
Polycystic ovary: symptoms, treatment

In the process of preliminary preparation for pregnancy, a woman can be surprised to find that she does not have a very common, but from this no less unpleasant disease - polycystic ovary.

What is polycystic ovary? This purely female endocrine disease is characterized by the presence in the ovaries of "bubbles" formed on the walls and preventing the release of the egg. All the "bubbles" are filled with a specific liquid. These formations are called cysts and their formation is associated with a violation of the hormonal background in the body of both girls and women.

As a rule, women of reproductive age are asked what is polycystic ovary. For the fair sex, who stepped over the 40-year-old line, this disease is not typical. But, nevertheless, it is important to know what causes can cause polycystic ovary, and what signals the body can send about the violation of their work.

Polycystic ovary: symptoms and causes .

A single cause of this disease has not yet been revealed. Virtually any factor can give impetus to the development of polycystic ovaries. However, one of the main factors is the hereditary factor. As a rule, the syndrome of polycystic ovaries is more likely in a woman whose mother and grandmother on the maternal line of which have been ill with this disease.

Also, polycystic ovary can develop in the process of hormonal maturation of the girl, if it was accompanied by stress, frequent changes in the climatic zones of the places of residence. The third reason can be called the problem of the XXI century - obesity, always accompanied by a violation of the hormonal background of the body.

The main external symptoms of polycystic ovaries are an increase in the hairline on the body, a rapid increase in weight, as well as the appearance of acne on the face and on the rest of the body. As a rule, during puberty, these changes are written off for the restructuring of the hormonal background and do not attach much importance to them. Only women are concerned, for whom the adolescent development period has been left behind. But they rarely think that the cause is polycystic ovary.

Symptoms of an internal nature can more accurately indicate the presence of the disease. These include: the lack of a regular menstrual cycle, constant delays, as well as an increase in the ovaries, manifested in an increase in the lower abdomen. All these signs should make a woman turn to a doctor - a gynecologist.

Treatment of polycystic ovaries folk remedies and with the help of a doctor .

If a woman has found herself with most of the listed symptoms of the disease, then this is the reason to immediately seek help from a gynecologist. As a rule, the doctor will prescribe the tests, consisting of ultrasound - diagnosis and laboratory testing of hormones. If the diagnosis is confirmed, one of the following treatment options may be chosen by the doctor.

Weight loss with exercise and a specially designed diet. In this case, the body in the process of losing weight itself normalizes the hormonal background. As a rule, this method is rarely used as an independent type of treatment.

Purpose of hormonal drugs. Depending on the results of tests for hormones, the doctor prescribes an individual hormone therapy based on the previous medical history.

Laparoscopy. For another 15 years, laparoscopy was the only treatment for a disease such as polycystic ovary. Symptoms were eliminated by surgical removal of "vesicles". Now laparoscopy is the last method of treatment and is used only if the first two methods failed.

An unconventional method is the treatment of polycystic ovaries folk remedies. To these can be attributed phyto-and hirudotherapy. Both methods can have a positive effect, but their application should always be under the control of the attending physician. This situation is explained by the fact that the composition of herbal fees, as well as the frequency and duration of treatment with leeches are built according to a strictly individual scheme.

In conclusion, I would like to note: polycystic ovary, the symptoms of which were revealed in a woman, should be carefully examined and cured. The lack of proper medical supervision can lead not only to infertility, but also the occurrence of uterine bleeding and even cancer of the body of the uterus, mammary glands and endometrium.

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