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A bristle in a newborn is true or fiction?

Many parents of infants, especially children up to three months of age, often noted the occurrence of frequent and unmotivated cases of anxiety of the baby. The child begins to creep, bend and turn from side to side, lying on the back. Most often, the cause of this concern is the so-called baby bristle. Let's try to answer the question together and find out what is the bristle in newborns and how to get rid of it?

If you hold the back of the hand on the back of the baby in the direction from the head to the ass and back - you can feel small hairs that resemble a soft brush. These hairs are nothing but glued together primary hairs. Also in these glued hairs can be found the exfoliated cells and secret secreted by the sebaceous glands.

Often a bristle in babies goes by itself while observing the rules of hygiene and when applying a baby cream to the skin after each bath.

However, it also happens that the bristle bothers the child and gives him a lot of inconvenience. In this case, it is not necessary to wait for the moment when the bristles of children pass naturally. There are many ways to get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon. All these methods are passed from one generation to another and are related to folk medicine. It is believed that the bristle in newborns appears in the event that the mother of the baby, being in the position, offended the cat or dog. Modern medicine categorically does not recognize and rejects such a concept as a bristle.

Some young mothers manage to pluck these hairs with tweezers while feeding the baby. Such procedures lead to the fact that the baby begins to cry impetuously, experiencing pain from the manipulations performed.

In fact, the bristle in newborns is easily excreted when visiting a bath. The baby's calf is washed, and the skin is warmed up a little. Skin crumbs at the same time warms up and acquires a pinkish color. After warming up they proceed to the following actions:

  1. Opara. Freshly gently and gently rub the body of the baby in the back area. After that, the back is covered with gauze and left for a couple of minutes. Then the baby is rinsed with clean water, swaddled and carried home. After some time, the diaper in which the child is wrapped is removed. It can be found that most of the bristles remained on the surface of the diaper.
  2. Dough. Mix a steep dumpling batter into which flour and mother's milk are added. The test also rubs the baby's back and covers the body with gauze. After a couple of minutes, the back is rinsed with water. The baby is wrapped in a diaper and taken to the house. After a while, the diaper is opened, most of the bristles remain on the diaper.
  3. Bread crumb . Bread crumb, preferably rye bread, is moistened with breast milk, after which I start slowly rolling along the back. The hairs are wound and glued to the crumb, after which they come off. This method is a kind of soft and gentle depilation.

After that, the bristle of newborns has disappeared, many mothers are surprised to note the fact that the baby began to sleep longer and more calmly.

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