Self improvementPsychology

The halo effect in psychology: description, application and definition

Halo effect (or halo effect) is an incorrect assessment of a person, his actions and personal qualities. In other words, an erroneous first impression. Exaggerating the qualities of both positive and negative.

Determination of halo effect

The halo effect of the world of psychology is defined as the propensity to give a higher appreciation of a person, characteristics and qualities of a person if they find him attractive. That is, a preconceived opinion and judgment is formed. Feelings dominate a reasonable assessment. If a person is beautiful or cute, an imaginary sensation is created that both the inner world and the qualities of the vis-a-vis correspond to an external evaluation.

The halo effect is well described by the Russian saying: "They meet by clothes, they accompany them by their wits". Or another example. For example, a person has a high rating due to some particular qualities. And this already creates a tendency to exaggerate all the others. In other words, an erroneous opinion about the person as a whole is created.

The conditions under which a halo effect arises

The halo effect can lead both to exaggeration of a person's personal qualities, and to prejudice towards him. For the emergence of these sensations, several conditions are necessary:

  • lack of time;
  • Eccentricity and brightness of a person's personality;
  • Excessive abundance of information;
  • Stereotype of perception;
  • Insignificance of a person's personality.

The halo effect in psychology

The essence of the halo effect in psychology lies in the fact that the judgments of one person about another or about some process may be erroneous or not always accurate. For example, because of unreliable or fragmentary information.

That is, a person with some information about the company can "run ahead" and draw a far-reaching conclusion. Although this information does not directly follow from the available information.

Another example: the first impression of a person (face, clothing, etc.) can affect the evaluation of his other qualities (character, attitude to work, etc.). That is, if he liked it externally, then his evaluation is automatically continued in a positive direction. Although the rest of the quality of man is not yet known. And there could have been an initially unfavorable opinion. Then it is projected onto all its other qualities, although they can be positive.

History of the halo effect

The term "halo effect" appeared in 1920. It was first used by Edward Trondike. He conducted an experiment in which he asked to assess the qualities of his subordinates. The purpose of the study was to determine how the opinion of one affects the performance as a whole. It turned out that a high score of some qualities of a person is positively projected onto the rest. And vice versa.

Studies of this phenomenon continued. It was found that attractiveness is one of the important factors. And against the backdrop of it is believed that a person has and inner beauty. In confirmation, studies were carried out, where the defendants participated in the experiments. It turned out that if a person is sympathetic, the jury is more inclined to believe him than the prosecutor.

Halo effect - a strong psychological weapon

Studies have also shown that, despite the external appeal of a person, people are nevertheless inclined to admit that he can be vain, dishonest, cruel, etc. For example, seeing in advertising beautiful models that supposedly grow younger "in front of" Then money, people have distrust.

But you can convince them that they are a criminal in front of them. If you show a man with a repulsive appearance. Or, conversely, a maniac can long avoid punishment if he is handsome and kind to others. In this case, people will be sympathetic to him on his personality as a whole. And no one even thinks that behind the outer shell is a murderer.

What does the halo effect in school affect?

Halo effect can greatly affect the life of the child. For example, when a teacher develops a false impression when assessing students or students. Seeing someone's initiative and ability in some subjects, the teacher can give a task that is too much for the child. That is, the teacher gives an objective assessment much later. The halo effect sometimes affects the "rating" of approval, censure, or the misallocation of students to groups.

What is the effect of the halo effect at work?

At work, due to the halo effect, the manager may be biased in assessing the personality, the results of labor or the productivity of a person. Usually an employee's assessment is made for some selective qualities, but not in general. This is clearly visible in the questionnaires, at interviews, in attestations.

Sometimes a worker does not have enough knowledge. But if he has the ability to grasp on the fly and quickly learn, successfully perform some tasks, the leader can give an overestimated rating. Although this will not correspond to reality. A negative perception of the employee may serve as an excuse for dismissal, despite the fact that this is a highly qualified employee.

How does the halo effect work in psychology?

The halo effect has been successfully applied in psychology. For example, if the teacher is pleasant and benevolent in communication, then the students evaluate him as a whole as an attractive and handsome person. Thanks to this, negative situations that may arise are automatically smoothed out. Competent application of the halo effect can become a powerful weapon. And practically in any sphere: advertising, politics, trade, etc. Spies are one of the brightest examples.

In advertising, the halo effect is used to promote goods and services. For example, a well-known person, whom the majority sympathizes with, offers or approves any products. Then a positive evaluation of this person by potential buyers can spread to the offered goods. That is, the opinion of the person himself is transferred to the advertising product.

In politics, in elections, again there is a halo effect. In pre-election campaigns, speeches are prepared in advance. Speakers show themselves on the positive side, trying to please. And people, evaluating this ability, believe that the candidate and in general a very good person. As a result, they give him a vote. But it's worth pondering. After all, this speaker has many other personal qualities that were left without proper evaluation. But they, as a rule, are not taken into account. This is the halo effect.

It is successfully used in the automotive market. For example, sports cars are produced. Subsequently, the brand of the company will be associated with them. Marketers create a halo of the thoughts they need, placing emphasis on modern technological equipment, professionalism of employees, excellent quality, etc. As a result, even ordinary cars of this brand will be sold in large quantities.

The basic scheme of the halo effect

Scheme of the effect of halo-effect - when the perception, triggered by inequality in the intellectual, social and other fields, is applied. People have a tendency to overestimate some qualities of a person superior to them even on one essential parameter. If a weak and sickly person meets a strong and healthy man, he perceives him smart, beautiful, kind, etc. At the same time, there is the possibility that in reality the first overestimates the second, and quite strongly. The qualities of this person are often not at all what they really are.

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