Health, Medicine
If the stomach got up, what should I do? How to help yourself and loved ones?
If the stomach got up, what should I do? What drugs help yourself quickly and effectively? What steps need to be taken to normalize the work of an important body? How to prevent stomach stoppage?
Causes of gastric stoppage
"If the stomach has risen, what should I do?" - this question arises most often in amateurs densely, "under the eyeballs" to eat, as well as in people who are forced by the rabid rhythm of life to make a snack only on the run, on the run. Either they generally forget to eat.
With the regularity of such overloads, the stomach sooner or later fails: the progress of food slows down or stops altogether. The contents accumulate inside the digestive organ, presses on the walls, which significantly reduces their tone.
The stomach stop periodically worries the adherents of late reception of food. Thus, the problem of normal operation of the digestive organ is most often due to improper diet and diet.
Indirect causes of gastric stop are dental diseases: harmful microorganisms from the oral cavity enter the digestive tract, causing a violation of its functionality. Negative on the work of this body affects alcohol and smoking. What measures should be taken if the stomach has risen? What should I do first?
Symptoms of stopping the stomach
Symptoms of stopping the stomach are:
- Heaviness and swelling, especially in its upper part;
- Dull or sharp pain;
- Satiety, even from a small amount of food;
- lack of appetite;
- Frequent eructations, accompanied by a bitter and sharp aftertaste, as well as an unpleasant odor;
- Hiccough;
- Sometimes shortness of breath.
Also, there may be a periodic increase in temperature, indicating a serious illness in the body.
First steps to ease the state
If the stomach has risen - what to do in this situation? Immediately remove the symptoms can be such medical products as Festal, Pansinorm, Gaviskon, Eubikor, Gastrofarm, whose action is aimed at stimulating muscle tone and the correct direction of movement of the contents of the stomach: from the esophagus to the duodenum.
It is important to comply with the diet
How can I help myself or someone close if my stomach gets up and does not ache? What should a person do in such an unpleasant situation? An important factor in the normalization of the digestive tract is a properly organized diet, including full breakfasts, basic meals and snacks throughout the day.
Breakfast should be nutritious and satisfying (high-calorie meals should be preferred in the first half of the day), dinner - light and not late, 3-4 hours before bedtime. Eat often and in small portions: this allows you to correctly distribute the load on the digestive system and prevent forced gastric stop. Because of the table it is recommended to get up with a slight feeling of hunger.
It is advisable to have a meal in a relaxed atmosphere, with a good mood, not under the TV and getting to know fresh news from newspapers.
Once a week, it is recommended to organize a day off, giving the stomach a break from heavy food. It is desirable to base the menu on greenery, fruits and vegetables rich in fiber. You can not arrange unloading days:
- During lactation and pregnancy,
- With exacerbation of the existing disease,
- With diabetes mellitus,
- With pathologies of the liver and kidneys,
- With malaise.
Folk methods
If for some reason the stomach got up, what should I do? At home, it is effective to use decoction from the root of the althaea, the bark of the buckthorn and fennel fruits, which should be joined in equal proportions. The spoon of the obtained composition should be brewed in 350 ml of hot water. The resulting solution in a water bath bring to a boil, cool, drain, take once a day in a glass. Duration of treatment is 1 month.
Normalize the activity of the stomach can be, if during the day in 6 receptions to eat a teaspoon of dried milk thistle spotted, containing in its composition a large number of useful minerals, including silymarin.
Also, the action of milk thistle is aimed at stopping the inflammatory processes in the stomach, regenerating the mucous membranes and getting rid of dyspepsia. By the way, such medicinal herb helps to fight not only with gastrointestinal diseases, but also with the deposition of salts, anemia, radiculitis.
Spices against stomach stoppage
Activate blood circulation and "disinhibit" the body with spicy food, namely cinnamon and fennel, which can quickly and effectively help if the stomach has risen. What to do with such herbs? It will help restore the work of this body drink, for the preparation of which it is required to stir a dessert spoon of cinnamon in a glass of boiling water and boil for about 5 minutes on low heat. This drug is recommended to take half an hour before meals on a tablespoon 3 times a day. Duration of treatment is 2 weeks.
No less effective is a decoction of fennel fruits. 50 grams of raw materials are required to boil in 2 liters of water for 60 minutes. Drink similarly to the decoction of cinnamon for 3 weeks.
Gastric gymnastics
To "get" a stomach, regular exercise of simple physical exercises is recommended: intensive muscle work speeds up the metabolism, oxygen and energy in the cells. Damaged cells are actively replaced with new ones, especially when performing such a popular and effective exercise as a "bicycle", which requires spending only 1-2 minutes per day.
Very useful for the stomach health run, aimed at improving the function of the digestive system in the process of vibration of internal organs. Effective leisurely walking tours, which are recommended to take 1,5-2 hours after eating. Improving not only the work of the digestive system, but also the psycho-emotional state is facilitated by swimming, outdoor games with the ball, skiing and skating.
How to help your child
If the stomach has risen in the child, what should I do? First, you should understand the cause of this condition in the baby. This can be overeating, drinking a lot of carbonated drinks, anxiety or stress, or having a serious illness. It is recommended for 15-20 minutes to put the child on its side with knees bent at the knees, and put the heating pad in the stomach area: the heat should soothe the pain. You can make a massage: with gentle circular motions, stroke the tummy in a clockwise direction. Also, a small child should be given a small amount of water.
But the situation is different: the child has a stomach, vomiting. What to do? If the baby is sick, it is recommended to provoke a vomiting attack, offering to drink about 300-500 ml of water. Then, to relieve the condition of the baby, it is recommended to drink weak tea and give some dietary food. If the malaise does not go away - call for emergency help!
If the stomach stopped in a pregnant woman
Women in an interesting position often experience discomfort and complain about stomach problems. After all, the body is fundamentally rebuilt in its rhythm of life and begins to work hard for two. If the stomach got up during pregnancy, what should I do?
During this period, it is important for the expectant mother to switch to a fractional diet, not to overeat and starvation. Should be abandoned salty, fried, smoked, spicy dishes. If severe adverse symptoms are observed, a gastroenterologist should be monitored.
What should I do if my stomach gets up and vomits? A pregnant woman is recommended to drink kefir or warm milk, eat an apple, you can take Smecta to relieve the symptoms of nausea. The effect of the drug is harmless for both mother and future baby. Doctors often prescribe it in the second trimester of pregnancy (during this period, most often women are troubled by attacks of heartburn and diarrhea). And of course, with any problems with the stomach, consultation with a doctor is mandatory.
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