Food and drinkRecipes

The recipe for brushwood on water with a photo

The recipe for brushwood on the water is not known to everyone. After all, such a treat is usually made on milk, sour cream and other high-calorie foods. However, we recommend making the presented dessert using ordinary drinking water. This is due to the fact that later the firewood is fried in a large amount of vegetable oil, which makes it even more nutritious and caloric.

The easiest recipe for brushwood with water

The presented way of preparation of domestic delicacy is considered the most inexpensive. After all, to create it, you need to purchase a minimum of simple products, namely:

  • White flour sifted - a full glass;
  • Water boiled cold - a full glass;
  • Sand-sugar is not large - near large spoons;
  • Fresh chicken eggs - 2 pcs .;
  • Refined sunflower oil - for frying products.

Preparation of the dough

As you can see, the brushwood recipe on water does not provide for the use of rare and expensive ingredients. To make such a delicacy at home, you should carefully knead a soft base. To do this, it is required to beat up fresh eggs with a fork, and then add to them completely cooled boiling water and medium-sized sugar. In such a composition, the ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and sprinkled with white sifted flour. As a result, you should get a fairly soft, but well detached from the fingers mass.

We form products from the base on the water

The presented brushwood recipe on the water is especially popular among those who like to eat deliciously, but do not want to bother with the base for a long time. Moreover, this way of making home-made desserts does not require long and complex product formation. To do this, roll the mixed dough into a 2 mm thick layer, and then cut it into rectangular pieces measuring 5x2 cm. Then a small incision should be made in the center of each product. To form a beautiful dessert, it is required to insert one of the corners of the rectangle through the hole obtained. In the end, you should get a little "curl". The rest of the products must be formed in a similar way.

Roasting dessert in a frying pan

The recipe for brushwood on the water provides for using a deep frying pan or saucepan. But if you have a device like a fryer, then you can apply it to roasting dessert.

So, for the preparation of brushwood, you should pour refined oil into a frying pan, and then very warm it up. Further in the hot fat required to lay out the formed products one by one and fry them from two sides. In this case, brushwood should be well browned, become crispy.

How should I feed the firewood to the table?

Now you know the recipe for brushwood on water (crisp). After all products are fried in vegetable oil, they should be placed in a colander and wait until all the remaining fat is drained. After some time, cooked firewood is required to be nicely laid out on a plate and sprinkled with powder from sugar. Serve such a treat to the table preferably with hot tea or some chocolate drink.

Hvorost on mineral water: a recipe for cooking

As mentioned above, you can prepare such a delicacy with the help of various ingredients. A simple recipe for brushwood on water was considered above. Now we want to tell you how to make a dessert with soda water. It should be noted that with the use of mineral water, firewood is more crispy and tasty.

So, we need ingredients:

  • Sand-sugar is not large - 2 spoons are large;
  • Mineral water highly carbonized - about 500 milliliters;
  • Common salt is a large pinch;
  • White wheat flour - from 800 grams (add to the thickening of the base);
  • Refined sunflower oil - from 500 milliliters (for frying products);
  • Powder from sugar - ¾ cup (for sprinkling of ready delicacy).

We make dough on mineral water

The presented recipe for brushwood on water without eggs is the most inexpensive. After all, for its preparation you will need only simple ingredients that you can always find in your own kitchen.

So, before you start to form and fry products, you need to knead a soft dough. To do this, the highly carbonated water must be poured into a large bowl, and then add a medium-sized sand sugar, sodium chloride and white sifted flour. Mixing all the ingredients with your hands, you should get a soft and well detached from the fingers base.

Formation of dessert

Forming products from dough on mineral water is as easy and simple as a similar dessert made from a base on sour cream or milk. To do this, the mixed mass should be rolled into a thin layer 2-3 mm thick. Then the base should be cut into strips with dimensions of 2x8 cm. After that, in the center of each piece, you need to make a small hole and insert one of the ends of the product into it. In the end, you should get a long and beautiful "curl".

How to fry products in oil?

Preparing such a dessert at home is very easy. To do this, take a deep sauté pan, frying pan or a scallop, and then heat up the vegetable oil. Further, in boiling fat, it is required to lay out previously formed "curls" and fry them from all directions, turning over with a noisy one. As a result of this treatment, you should get a ruddy and crunchy brushwood, which should be removed from the oil and placed in a colander. After draining excess fat, the homemade delicacy must be put on a plate, wait for it to cool completely and sprinkle it abundantly with powder.

How to properly convey to the table?

Unlike the dessert that is prepared with sour cream and egg, brushwood on mineral water turns out to be more crispy. In this regard, this dish is especially fond of children. To serve it to the table is recommended together with tea or some other drink.

Other options for cooking homemade delicacies

Now you know the recipe for brushwood on the water. With a photo you can see in this article. However, it should be noted that most people make such a delicacy based on sour cream or milk. I want to say that these products are very fat and high-calorie. But if you like just such a dessert, then we will tell you how to do it, right now.

So, we need:

  • Egg fresh chicken - 2 pcs .;
  • White flour sifted - about 2 glasses;
  • Sand-sugar is not very large - 2 large spoons;
  • Sour cream shop 20% fat - a full glass;
  • Powdered sugar - for powdering the finished dessert;
  • Refined oil - about 200 ml (for frying products).

Mesem the dough

The dough for this dessert is kneaded quite easily. Chicken fresh eggs must be beaten with a fork, and then mixed together with the store sour cream and granulated sugar. After dissolving the last ingredient, it is necessary to add sifted flour to the base. As a result, you should get a soft, but not sticky to the base, which should immediately be used for cooking semi-finished products.

We form and fry products in a frying pan

The usual way to form a domestic brushwood is to be described above. To do this, roll the dough into a thin layer, cut it into strips and make them a kind of "curls". If you do not want to carry out this process, you can simply cut out the base of the circle from the sheet, pierce them with a fork and fry in vegetable oil on both sides.

In the end, all cooked firewood should be kept in a colander, and then completely cooled, moved to a beautiful plate and sprinkled with powder of sugar. By the way, some housewives pour this treat and chocolate icing.

To serve brushwood to the table is recommended together with hot tea or other favorite drinks.

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