Food and drinkRecipes

Air tararushki on kefir: we cook with pleasure

Have you ever tried a tararushka? The name of the baking, though funny, but the recipe reminds everyone of the famous brushwood. The taste is slightly different. These are air buns or pampushki, you can call whatever you like, which kids really like. The dish came to us from ancient Russia, there it was baked in traditional ovens, delicious pretzels were produced.

Over time, "tararushki" began to be called and children's toys, which were made of clay and wood. However, tararushki on kefir are baked in cooking of the 21st century. Some housewives make yeast dough, then from it mold different figurines or flat cakes and fry. You can bake, and if you do not pour in the sugar, you will get excellent pampushki to the first dish.

The most pleasant thing is that for creating confectionery pretzels you do not need to spend much time and financial investments. Everything is as simple as possible, fast and incomparably delicious. Eat a modern analogue of brushwood in a moment. You can serve it for breakfast with coffee or as a dessert. In any case, you decide. Try it, and you will be satisfied with the result.

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Dough is prepared from a sour milk drink, instead of kefir you can pour fermented milk or curdled milk. In our recipe, kefir with a low fat content of 250 grams is used, one egg, half a dessert spoon of hydrated soda, some sugar and salt will also be needed. Be sure to add vanillin, a couple of spoons of sunflower oil and flour - three glasses.

Step-by-Step Technology

The sour milk drink should be at room temperature (remove from the refrigerator half an hour before cooking). Pour it into a deep container, drive a chicken egg, butter, sprinkle dry mixes (sugar, vanilla, salt). Using a sieve in small portions, add flour and gently mix. As a result, the dough turns out to be soft, elastic and slightly sticky. Cover with a towel or a film and do not touch for 30 minutes.

After the expiration of the time interval, mute the dough once more. If it strongly adheres to the hands, sprinkle more flour. A table or a plaque on which you will form tararushki on kefir, we grease with vegetable oil. Roll the dough into a large rectangular bed, cut into neat rhombuses. In the middle of each piece, make an incision with a knife and twist it. In the saucepan, filled with bubbling oil, we spread our products and fry for a couple of minutes on both sides. Be prepared for the dough to increase in volume. Spread on a paper towel to remove excess fat, and decorate with sugar powder or fresh berries on top.

Soft tararushki on kefir: the recipe with addition of sour cream

The method is identical to the previous one, only for tenderness, we add a little fatty sour cream - 50 grams, butter - 30 grams, as well as a glass of sour milk beverage. You will also need a teaspoon of soda, chicken egg, flour - two glasses, salt, vanilla, sugar. For roasting, take any oil (not less than three hundred grams) and deep kazan. As an ornament, you can choose cheese mass, berries, powder, syrup and other ingredients.

Phased cooking

In the blender, place an egg with vanillin and sugar - twist to a thick mass. We add sour cream, softened butter, soda, kefir, carefully mix and salivate at your discretion. The main thing that soda completely dissolved, you can extinguish with vinegar, otherwise it will be bitter. In the received basis we pour in pieces flour (it is desirable to sift for airiness).

We send the dough to a cold place for about 20-30 minutes. Roll out a thin cake, cut into squares and roll up the shape of the cheesecake. We lower it into boiling oil, do not forget to turn it over so that the tararushki on kefir are evenly fried. In general, everything is ready - served with powdered sugar.

Just remember that fried foods have a high calorie content and are not recommended for daily consumption. To reduce fat, we propose to bake them, we obtain excellent buns. You can prepare Taras on kefir with a filling, for example, cheese, vegetable, fruit, mushroom - as you please. These are the same pies, only much more airy and leaner, as they are made without yeast.

Furnace in oven without using soda

The set of ingredients remains unchanged: a mug of fermented milk product, two eggs, one and a half cups of flour, butter - 50 grams, a large spoonful of sour cream, vanillin, salt and sugar.

Process of step-by-step preparation

Good tararushki on kefir in the oven because they have a low calorie content and do not contain soda - a solid health benefit. We prepare the delicacy: in a deep container we pour all the flour (just sift), make a groove in it and add whipped eggs with sugar, sour cream, salt, oil, vanilla. We knead an elastic soft dough, wrap it in a food film or a packet - and for an hour in the refrigerator.

We divide the cooled piece of dough into two parts, we roll out in turn two very thin layers. One crust with the help of a pastry brush is greased with sunflower oil and covered with a second layer. Now cut out the squares, circles or any other figures. We shift tararushki on yogurt, the recipe of which is quite simple, on a baking tray.

Each product is sprinkled with sugar and greased with egg to get a beautiful crust. If desired, sprinkle with nuts, candied fruits or dried fruit. Bake in a preheated oven to 200 o C for no more than 15 minutes. Ready-made cheesecakes break up into two identical figures, as a result, you will get twice as many products. Baked cucumbers on kefir are very crispy and fragrant. Keep in a tightly packed package in the refrigerator for several days.

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