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Why can a fetus have blood in the feces?

Having seen the blood in the feces of the baby, many parents begin to panic, but it's by no means worth doing. The thing is that often inexperienced parents simply confuse bleeding with the most common change of stool to a more reddish shade. The latter, in turn, may appear for a number of reasons. The use of beets in the diet, the intake of certain groups of drugs, chocolate, confectionery gelatin - all this in some way contributes to the color change. In this article, we will consider the primary reasons why the infants still have blood in the feces.

Fracture of anus

According to experts, this problem most often affects the change in the shade of the stool. As a rule, it arises from prolonged constipation. Parents in turn can easily identify signs of anal fissure - groaning during the defecation, a relatively painful grimace on the face, the presence of blood on toilet paper. Cope with this problem is very simple - you just need to revise the diet of crumbs.

Allergic reaction

This is one more reason why the baby has a blood in the feces, especially if he is on artificial feeding. The thing is that because of allergies the intestinal mucosa is gradually inflamed, and those inside the vessels begin to burst and then bleed. In no case should not engage in so-called self-treatment, you need to seek help from an experienced specialist.

Lactose insufficiency

The so-called lactose deficiency is considered one of the main reasons for the appearance of such a symptom as blood in the feces of a baby. Most often, it is accompanied by a number of other accompanying symptoms, namely rash, anemia, slow body weight gain and constipation.

Juvenile polyps

These are simple outgrowths in the cavity of the large intestine. According to experts, this phenomenon is absolutely safe and painless. However, it is still recommended to consult a doctor, because in some cases an operation is required to remove them.

Inversion of the intestine

The baby can have blood in the feces and for this reason. Most often, it arises from the supply of exclusively artificial mixtures. With symptoms such as constant crying, refusal to eat, spotting, you should immediately consult a doctor.


In conclusion, it should be noted that the blood in the feces of the baby can appear due to a variety of different causes. Parents, in this case, as already noted above, in no case should not panic. Even if the crumb requires hospitalization, they should remember absolutely all the accompanying symptoms, because afterwards they will be useful to the doctor for the correct diagnosis and the appointment of competent treatment. In no case should you practice self-medication and give crumbs any medicines, because all this can lubricate the entire clinical picture.

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