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Revitalizing eye system: reviews and facts

Not so long ago, the Tibetan practice called "The Eye of Revival" came out in print and filled the Internet . According to the author, the 5 exercises described in the book are not just a therapeutic gymnast, but a health-improving energy practice. Furthermore, "Oko" has a rejuvenating effect on the entire body, removes problems with the musculoskeletal system. That is why in our century of sedentary work, arthritis and arthrosis, many begin to practice the "Eye of Revival". Reviews about this technique in the network are mostly positive, but there are some negative statements on Internet prosocorts. Let us consider in more detail the pros and cons of the methodology.

Beginners practice the "Eye of Revival" reviews, as a rule, are full of joy and delight. Practitioners with long experience - calmer and weighed, already without enthusiasm. This is understandable and natural, and it is the feedback of practitioners of this system for a long time that are of greatest value. What is this system? First of all, I would like to note that the name "Eye of Revival" is incorrect, and the original name is "The Eye of Revival". Only 1 letter, but this difference. So, the system includes 5 exercises, which are very similar to the practice of yogis, but here more attention is paid to breathing and the flow of energies. Characterizing the "Eye of Revival", the reviews agree that the biggest drawback is human laziness, since it is difficult to show willpower and do 21 repetitions of each of the 5 exercises, in addition, twice a day.

However, each for himself can decide whether it is worth practicing the "Eye of Revival", reviews in fact are far from an indicator and everything is individual. For your reference, let's look briefly at these 5 exercises, which painfully resemble the yoga assans. Negative reviews are poured from those who quit, and as a result, felt a drop in the general energy level and the return of problems with the musculoskeletal system. But, strictly speaking, this is natural, since the "Eye of Revival" is gymnastics. Whatever you say, the essence will not change.

1. In fact, this exercise is a rotation around its axis. Speaking in scientific terms, it coaches the vestibular apparatus. From the esoteric point of view, this is how the right-handed and left-handed energy vortices are harmonized. This exercise is found as a separate practice in dervishes, which rotate until exhausted. Here the direction is important, clockwise.

2. Lying on your back, exhale, press your chin to your chest and then raise your straight legs up. During the ascent - inhale. Lowering his legs, breathing out.

3. Standing on your knees and not closing your hips, put your hands below your back. Exhale and, crouching back, take a deep breath. Returning to the starting position - to exhale.

4. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs, put your hands near your hips so that your fingers look forward, your chin is pressed to your chest. We exhale, inhale the body so that the body is parallel to the ground, the head is thrown back. At the moment of recovery - exhalation, upon returning to the starting position - inhale.

5. The starting position - "lying in the trough", that is, the body rests only on the pads of the toes and hands. We exhale. Then fold the body so that a triangle is formed from the legs, back and floor. Returning to the starting position, exhale.

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