HealthDiseases and Conditions

Hemorrhoids: stages of a serious illness

Varicose veins of the rectum are designated in medicine by the term "hemorrhoids". The stages of the disease change each other, and this can occur unnoticed for the patient. The increase in cavernous vessels often occurs without any special symptoms, and typical manifestations of the disease occur at so-called risk factors-weight lifting, physical exertion, during labor (of course, this applies to women). All this can provoke hemorrhoids. Stages (four in total) are characterized by a whole set of characteristics.

Internal hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoidal nodes slightly enlarged. They can be seen in the lumen of the rectum with the help of special devices, but the signs of the disease are minimal at the same time. These include mild discomfort during defecation, bloating, periodic pain. Since such symptoms occur in other ailments, it is difficult for a person to guess that he has hemorrhoids. The initial stage (the photo can be viewed in any medical reference book) is also characterized by single bleeding from the anus. If you managed to "catch" the disease at an early stage, getting rid of it will be quite simple - using sclerotherapy. The procedure takes only a couple of minutes, is easily tolerated and does not cause even the slightest discomfort: in a week you will forget about what hemorrhoids are.

Stages 2 nd and 3 rd

If you start the disease, over time, unpleasant sensations will only increase: itching and burning in the anus are increasing every day. The same applies to bleeding: they are no longer associated with defecation and can begin when lifting weights, increasing blood pressure. In the course of visiting the restroom, hemorrhoids can drop out , so some patients at this stage are marked with so-called psychogenic constipation. This leads to the progression of hemorrhoids. To help the patient, infrared coagulation, latex ring ligation, as well as desarterization operation can be carried out in time. The first two procedures are done by the course, and surgical intervention is performed under local anesthesia and lasts about half an hour. It should be noted that the treatment is painless, the earlier it is possible to identify hemorrhoids. Stages 3 and 4 are very difficult. To solve the problem at these stages, you have to spend a lot of time and money. The nodes thus fall out involuntarily and do not retract back. The pain excruciates the person constantly, the itch in an anus prevents to conduct a habitual way of life. Help can only surgery - excision of nodes or stitching feeding vessels. Otherwise, serious complications are possible.

Acute hemorrhoids

In the last, fourth, stage, the nodes are not corrected, the anus gaping, the mucous membrane of the rectum is clearly visible. The tone of the sphincter is reduced to such an extent that the feces depart involuntarily, the surrounding tissues are irritated, covered with numerous erosions. Unfortunately, many patients consult a doctor only when they have completely started the hemorrhoids. Stages, treatment - all this is not so important, only emergency surgical intervention can help.

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