
Cheap analogue of "Lymphomyosot". Instruction, indications for use

Modern pharmacology offers every consumer a huge list of medicines. Different drugs can be used for the same disease. If their composition is the same, then you can call such funds structural analogs. Also, generics can differ with different active substances, but at the same time have an identical effect on the body. Today's article will tell you about the drug "Lymphomyosot". Analogues, features of use and testimony will be presented to your attention.

Description of the preparation: composition, form of production and method of use

Before you find out what kind of analogue of "Lymphomyosot" you can choose, you should familiarize yourself with the original drug. Medication refers to homeopathic remedies. It contains mineral, vegetable and animal additives. Among them are the following: geranium, pine, fog, spider venom, pharmacy veronica, dubrovnik, walnut, horsetail, forget-me-not, gentian, norichnik, nasturtium, sarsaparilla, salts, calcium phosphate, iron, levothyroxine. The effect of the drug is due to the components that make up its composition. The cost of a medicine depends on its kind.

The drug is produced in three dosage forms: tablets (up to 800 rubles), drops (500-800 rubles for 30 ml) and injection (600 rubles for 5 ampoules). Abstract recommends the use of the following doses of homeopathic remedy:

  • Tablets are placed under the tongue until completely dissolved, the dose is set individually (not recommended for young children);
  • Tincture is used for 10-15 drops for adults and 3-10 for children, taken three times a day;
  • Injections are administered 1-3 times a week (acute situations require daily use) for a whole ampoule for adults and 1 / 6-1 / 2 for children.

Indications for use

Any analogue of "Lymphomyosot" should have the same indications for use. In this case, drugs can be called generics. A homeopathic remedy is prescribed for the treatment of many diseases. His work is due to the components that make up the composition. The drug has anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating, antioxidant, detoxifying action. The drug has a lymphatic drainage and anti-edematous effect, and it can also accelerate the metabolism.

The main indications for use are:

  • Tonsillitis in various forms (acute and chronic, bacterial and viral);
  • Lymphadenitis (cervical, inguinal, in the armpits and so on);
  • Hypertrophy of lymphoid tissue (adenoiditis), including the oclo-pharyngeal ring;
  • Drug and infectious intoxication;
  • Immunodeficiency states caused by different causes;
  • diabetes;
  • Swelling, including lymphatic;
  • Tumors of various types (benign and malignant);
  • Somatic disorders, asthenia;
  • Skin allergic diseases and pathology of ENT organs.

Do not use medicine with increased sensitivity to components and during an exacerbation of thyroid gland diseases. In such cases, it is advisable to choose an analogue of "Lymphomyosot". The substitute, in turn, can be cheaper or more expensive. Let's consider some of them.

Homeopathic remedy "Tonzilgon"

The analogue of "Lymphomyosot", which is often preferred by consumers, is Tonzilgon. This medication also applies to homeopathic remedies. Available in the form of drops and tablets. It costs a drug 450 rubles - a solution and 400 rubles. - Pills. We can say that this is a cheap analogue of "Lymphomyosot", but the composition of the preparations is different. The basis of the medicine "Tonzilgon" was: the root of the althaea, chamomile, horsetail, yarrow, walnut, dandelion and oak bark.

Indications for the use of this drug are infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract: tonsillitis in various forms, pharyngitis, adenoiditis. The drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, accelerates the regeneration of lymphoid tissue. Children are allowed to take pills only from the age of 6. Drops are used from year.

Plant complex "Lymphosan"

Different has "Lymphomyosot" analogs. In Russia, a substitute called Lymphosan is widely used. This drug is produced in Novosibirsk by the company "Siberian Health". The cost of the medicine is about 300 rubles for a 90-gram package. This remedy is not a medicine, it is recognized as a biologically active additive to food. The action that it has is largely expressed in a cumulative effect. The medicine removes inflammation, improves tissue regeneration, eliminates intoxication. The composition has an antiparasitic effect, a laxative effect. The drug removes toxins, improves the performance of all organs and systems.

The manufacturer offers several types of its products, so the range of application of this tool is quite wide. It is used to treat immune and somatic diseases, intoxication and inflammation, heart and liver pathologies, urological ailments. A medication is prescribed for the treatment of ENT diseases. The composition of the product contains only plant components.

Immunomodulator "Lycopid"

If there is any intolerance to any component, then recommends changing the drug "Lymphomyosot" instruction. Analogues are selected with another active substance. More often the preference is given to medicines, instead of homeopathies. In some way, a substitute for the herbal preparation "Lymphomyosot" can be called "Likopid" tablets. They produce an immunostimulating effect, increase the activity of capillary cells. The drug is used for acute and chronic infections of the respiratory tract, hepatitis, herpes, psoriasis, pathologies of ENT organs, hypertrophy of lymphoid tissue (tonsils and adenoids).

The cost of tablets intended for children is not more than 300 rubles. The drug for adults is more expensive - about 1500-2000 rubles. The composition contains the main active substance called glucosaminylmuramyl dipeptide.

Drops of Nott

To replace the drug "Lymphomyosot" with certain indications can be the composition of "Nota". This is a homeopathic remedy, which includes the following components: sowing oats, chamomile, phosphorus, zinc valeryanate and coffee tree extract. This drug is worth an average of 200 rubles. It has a tranquilizing, calming, sedative effect. The medication improves sleep, increases psycho-emotional stability, is effective for physical and mental stress.

The instructions say that it is used for fear, nervous excitement, anxiety and anxiety. "Nota" is prescribed for attention disorders, as well as for the complex therapy of immunodeficiencies and somatic diseases. It is not recommended for children under three years of age and for individuals with individual intolerance to the components.

Is there an absolute analogue of the drug "Lymphomyosot"?

You already know what preparations in this or that case can replace the composition in question. As it was possible to find out, the components entering into a medicine, differ from the original means.

Often consumers are asking themselves: is there an analogue of "Lymphomyosot" at a more affordable price, but with the same composition? The answer to it will be negative. This medicine is unique in its structure and action. So far, there are no structural analogues of this drug.


Replace the homeopathic remedy "Lymphomyosot" with different formulations that are used for the same indications. But you should not choose an alternative yourself. You just can make a mistake in your preference. Contact your doctor to choose a medicine that will be right for you. Good luck!

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