Education, The science
How did the Earth originate and life on it?
There were many hypotheses and assumptions, and with each era, depending on the accumulated knowledge, one or another assumption of the great minds of that time became topical.
A question of all times
The question of how the Earth was born and life on it, excited the human mind throughout its existence. From the moment he learned to think and speak, in the distant past he began to reflect on his origin and everything around him.
Not understanding the forces of nature and seeing the mighty power of various elements, people reckoned what is happening to the divine manifestations. All this is reflected in the myths of various ancient peoples that have come down to us.
Representations of the Ancient World
For example, the ancient Egyptians believed that the planet originated from a sacred egg, created by the god Khnum from ordinary clay. According to the beliefs of the Greeks, everything happened from the original Chaos, filled with water, earth, air and fire. Everything rotated, mixed, and at a certain moment the planet Gaeus was born. Together with her, the god of Heaven, Uranus, was created. Together they worked for a long time over filling the space with a different life.
How did the Earth originate? What did they think about in ancient China?
A similar myth existed on the territory of ancient China. Chaos Hun-t'un, which contained a mixture of land, water, wood, metal and fire, flew through the infinite universe until the god Pan-Gu was born. Looking around, he saw emptiness and darkness. This greatly saddened him. Gathered and thought, he broke the shell of Chaos and freed Yin and Yang. Yin descended and formed the Earth, and Ian turned into the sky.
Modern hypotheses
In the modern world, as the Earth was born, explains Schmidt's popular cosmogonic hypothesis. It is known as the theory of the cold formation of planets of the solar system from a gas-dust cloud. The hypothesis of the scientist for today explains more fully how the planet Earth and other components of the cosmos was born.
This process had two stages, first from the gas-dust cloud formed intermediate bodies, about a hundred kilometers in size. Then, under the action of gravitational forces, large objects combined, attracting others, smaller ones. After the formation of the planets, they acquired orbits in the plane of the gas-dust cloud. The heating was due to a strong squeezing and collision with other large objects in the emerging solar system. What was the value of the Schmidt hypothesis? It is this approach that made it possible to explain how the Earth was born and what is the regularity of the distribution of planetary masses over the solar system.
The narrative using Schmidt's theory of how the Earth was born will be a fascinating and simple method for learning about the world around for children.
Time of appearance of life on the planet
After a strong warming-up, in the process of compression, the period of cooling of the planets and the newly formed bodies of our system came. And after about five hundred million years, the surface cooled to temperatures when the water could be in a liquid state. According to scientists, during the intensive bombardment of comets, water was introduced.
In a cooled atmosphere, condensation of water vapor formed the primary ocean. It was during this period that the process of the appearance of the first living organisms began in the aquatic environment.
The hypothesis is confirmed, but there are many questions
The question of how life originated on Earth has been raised repeatedly, and there is no clear answer to it. There is a universally recognized theory of the biochemical evolution of Oparin, proposed to the learned world in 1924. The essence of this hypothesis is that the appearance of living organisms was preceded by a prolonged chemical evolution. In the course of a number of conditions and time, the chemical elements-the "bricks" of the building material of the living organism-become more complicated.
The young American scientist Stanley Miller undertook to prove the theory of Oparin in 1953. He reproduced in the glass flask the conditions and composition of gases that are close enough to the state and composition of the Earth of that period. One of the additional conditions was the transmission of electric charges, some imitation of lightning discharges in the young atmosphere of the planet. The experiment lasted for a week.
However, despite the fact that the theory was partly confirmed, there are opinions about other versions of how life began on Earth. The version about panspermia is quite popular. Its essence lies in the fact that certain proto- organisms or microorganisms were brought from outer space. A number of experiments prove that microorganisms can survive a long time in extreme conditions and airless space.
There are many opinions, but the fact is obvious
Along with other hypotheses, there is a theory of creationism. In fact, it assumes that all living organisms were created in a certain period of time by God, the Higher Reason or the Great Cosmic Force. There is no scientific confirmation of this theory. However, this hypothesis is quite widespread not only in religious circles, but also in scientific circles. It is used to explain the most complex issues of biochemical and biological evolution, the formation of organelles and organs, such as the eyes.
Whatever the hypothesis about how the Earth was born and how life appeared on our planet, we are a direct proof of the possibility of the existence of biological life in the universe.
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