HealthDiseases and Conditions

Signs of food poisoning

We are all used to buying products in a hurry, not paying attention to the date of their production and the period of implementation. We begin to think about our own health only when we feel unwell after eating an overdue sausage or fish, and our gastrointestinal tract can not cope with the assimilation of the spoiled food product. Signs of food poisoning can not be confused with anything else, because only in this case, diarrhea and vomiting, aches and pains in the muscles and other unpleasant symptoms can be observed simultaneously.

What is poisoning? This is an intoxication of the body and a violation of its normal functioning due to the ingress of poison or toxins into it. Causes may include eating past-due and poor-quality products, mushrooms or unripe potatoes, as well as foods that contain metal salts and chemical elements.

Signs of food poisoning:

  1. nausea and vomiting,
  2. Diarrhea, indigestion ,
  3. temperature increase,
  4. stomach ache,
  5. Increased heart rate,
  6. Lowering of blood pressure,
  7. Muscle cramps
  8. fainting.

All listed signs of food poisoning must be remembered.

Poisoning with food is very dangerous, so do not hope that everything goes by itself, and as soon as possible, you need to call an ambulance. Only doctors can make the right decision and write out the necessary drugs. In severe cases, the poisoned person is sent for hospitalization.

Acute food poisoning - how to avoid it? First, pay attention to the packaging of the product. If the lid is swollen, and the jar is crumpled or without a label, you can not consume such products for food. With mushrooms, you should be especially careful - unfamiliar, wormy, damaged, you can not eat, even after a good heat treatment. Greenish potatoes are not allowed, sprouted need to be cleaned thoroughly, cutting a thick layer of skin with sprouts. Food with a high content of acid (for example, sauerkraut or pickled cucumbers) can not be stored in a container that is covered with glaze, made of clay, as well as in damaged enamel or galvanized dishes.

Now let's talk about each provocateur poisoning separately.


The reason for going to the hospital is often served by them. Often people confuse edible with inedible and therefore, if you doubt the knowledge of mushrooms, it is better not to risk and do not prepare unknown varieties. Signs of food poisoning, namely fungi in this case, can also be supplemented by headache, tinnitus and loss of consciousness. To help a person, you need to induce vomiting, give a drink of milk and a few tablets of activated charcoal. Be sure to call an ambulance.

Meat venom

Canned, smoked or mayonnaise may contain butolotoxin poison, which results from the expiration of the product's shelf life. Poisoning with this poison has very serious consequences, up to a lethal outcome. Act in this case should be the same as for poisoning with mushrooms.

In general, in food, especially in those that have an animal origin (in eggs, meat, milk), many harmful, pathogenic bacteria called salmonella can be present. The poisoning caused by them can cause vomiting, severe diarrhea and acute pain in the abdomen. The patient should in this case give the tablets of activated charcoal, based on his weight, and call an ambulance team. Therefore, it is only necessary to purchase meat and other animal products from trusted suppliers and in stores equipped with refrigerating chambers. Meat, eggs and milk, bought in the summer in the heat of the market, can become a source of trouble. Be carefull!

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