Automobiles, Cars
Signaling "Sherkhan Magikar 5": how to set up autostart? Scher-Khan Magicar 5: Expert Reviews
Today anti-theft systems are very popular among owners of various vehicles. Thanks to the latest developments, highly intelligent car alarms prove their effectiveness. Their installation makes the use of the car safe, as well as comfortable.
Today, the alarm system "Sherkhan Magikar 5" is very popular . каковы основные особенности представленной системы, помогут понять отзывы экспертов. How to configure autoplay, what are the main features of the presented system, will help to understand the expert feedback. Having studied the instructions from the manufacturer, as well as the recommendations of experts, you can not doubt the safety of your car.
Main characteristics
которой в обязательном порядке изучается пользователем перед началом работы, является востребованной противоугонной системой. Car alarm "Sherkhan Magikar 5", the instruction of which is compulsorily studied by the user before starting work, is a demanded anti-theft system. It is known for its versatility and reliability. The alarm software is compatible with almost all transmissions that are installed in modern vehicles.
Experts say that this is one of the most reliable and efficient systems that are presented in the market of auto products today. "Sherkhan Magikar 5" was created on the basis of two-way communication with the vehicle. Information about its status is displayed on the liquid crystal keyfob display. A clear interface, ease of configuration allows the user to fully control the status of their vehicle systems.
которой позволит применять существующие функции полноценно, обладает целым перечнем встроенных программ. Signaling "Sherkhan Magikar 5", the instruction of which will allow to use existing functions fully, has a whole list of built-in programs. They allow to increase the safety of the car, driver and all road users. Some programs increase the comfort of the vehicle. First of all, they include the autorun function. However, this is by no means the only program that enhances the comfort of the driver.
Each vehicle owner can choose for himself a certain set of commands. To do this, it is important to carefully study the instruction, as well as the advice of specialists. This will highlight the most appropriate list of system functions.
представлена в мануале производителя, который поставляется в комплекте с устройством. Scheme of connection "Sherhan Magikar 5" is presented in the manufacturer's manual, which is supplied with the device. It is quite complicated. The alarm involves the installation in the engine compartment of the car. That all systems work correctly, it is better to entrust this work to a specialist. Only in this case you can be sure that the software will work without failures. Special companies give a guarantee for the installation of auto alarm components.
"Sherkhan Magikar 5" is compatible with gasoline or diesel engines. Its versatility allows mounting on almost all modern machines. The manufacturer's limitation applies exclusively to the voltage in the wiring. It should be 12 V. This ensures stable operation of all components of the system.
A computer installed in the machine collects signals from sensors. They are mounted in the main vehicle systems. After processing the received data, the on-board computer transmits the information to the keychain of its owner. The remote control has a liquid crystal display.
This allows the driver to understand in what state the systems of his car are at the moment. If necessary, he commands the software from a distance. The signal range in the open area is about 1.5 km. The car should be parked in the open area. Houses, tree branches and other obstacles can delay the signal, reduce its range. The driver must see his car.
Expert Reviews
имеет массу преимуществ. The signal "Sherhan Magikar 5" has a lot of advantages. High technology, simplicity in operation make it in demand. Experts argue that when performing the correct installation, this system is distinguished by a high level of reliability. All its sensors have a special class of protection. The antenna and the processor are also completely closed from unauthorized entry into the software. If desired, the installation of the system can be done independently. However, experts say that this increases the likelihood of the user making a mistake. This breaks the reliability of the equipment.
A loud siren is installed in the engine room. It practically does not have malfunctioning. All components of the system were manufactured using the latest scientific developments. Due to the unique standards that were applied in the development and creation of alarm systems, Sherkhan Magikar 5 is considered one of the most high-tech, intelligent security systems. During the manufacture of all components, testing is carried out at all stages of production. This allows for high reliability of the system.
которой составляет порядка 5-6 тыс. руб., относится к среднему сегменту охранной продукции. "Sherkhan Magikar 5", whose price is about 5-6 thousand rubles., Refers to the middle segment of security products. This product is available to almost everyone. Separately, you can buy a keychain with an LCD display for 1.2-1.4 thousand rubles. Also they are sold separately removable covers. Their cost is about 300 rubles. They allow you to protect the remote from scratches. The availability of additional elements of the presented alarm system allows each car owner to update its security system, if necessary.
Beginning of work
и эксплуатация которой должны выполняться в точности с рекомендациями производителя, считается простой, понятной системой. The "Sherkhan Magikar 5" alarm system, installation and operation of which must be carried out exactly with the manufacturer's recommendations, is considered a simple, understandable system. Before starting work, you should carefully study all the provisions of the instruction. Experts recommend immediately highlight those functions that will be used by the driver. This will simplify the process of memorizing and controlling the device. Having completed this task, you can start working with the security system.
First of all, you need to insert the battery into the control panel. It comes complete with a key fob. After installation, you can turn on the remote control. It has 4 buttons and a display. The set of functions includes vibrating alert, automatic backlighting. The screen displays information about the status of the battery charge and the temperature in the passenger compartment.
By pressing certain combinations of the available 4 buttons, you can set various commands to the control unit. The encoding of signal transmission is highly reliable. It is unique. Any other panel, even from a similar system, will not be able to control the car alarm.
The keyring must be attached to the system. Additional keyrings may also be included in the package. They also need to be registered in the program memory. And this procedure is performed simultaneously for all consoles. If necessary, you can overwrite.
Enabling the guard mode
проводится в соответствии с установленными правилами. The "Sherkhan Magikar 5" alarm system is set up in accordance with the established rules. First of all, experts recommend to master the security regime. To do this, you must enable the alarm. All car doors must be well locked. The glass should be raised until it stops. The driver must check if the trunk and hood are closed.
If all the doors, the windows in the car are tightly closed, the user presses the first button on their main key fob. Locks at this time should be blocked. Also, the possibility of starter operation is excluded. при этом издаст особый сигнал. The alarm keychain "Sherkhan Magikar 5" will emit a special signal. The siren will also produce the sound provided by the program. The car must turn lights on and off 5 times.
The indicator lights in the passenger compartment. If it flickers with a certain periodicity, it indicates the successful inclusion of the guard mode. The periodicity of the light signal of the LED should be once a minute.
If the driver did not close the doors tightly, did not raise the glass completely or opened the trunk, the keychain will sound 3 times. The siren will also sound 3 beeps. This should be closely monitored. If the indicator does not light, then you need to check the operation of the system. This will avoid troubles in the future.
PIN code programming
, необходимо также рассмотреть процедуру установки специального пароля для системы. Understanding the question of how to set up the Sherkhan Magikar 5 , you should also consider the procedure for setting a special password for the system. It may be required if, due to certain circumstances, the driver can not remove the alarm from the security mode. The on-board computer may in some cases not respond to the transmitter's signals.
The driver sets the password independently. It can consist of two or four digits. Each code element can be set in a range from one to four. To program a password, the owner of the vehicle must perform a specific procedure.
First, the guard mode is disabled. Further the driver should open the car and establish a key in an ignition socket. It is turned to the ON position. The motor remains off. On the remote control it is necessary to simultaneously clamp the second and fourth buttons. One siren sound will sound, the headlights will light up and go out.
You should press any button on the key fob. This procedure should be done within 4 seconds. The button number sets the first digit of the code. After that, an identical number of signals will sound. By the same scheme set the remaining digits of the password. After the procedure is completed, the system exits the configuration mode. The siren will emit two signals, two times the lights will flash.
Deactivating the Guard Mode
которой подробно рассматривает все случаи снятия охранного режима, в редких случаях не выключается стандартным способом (например, утерян брелок). Signaling "Sherkhan Magikar 5", the instruction of which deals in detail with all cases of removal of the guard mode, is rarely turned off in the standard way (for example, a keychain is lost). In this case, you need to enter the password previously set.
You need to open the car. The siren will sound an alarm. Three times the key is turned in the ignition from the OFF position to the ON position. The siren will die down. Within 4 seconds, the key must be rotated corresponding to the first digit of the code number of times. The headlights will light up once and go out. Then the remaining digits of the password are entered.
The lock will be canceled. If the password is entered incorrectly, the alarm will turn on again. Therefore, the password for the system should be remembered accurately.
Autostart security system
It is necessary to master a few more alarm settings "Sherkhan Magikar 5". ? How to set up autostart ? The manufacturer's recommendations will help. This is a convenient program that allows you to improve the comfort of driving.
To turn it on, the driver must close all doors of the car and activate the guard mode. Further on the key fob, you need to activate the autorun function. It will turn on its own security mode. This function increases the reliability of the system. If the driver forgets to turn on the guard mode, when the autostart is on, the alarm will lock the car after 30 seconds.
Information about the startup of autorun is displayed. The screen should indicate the word PASSIVE. Every 10 seconds the system transmits the status of the armed mode to the display.
Autostart Engine
производится по времени. Autorun "Sherkhan Magikar 5" is made on time. It is possible to set the starting period for the motor by temperature or battery voltage. However, these functions are secondary. They can not be started without programming the autorun time.
To activate the mode, it is necessary to turn off the guard mode, ignition, open the door. The engine can be started every two, four or eight hours. At the same time clamp the first and second button of the key fob. Then press the fourth button 13 times. The siren sounds a beep every time. If you press the second button, the engine will automatically turn on every 8 hours. The third button sets the frequency once every four hours, and the fourth one - every two hours.
Next, the remote control switches on the timer. To do this, briefly press the second and fourth buttons.
Autostart for temperature and battery voltage
Additional features are the alarm system "Sherhan Magikar 5". мотора по температуре и бортовому напряжению, мы вам сейчас расскажем. How to configure the autostart motor by temperature and onboard voltage, we'll tell you now. To do this, perform a sequential procedure.
You need to enter the program mode by pressing the first and second buttons. To set the autorun function by temperature, you need to press the fourth button 21 times. The siren will sound every time. If you press the second button on the remote, the engine will start at a temperature of -15 ° C in the passenger compartment. The third button corresponds to the level -25 ºС, and the fourth one +60 ºС. Then the timer starts (two and four buttons are clamped).
In some cases, the driver wishes to turn on the autorun to limit the start of the motor operation when the voltage in the on-board network decreases. For this, as before, enter the programming mode and press the fourth button 20 times. To activate the limit timer mode, press the second button on the keyfob.
Significance of "Sherkhan Magikar 5" differs in certain features of management . включить режим охраны и прочие функции, вам теперь известно. How to set up autostart, enable arming and other functions, you now know. In this case, the reliability of the system will be high.
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