship know almost everything, but to apply these rules in practice, few want.

To begin with it is necessary to determine what is more important for you: to save the family or to give in to emotions, to express to the man. The latter is easier, but then do not expect a long and happy relationship. If you decide to recover from this disease, then you will have to take the will into your fist and work on yourself.

To begin with, stop impose yourself. You should not call your husband to work and arrange interrogations. Understand that this simply distracts a person and puts him in an awkward position before colleagues. Of course, in this situation, he will be nervous and swear. Every person needs a little freedom. He may have thoughts and deeds that are not connected with you. But this does not mean that they do not like you or do not appreciate you. Having mastered this rule, it will be easier for you to understand how not to be jealous of a loved one.

The next rule is closely related to the first - learn to trust. Without this, a successful marriage will not be possible. Learning to trust is difficult, but possible. Start small. For example, let the husband go for a walk with friends, specifying the time of his return. Try not to call him. Take a break on something: take care of yourself, invite your girlfriends, watch an interesting film and so on. The main thing is not to think that the husband at this time can do something bad.

Some emotional natures are so imaginative that they can even be jealous in a dream. In this case it will be useful to talk with a specialist. There is nothing shameful or bad about this. Group therapy will be useful . Take your spouse and go to a good psychologist. Perhaps you have hidden problems, which are the cause of all your troubles. Among other things, a specialist will be able to tell you how to be not jealous of a loved one, but to love and respect.

Very often the cause of jealousy is insecurity. Having married and having given birth to children, a woman often ceases to follow herself. As a result, after a year or two, the body ceases to be flexible, excess weight appears, the face becomes coarse. It is difficult to hide from reflection in the mirror. So they all young girls seem to be potential rivals.

The way out here is extremely simple: free in your life a place for yourself. Sign up for a fitness club, swimming pool, aerobics. If time or money does not allow, then you can go in for sports at home, the benefit of video courses today is plenty. Buy yourself a regular hoop and twist for 30 minutes a day. You will quickly notice the result. Stop eating the "grief". Arrange unloading days. Starting to lead an active lifestyle, you will feel light in the body and soul.

Your new image needs a beautiful hairstyle and, of course, clothes. Be sure to go to the beauty salon for various procedures. Make a new hairstyle. All this will certainly raise the spirits of any woman. Always smile, and you will very soon start to catch admiring glances.

Find a lesson to your liking. If you do not work, then come up with a hobby. It should really entice you. Among other things, it will take a significant part of your time and it does not remain for stupid thoughts.

Now you know exactly how not to be jealous of her husband. Do not wait for a better time, but today start living in a new way.

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