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Hetero orientation - what is it?

If suddenly someone is called heterosexual - is it insulting or not? And anyway, is hetero orientation a normal or some sort of sexual deviation? Let's deal with these questions.

What does "hetero orientation" mean?

It should immediately be clarified that this concept is closely related to sexuality. More precisely, with the term "heterosexuality". The very word "heterosexuality" consists of two roots. The first - hetero - means "different", "opposite", and the second root - "sexuality" - today it is not necessary to translate. But just in case, you can indicate that this is an emotional (romantic), sensual (erotic) or sex drive. Thus, it can be concluded that heterosexuality is sexuality directed at persons of the opposite sex. On the globe, most people and animals have this sexual orientation from nature, deviations among animals are extremely rare. But among people sometimes there are such attitudes which are condemned by a society. In particular, it should be noted that heterosexuality is the only officially recognized sexual activity in Russia. Hence, it is not insulting to get the definition of a heterosexual person in our country at the present stage. This is because hetero sexual orientation is one of the components of the sexual norm in the country.

Sexuality in Antiquity

Today, it is customary to talk about either heterosexuality or homosexuality (sexual attraction to persons of one's sex). And more and more often the topic is raised about the fact that in antiquity the last sexual orientation prevailed. But in reality everything was quite different. Just a lot of people had an intermediate sexual orientation, the so-called bisexuality. Such sexuality did not exclude either heterosexual orientation in the sexual issue, or homosexuality. The most common and common bisexuality was in the days of antiquity. Dear fathers of the family, having offspring and zealously caring about the continuation of their kind, did not shy away from intimate communication with the persons of their gender. By the way, this has happened in other times, has occurred in countries with a fairly strict morality. But it was in antiquity that she was not persecuted, that's why so many works of art came to us today, depicting the bisexual tendencies of a large number of people.

Why is heterosexuality the only correct one

Many scientists have tried to uncover the mystery of human sexuality. Some were inclined to believe that all people at birth are bisexual. This was claimed, for example, by Freud and Kinsey. And ostensibly during adolescence and upbringing, people violently adhered to a group of heterosexuals. However, if one discards the difference between a person and an animal (upbringing, culture, reason), then the human individual will become like an animal. And here lies the answer to the most important question about natural sexuality! Can you imagine that between the two cocks suddenly had a sexual relationship? Hardly. And what will happen if one rabbit is planted in one cage to another rabbit, and to a rabbit - another's rabbit? In 97% of this experience will have sad consequences ... But the introduction of different sexes to each other, especially during the period of the excited state of the female, will be perceived by them as we expect from them. Consequently, in animals in their environment the issue of homosexuality or bisexuality practically does not arise. From this we can conclude that people have come to homosexual and bisexual relationships not in connection with the call of nature, but in spite of it. A heterogeneous orientation is a natural instinct of procreation.

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