HealthDiseases and Conditions

Typhoid Abdominal: Symptoms and Treatment of Disease

Typhus is a disease that is caused by salmonella. If the source of the disease will be affected by negative factors, such as the protective reaction of the body itself or the action of antimicrobial drugs, then Salmonella is able to transform and long exist in the cells of the sick person. Thus, the disease takes a prolonged course, there may be frequent relapses.

Typically, typhoid, whose symptoms may not manifest, is transmitted from the carrier of the disease. The most dangerous persons are those in whom typhus is in a chronic stage. It is transferred with water, with food and with everyday contact with a sick person. The most often ill patients are young people and middle-aged people. Typhoid fever, the symptoms of which can be initially and not noticeable, can cause epidemics. Like any intestinal diseases, typhus is most active in summer and autumn. When salmonella enters the intestine, it enters the lymph nodes, which in turn leads to inflammation. From the lymph nodes Salmonella enters the blood, which carries it throughout the body. At the same time, some of the pathogens die, and the human body responds by extracting endotoxin. Typhoid fever, the symptoms of which at this stage have not yet manifested itself in full, thus, gives the first signals about the disease - the state of intoxication of the body.

If the situation worsens, then toxic shock may occur. In the body, salmonella is introduced into the parenchyma, it forms granulomas and disrupts the functions of the tissue. After about a week, the phase of excretory excretion into the external environment begins, sometimes in very large quantities. If typhoid is abdominal, the symptoms of the disease, in the first place, can be observed in the stomach itself. There is a gradual process: first the lymph nodes of the intestine swell, then die and go away, after which ulcers are formed, which then heal. Usually, after a month the body produces specific immunity, the internal environment of the body is restored , which is released from the pathogen. Typhoid fever, the symptoms of which are well studied, does not cause difficulties in diagnosis. At the very beginning of the illness, the patient rises high fever, he feels very weak, quickly grows thin.

As a complication, many patients experience insomnia and headache, stool disorders. On examination, doctors usually note the following symptoms indicating typhoid fever. Patients seem to be inhibited in communication, they are inactive, the skin is pale, blood pressure is lowered. In the lungs, rales can be heard, the tongue is swollen, with a grayish touch on the edges. If the doctor suspects typhoid fever, the symptoms should be backed up and analyzed. Usually, a clinical blood test is made, in which the leukocyte formula is shifted to the left, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is increased. In the second week, the temperature rises significantly (it can be stably high for one to two weeks), a fever appears. If the disease is in severe form, then patients can rave, rush into fever, hallucinate. Some people are disturbed by consciousness. In the future on the body of the patient appear spots of pink color (roseola), which then increase in quantity with the growth of the disease. With proper treatment of the disease, after about twenty to twenty-five days the symptoms subside, however, in ten percent of cases, patients may experience a relapse of typhoid.

In the treatment of typhoid fever, an important place is taken by further prevention. After all, five percent of all cases for the rest of their lives remain carriers of the disease, which means they continue to excrete typhus. In order not to suffer from the disease again, you need to control the purity of water sources, keep the sewer clean, control the food we eat. It is very important to perform all hygienic procedures - wash your hands before meals, after the street, after the toilet, contact with animals. Observing all these requirements, the chances of contracting typhoid fever are minimal.

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