Spiritual developmentAstrology

The Role of the Planets

To have no information about the role and activity of the planets means not knowing life, living meaninglessly and blindly, that is, leaving your own life to the mercy of fate.

The role of the planets is very great in our life, they lead the signs of the Zodiac, and the signs of the Zodiac guide us. Each planet has its own area of activity, and when it enters into any constellation, according to its sphere of activity, the essence of the Zodiac sign changes: either positive or negative.

It is usually said that there is a more powerful, ideal and exceptional force that guides the entire universe. We call this power God, who leads three, three - seven, seven - twelve. This unique ideal force guides the planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, and they in turn control the stars of the Sun, the Moon and the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and the latter - the twelve signs of the Zodiac.

Each planet has not only the program and field of work, but also the house that it manages, a chair in some kind of Zodiac sign where she rests, she also has a governing planet.

The planets are related to each other by different relationships: some are friendly, others are hostile or neutral. With different dispositions, they relate to each other in different ways, and the fate of a person undergoes a change precisely under their influence. They successfully pass through all the signs of the Zodiac, on a predicted date and without a single delay, no change takes place over millions of years. Thanks to this, we can accurately say in which month, on what day and in which hour in which sign of the Zodiac was or will be the given planet.

Yes, accuracy in the Cosmos is perfect. It is clear that the life of the planet is like our life. If we draw parallels between them and us, we will be able to discover for ourselves a lot of new things.
Each of the planets is also associated with some number that corresponds to the person's birthday. This number by its vibration affects the person and directs him to take the right position, to correct behavior in this situation. In addition, that the signs of the Zodiac guide the planets, they have a direct connection with the person. This relationship is expressed through the palm and podpaltsevyh hillocks. Each of these hillocks is associated with a planet, sends information to it and receives assignments. These connections are realized through the seven planets known to us.

Communication with the planets in humans is also carried out through the lines of the forehead. Each of the seven planets has one line on the human forehead, and these lines also determine its fate. The word Destiny (in Armenian, "bishop") literally means: written on the forehead; It already means that the life of a person is shaded on his forehead, it may not yet be very well manifested in youth, but throughout life the influence of everything that a person has done is visible on his forehead, not a single trifle disappears. The line on the forehead, being in mutual relation with the planet, not only sends information, but also receives information for further actions. Many people do not even believe that there is a destiny, nevertheless, on the foreheads anyone can read the destiny, this is not a secret. In the past, fate along the lines on the forehead was so well read that many did not go out with their forehead open, so that strangers could not read their fate. Those people who had no reason to be afraid, said and until today use the expression "I can go out with my forehead open."

There is not a single line or sign on the human body that is not connected with the planets, or has no intrinsic meaning. At the moment when a person is born, his destiny is established on the basis of his past life and activity. And affirms in the position that the planets took at this moment in relation to each other, because at that moment different planets are in different signs of the Zodiac.

Fate, affirmed at the time of birth, is given for all life, but it may well be changed, because it is related to the person's way of life, with his behavior and level of development.

Undoubtedly, the same phenomenon affects different people on different people, that's why they have different behavior.

One might think that if a person were not born on that day, he would have a different fate. Undoubtedly, this is an absolute truth, but this person must have been born on this day, at this moment, as his destiny is predetermined in accordance with his merits.

When a person is already born, it becomes known which sign of the Zodiac the Sun was at that moment, the mutual disposition of the planets is known, and then one can predict its fate, the program of its coming to the planet Earth and the many properties by which it still has to manifest itself. With the help of data on his birth, one can also find those values of his past life that shaped his essence. It can be recognized with the help of a rising sign. By combining the data on the ascending sign with the data received from the Sun, a person will be able to learn about himself many details and correctly understand himself.

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