Self improvementPsychology

Inference is a reasonable judgment

We acquire new knowledge in the process of cognition of reality. Some of them we get as a result of the impact of the objects of the world around us on the senses. But the main part of information we take by extracting new knowledge from those that already exist. That is, making certain conclusions or conclusions.

Inferences are a common verbal form, through which indirectly, and not on the basis of observations, objects and their relations are singled out and denoted. It is very important that the conclusion be correct. Only in this case the conclusions will be correct. In order for this requirement to be fulfilled, it is necessary that the reasoning be built according to the laws of logic and certain rules.

Logical conclusions

To verify the correctness of the conclusion, it is necessary to study the subject in detail and to compare the idea of it with a general opinion. But this requires not passive contemplation, but practical activity that influences the thing. In addition, inference is a judgment derived logically. Together they form a logical figure - a syllogism. A logical judgment is made on the basis of a model of evidence and preliminary conclusions, and not on the basis of direct observation.

Unconscious reasoning

This term was invented by H. Helmholtz. In this case, the word "inference" is a metaphor, since it is assumed that the conclusion is made not according to the result, but unconsciously. The subject seems to argue, but in reality there is an unconscious perceptual process. But since this process is unconscious, conscious efforts can not affect it. That is, even if the subject understands that his perception is erroneous, he can not change his judgment and perceive the event in a different way.

Conditional judgments

A chain conditional conclusion is a conditional proposition, interconnected in such a way that the second proposition follows from the first. Any proposition includes premises, conclusions and conclusions. Parcels are the starting point, a new judgment is derived from them. The conclusion is obtained logically from the premises. Conclusion is a logical transition from premises to conclusion.

Types of inference

Distinguish between demonstrative and non-demonstrative inferences. In the first case, the conclusion is made on the basis of the logical law. In the second case, the rules allow a possible outflow of the conclusion from the premises.

In addition, the reasoning is classified according to the direction of the logical sequence, according to the degree of connection between the knowledge expressed in the premises and the conclusion. There are the following types of inferences: deductive, inductive and inferences by analogy.

Inductive reasoning is based on the method of research, the main purpose of which is to analyze the movement of knowledge from the judgment of the particular to the general. In this case, induction is a specific logical form that reflects the ascent of thought from less general positions to more general ones.

Inductive reasoning is an experimental observation that can be checked immediately. That is, this method is simpler and more affordable than deduction.

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