
Loss of consciousness - every person must help the victim.

Loss of consciousness is one of the most common ailments that can affect even an apparently healthy person. Talk about the loss of consciousness is possible only if the person has no motor activity, he does not respond to treatment and does not perceive the surrounding reality. About a third of the world's population experienced this condition at least once in their lives, about three percent are forced to constantly lose consciousness for any physiological reasons

general information

In fact, loss of consciousness is an acute special form of cerebral vascular insufficiency, which is characterized by the violation of any nervous activity. Its cause is the lack of arterial blood flow to the brain, so that the body's response to the surrounding world is significantly reduced or completely disappears, the person ceases to feel his own body.

Causes of loss of consciousness

There are many reasons for the loss of consciousness, but in any case it always happens when the brain is damaged. Most often this condition occurs with head trauma, sudden hemorrhage, as a result of electrical injury or poisoning. Also, the cause may be bleeding, heart disease, shock. It was noted that the work of the body is significantly influenced by the temperature regime - if the air temperature is too much different from the usual (room), then there is overheating or hypothermia, which in turn causes vasospasm.

To cause loss of consciousness can also accompanying diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus or fever, arrhythmia. With poor health, you should not drink alcohol and drugs that negatively affect the work of the heart and brain. Sometimes loss of consciousness, the causes of which can be very diverse, becomes a side effect of taking any medications, but in this case, the medication should be stopped immediately. Causes of loss of consciousness can be very diverse, sometimes they are associated with the individual characteristics of a particular organism.

Symptoms of this condition

As a rule, loss of consciousness does not apply to suddenly developing states. Long before the onset of brain failure, a person can notice dizziness, a feeling of faintness, ringing in the ears, severe weakness, sweating is observed. Sometimes an isolated sign of loss of consciousness can be an increase in intestinal peristalsis or numbness of the extremities.

The process itself usually does not take much time, loss of consciousness most often lasts a few seconds. It all starts with a sudden pallor, lowering blood pressure, which leads to a decrease in muscle tone. Because of this, the person's eyes are closed, he falls, unable to maintain the former position in space. After a few seconds the patient begins to recover, opens his eyes, heart activity and blood supply of all parts of the brain resumes.

First aid

Each of us should be prepared for the fact that at any time a person from our environment may experience loss of consciousness, first aid in this case must be provided immediately. First of all, you need to take care of the prevention of choking - put the patient on his back and turn his head to the side, so that the tongue does not fall. If there are appropriate medical skills and incentive funds are available, an injection can be made to stimulate vascular tone, but it is advisable to do this only if the loss of consciousness is delayed.

In any case, loss of consciousness is an indication for a visit to a neurologist, especially if the seizures are observed quite often and without apparent causes.

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