HealthDiseases and Conditions

What diseases can be caused by shingling pain under the ribs.

What is pain? It is unlikely that a person without medical education will be able to give a correct definition of this symptom. In fact, this is a physical or mental discomfort that violates a person's habitual life.

Physical pain occurs as a result of traumatization or over-stimulation of nerve receptors or trunks. In response to this irritation, the nerve sends an impulse to the brain, which forms the reaction - pain.

What can be caused by shingling pain under the ribs?

  1. Chronic or acute pancreatitis is an inflammatory process of the pancreas, characterized by changes in its parenchyma and a violation of the endocrine function. Pain occurs as a result of an inflammatory reaction - the infiltrate squeezes the nerve endings. With pancreatitis, it has a clear connection with the consumption of food, especially meat. Sometimes people try not to eat anything at all, tk. It brings them relief. In addition to the pain syndrome, patients complain of dyspeptic disorders of the digestive system: bloating and rumbling of the abdomen, nausea and vomiting, violation of the act of defecation.
  2. Shingles under the ribs may have cardiac origin. For example, with total myocardial infarction, when the majority of the heart muscle is affected, there is pain radiating to the left subcostal area, left shoulder blade and back. She has a stabbing dagger character, accompanied by a sharp deterioration in overall well-being, loss of consciousness. Thus there is a cold sticky sweat. Patients report a violation of sensitivity in the area of the left arm, leg, trunk.
  3. Perhaps the pain under the ribs in the middle is neuralgia, not the pathology of the internal organs. Often patients are not able to differentiate superficial pains from deep ones. However, they have one very important difference: neuralgia or inflammation of nerve endings occurs after taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and deep pains do not.
  4. Shinging pain under the ribs can also occur with LADD - a disease characterized by the formation of stones in the cavity of the gallbladder or ducts. If a person begins an attack of hepatic colic, it arises predominantly in the right subcostal area, and then can spread to the back and stomach. These pains are very hard to tolerate by patients because of their intense nature and poor susceptibility to medication.
  5. Diseases of the lungs and pleura can cause pain under the ribs from behind, in the region of the scapulae. Most often, such a symptom is accompanied by pneumonia, pleurisy, pulmonary abscess and tuberculosis. A distinctive feature of these diseases is that, in addition to pain, they are always characterized by symptoms of impaired lung function: a cough, sputum or blood-purulent discharge, dyspnea.
  6. With ulcers of the stomach or the 12th intestine, shingles under the ribs may also appear. Most often, this happens when an infectious agent is attached or complications are formed. The peptic ulcer pain can also be felt in astenichnyh people.
  7. Diseases of the kidneys and the urinary system are often characterized by the appearance of pain, radiating to the rib arc region. However, most often the pain is clearly localized and only when the inflammatory process is generalized, the formation of subcapsular abscesses, it can be projected under the ribs.

It should be noted that it is very difficult to independently conduct a differential diagnosis of pain to an incompetent person. It is best to entrust this matter to specialists, i.e. Consult a doctor. After all, often the pain is not an initial, but a terminal symptom. In such situations, emergency care is required for patients.

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