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Indoor plants that bring disaster into the house. Folk signs

After reading this article, you can find out which houseplants bring misfortune into the house. The superstitions associated with them were formed over a long time under the influence of real cases that occurred with some people, and passed down from generation to generation.

Despite the fact that most biologists with sarcasm refer to such beliefs, whether or not they believe in their validity, you must decide on your own, because even psychologists say that when choosing plants in a house, one should not be guided by superstitions, but trust one's own sensations.

Do not forget that there are houseplants that bring disaster into the house for justified reasons - many of them are poisonous, and some cause severe allergic reactions.

Basic data

The main superstitions associated with indoor plants are based on their deaths. So, for example, if a plant dies, it is believed that it has caused misfortune from the owner, and the view that stolen flowers better take root destroyed a lot of beautiful plants from which the cuttings were separated without the consent of the owners.

There are signs that there are houseplants bringing misfortunes to the house, they were formed only with respect to the most popular domestic plants. As for the species that recently appeared in flower shops, such as orchids, they simply did not yet have time to deserve a negative attitude towards themselves. In this case it is likely that in a few decades they will "acquire" their own perceptions.

Below are the most famous houseplants that bring misfortune, the omens of which are often extremely contradictory.


In the Middle Ages in Greece and Rome ivy was not only a symbol of devotion, but also acted as one of the most common talismans for young girls. It was believed that it symbolizes not only the possibility of successful marriage, but also allows the proprietor to maintain a youthful and attractive appearance for a long time. To do this, it was enough to just wear a twig of ivy on the chest.

As for the present, in the East it is believed that it increases the life energy of the owner, prolonging his life. At the same time in the post-Soviet territories there is an opinion that ordinary ivy, massively distributed in the southern regions, attracts misfortune into the house. In addition, it is not recommended to put in the home of the newlyweds, as he is able to cause discord in the families and quarrels, as a result of which men leave their families.

It is noteworthy that ivy is not recommended by the followers of the philosophy of feng shui, who claim that this plant, like most curly, can take energy and love from home.


Ficus was considered one of the most pronounced symbols of well-being even before the war. It was believed that he attracts wealth to the family. That is why this plant sought to get even the poorest sections of the population. However, after the war, the attitude towards him changed radically. The people began to actively propagate the opinion that in those families where men survived and returned from the war, there were no ficuses.

Since people called it a "widower's plant," for a short time after him, fame was firmly established and most of the chic specimens of these plants were mercilessly destroyed.


Monstera is a fast-growing liana with carved leaves. In China, it is customary to give it to respected elderly people, since it is believed that it is capable of affecting the increase in the number of days allotted to a person for life. Because of this sign, there it is considered a wonderful gift for almost any holiday. However, the superstitions of people about the maintenance of monsters in the house are completely different from the Chinese ones. There is an opinion that this is one of the most dangerous plants-vampires, absorbing human energy, because of what people become sluggish and apathetic. In addition, it is not recommended to have it in families where there are people with a sick heart or lung problems, since at night it can "strangle" a person.

But the monster can be put in a public place, where a lot of negative energy is accumulated, for example, in court. There, she not only will please you with her appearance, but will also consume excess negative energy.


The opinion of the "mystical" fern plant , whose flower has long been sought on the night of Ivan Kupala, is quite contradictory. So, in some parts it is believed that by bringing ferns into the house, you will bring along with it trouble and, as long as the plant will be in it, various misfortunes will be attracted to you. However, in other places it is believed that the fern, on the contrary, protects the family from the evil that other people are doing, and all evil forces. It is believed that if the fern suddenly withered, then it took on the spoilage directed against the owner of the dwelling.


There is a widespread superstition that if you keep a violet (senpolia) in the house of a girl living in it, you will never get to marry for love. In fact, this plant is considered an invariable cause of female loneliness, a girl can and remain alone until old age. In addition, it is not recommended to keep violets in the house because the female part of the family may have various diseases of the reproductive system.


It is believed that this plant has such a powerful energy that it easily suppresses the human biofield, having a powerful negative impact on the health of people who are daily in close proximity to it. People who have him at home are often seriously ill. Despite the fact that to date there is no scientific evidence of this fact, if you still decide to have a cyperus in the house, be sure to listen to your health.


There are a lot of plants that are not worth starting in the house from the emotional-psychological point of view. These houseplants, bringing misfortune to the house, received from people the name "plant muzhegony."

Usually, in this category, except for the above described ivy, fall:

  • Scindapsus is one of the most popular species of tropical lianas. It is believed that she not only brings quarrels into the house and is the culprit of divorce, but also "expels" all the men from the family, including even sons and grandchildren.
  • Cissus - as well as scindapsus, belongs to the category of plants that directly affect the fact that men leave families. In addition, cissus is considered to be a real magnet for attracting unhappiness to the family.
  • Hibiscus - it is not recommended to get it unmarried women, because their personal life begins to deteriorate, and the lover can sooner or later go to another.
  • Hoya - it is believed that this plant can not only "drive" a man out of the house, but also to live it from the light.
  • Tradescantia - in the house where this plant is located, marriage can soon collapse.

Signs associated with the coloring of flowers

As a rule, nothing terrible signs associated with flowers, do not herald. Often, the flowers that bring misfortune to the house are also divided according to the color. For example:

  • White flowers symbolize purity and innocence. That's why there is a belief that the wedding for the newlyweds is better to give flowers of this color.
  • Red flowers symbolize passion and love.
  • Yellow flowers foreshadow a fast parting.
  • Blue flowers are accepted to give to close people, as they symbolize sincerity and kindness.


Do not rush to throw away your favorite flowers only for the reason that someone told you that these are houseplants bringing misfortune to the house. Of course, believing or not believing in such statements is a private matter for every person, but first of all you should trust your own feelings.

Even if you are personally acquainted with people whose life did not work out for some reason and in their house just were some of the plants listed in this article - this does not mean that people suffered exactly From their negative influence. After all, for most countries are characteristic of their own associated with plants folk characters.

Room flowers should be selected in the house only in view of your taste preferences, because first of all they should please you with their appearance and cheer up.

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