EducationThe science

The main differences between humans and animals

What distinguishes man from an animal? There are many differences, but above all, it's his brain. This is the main difference between a person and an animal. Our brain is about 3 times larger in volume than the brain of a chimpanzee, the nearest "relative" from the animal kingdom to us. In addition, there are other differences between a person and an animal. This, for example, is the ability to move on two legs. Thanks to this ability, a man was able to release two other limbs that he used for a variety of activities, resulting in an increase in the flexibility of the brush and fine motor skills, which, in turn, as many scientists believe, allowed the brain to develop. By the way, a monkey can not perform such an action, as, for example, insert a thread in a needle, no matter how they tried to teach this simple, in our opinion, action. There are still some differences between a man and an animal. For example, people have a fairly well-developed speech, which is able to convey quite accurately a thought.

People for many years of their existence have never been able to establish any contacts with "brothers in mind" on Earth. We can not even imagine what a domestic dog or ants that can lead a complexly organized collective life can "think" about. A person thinks that he is the only thinking kind on the planet. Maybe it is. At least we know that people are endowed with the ability to think about things very far from their immediate physiological needs, aimed at survival. Such abilities are associated with abstract thinking. Using this ability, people created civilization, developed a culture, studied distant planets, wrote wonderful pictures, poems, music, built beautiful cities, could defeat many diseases, cold and hunger.

The biosphere as a biological system has properties associated with self-regulation. However, sometimes a person is against the laws of nature. Wildlife can feed the number of people about a thousand times less than it now lives on planet Earth.

In practice, we are well aware of the difference between a person and an animal. However, which mechanisms to use, in order to determine who is in front of us - a person or representative of the animal world, it is not so easy to formulate. In the animal kingdom, a huge variety of species and genera is observed, and "Homo sapiens" is only one of the species. Thus, it turns out that the concept of "animals" is broader, since it includes the concept of "man"!

Nevertheless, these differences distinguish man from animal:

  1. Man creates for himself an environment, transforming and changing the natural environment. Animal can only adapt to the conditions of nature.
  2. A person changes the world, not only in accordance with his needs, but also according to the laws of his knowledge, as well as morality and beauty. The animal changes the world, focusing only on satisfying its physiological needs.
  3. Human needs are constantly growing and changing. The needs of the animal are almost unchanged.
  4. Man evolves on biological and socio-cultural programs. Behavior of animals is subject only to instincts.
  5. A person is conscious of his life activity. An animal does not have consciousness and follows only instincts.
  6. Man creates products of material and spiritual culture, creates, creates. The animal does not create anything new and does not produce anything.
  7. Man as a result of his activities transforms himself, his abilities, changes needs, living conditions. Animals actually do not change anything in themselves, or in external living conditions.

These are the main differences between a person and an animal.

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