Food and drinkRecipes

Tasty and appetizing meatballs from ground beef: a variety of sauces and fineness of preparation

Without meat dishes, most families can not imagine a full meal. And a decent place among them is quite possible to take meatballs from ground beef. In contrast to cutlets, they are easier to perceive the stomach and are suitable, including for infant feeding. And if you vary the ingredients included in the mince, sauces and gravies, the dish will never get bored and will always have a new tempting taste.

Simply cutlets

Most often, the housewives prepare meatballs from ground beef in tomato sauce. However, it is not necessary to simply fill the workpiece with diluted paste. You can do much more elegantly and get a delicious dish on the way out. To do this, a piece of stale white bread is soaked in milk, squeezed and run through a meat grinder with a half-kilogram of beef, onion, mint leaves, herbs (it is taken to your liking and in sufficient quantity), a clove of garlic and spicy pepper without seeds.

Half a glass of rice is cooked to half the preparedness and mixed with meat. Molded meatballs from ground beef, fried to a crust and folded into a saucepan. For gravy in a spoonful of oil, roast is made from chopped onions and garlic cloves. It is peppered with two shredded tomatoes without skins and selected spices. As the boil, gravy is salted and sweetened with sugar, after which a couple of minutes is kept on the fire. The prepared sauce is filled with meatballs. A dozen minutes they stew under the lid.

Fueling Options

The dish provides a fairly wide foothold for culinary fantasies. For example, you can prepare meatballs from ground beef with gravy from sour cream. For her, 2-3 spoons of butter are melted, a couple of spoons of flour are cooked in it - it is necessary to stir constantly so that no lumps remain. In a separate skillet, until boiling, a 400 gram package of not the most fatty sour cream is heated. How to foam - added flour. Again, vigorous stirring, and the last ingredient is a couple of spoons of tomato paste. Then add salt, pepper, if necessary - water (suddenly the sauce is too thick), and gravy is poured into meat balls.

Good meatballs from ground beef with cream sauce. For him, a bulb is cut and medium sized carrots are rubbed. In melted butter, vegetables are allowed to soften. Then half a glass of tomato juice is added to them. In extreme cases, you can take a paste: five spoonfuls. After boiling in the sauce, three spoons of flour are mixed. A minute later a little liter of warm broth poured in. A quarter of an hour of languishing on the stove - and you can shoot. Finally, the sauce is savored with salt, spices and half a glass of the most fatty cream. It is best to use gravy when the meatballs are baked in the oven.

Hedgehogs with cheese

Your favorite dish can be made even more tempting and tasty. To do this, enough meatballs from ground beef are stuffed with something. The most piquant is obtained with hard cheeses. Minced meat is cooked traditionally, only the onion is not melted with meat, but rubbed on a grater. In addition, the basis is driven by an egg - one for every half a kilo of beef. The stuffing is peppered and salted, if desired, you can season with your favorite spices.

A piece of cheese is cut into cubes (with an edge about a centimeter). The stuffing is sorted into balls. From each one a cake is made, inside of which is placed a cheese slice. Now the cake again rolls into a ball. And meatballs with ground beef and cheese are laid out on a greased sheet. They will be burned for 15 to 20 minutes. Time depends on the size of the hedgehogs. You can serve just like that, but you can with any of the above sauces.

Meatballs from ground beef in oven in Yugoslavian

The first stage of preparation is not much different from previous recipes. The only deviation: in minced meat, not a bulb is melted, but a sweet pepper. You can add and fragrant greens. Meatballs are not fried, but immediately put on a baking sheet in the oven. From above they are covered with foil. After a quarter of an hour, it is removed, and the balls are filled with sauce. To prepare it, combine a glass of sour milk, a melted butter cube, egg yolk and a spoon of cumin, ground to a powdery state. Meatballs from ground beef are brought to a crust in a small heat. If you do not approve too much sour milk, you can replace it with yogurt. But yogurt for this recipe is not suitable.

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