
Adhesive otitis media: symptoms, treatment

Very often the body develops inflammatory processes of varying severity. Adhesive otitis, the symptoms of which begin to manifest with hearing impairment, is not uncommon. This disease is accompanied by inflammation in the middle ear. As a result, spikes with strands are formed, and the mobility of the auditory ossicles is disturbed. Why does this disease occur? What methods of treatment do doctors offer?

Features of adhesive otitis

The middle ear is represented by two components: a cavity with auditory ossicles and an Eustachian tube. They are separated by a tympanic membrane, which is also responsible for the transmission of sound vibrations. They go through the bones to the structures of the inner ear. Here, subsequent transmission and perception of signals through the auditory nerves occurs. After that, the sound takes the appropriate part of the brain. Adhesive otitis media appears due to decreased mobility of the tympanic membrane and bones. The disease is accompanied by a partial or complete violation of sound perception.


Most often, the cause of pathology is inflammation in the middle ear - acute otitis and its various forms. To provoke the disease can also illiterate use of antibiotics in the treatment process. The drugs successfully fight inflammations in the ear canal, but also dilute the accumulated exudate in it. As a result, cicatricial cords and spikes from connective tissue are formed. They braid the bones, blocking the mobility of the structures and disturbing the permeability of the auditory tube.

In otolaryngology, there are cases when adhesive otitis develops as an independent disease. It is preceded by a variety of pathological processes that significantly impede the permeability of the auditory tube and impede the full ventilation of the tympanum. Such violations include:

  • Protracted tonsillitis;
  • adenoids;
  • Damage to the nasal septum;
  • Neoplasm in the pharynx;
  • Diseases affecting the upper respiratory tract (laryngitis, ARVI);
  • Chronic inflammation in the nasal cavity (sinusitis, sinusitis).

Regardless of the cause of the disease, after observing its first signs, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Timely prescribed treatment can prevent the development of serious complications, avoid surgical intervention.

Clinical manifestations of the disease

The development of the pathological process begins gradually. The first symptom that patients pay attention to is the noise in the ear. Adhesive otitis is characterized by hearing impairment by conductive type, when there is a persistent deterioration in the mechanical conduct of sound vibrations. Clinical symptoms of the disease are similar in many respects to the picture of other ailments. Therefore, many diagnostic measures are used to determine the cause of hearing changes. They allow excluding other pathological processes that can lead to conductive hearing loss (accumulation of sulfur secretion, tubo-otitis, otosclerosis, etc.).

Establishing diagnosis

What principles are guided by the doctor when choosing the tactics of treatment? "Adhesive otitis media" is a serious diagnosis, for the confirmation of which a complete examination of the patient is required. Usually it includes:

  • Visual inspection;
  • Otoscopy (examination of the ear cavity using a light source and a reflector);
  • Catheterization (examination of the auditory tube that connects the ear with the nasopharynx);
  • Audiometry (checking for acuity of hearing);
  • Impedance measurement (detection of changes in the structure of the eustachian tube, tympanic membrane).

Fundamental manipulations in the diagnosis of the disease are audiometry and subsequent catheterization. Impedanceometry allows you to check the mobility of bones and identify adhesions. Due to the latter, the tympanic membrane gradually loses its functions, which provokes a sharp decrease in hearing in the patient.

Given the results of the examination, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment. Adhesive otitis, revealed in the early stages, is well amenable to drug therapy and does not require surgical intervention. When the form of the disease is started, an operation is prescribed. In particularly serious cases, the patient is shown the use of a hearing aid. What other methods exist for treating pathology?

Drug therapy

At the very beginning of the pathological process, the patient is prescribed injections of B vitamins, aloe, vitreous. To improve the elasticity of adhesions and prevent their further spread to the Eustachian tube, they designate Lidazu, Fluimucil, and Chymotrypsin.


Conservative treatment with medications is usually supplemented with physiotherapy. The most effective are the following procedures:

  • Ultrasound massage;
  • Microwave therapy ;
  • UHF;
  • Mud treatment.

To prevent recurrence of the disease, it is recommended to repeat treatment courses 2-3 times a year.

The method of the Politzer and adhesive otitis

Treatment with the help of blowing the Eustachian tube by the method of the Politzer gives a positive effect. The procedure provides for continuous monitoring with the help of an otoscope. One olive is injected into the patient's ear, the other to the doctor. To the nostril of the patient also attach a catheter from which the balloon leaves. The second nostril is clamped with a finger, after which the patient is asked to slowly say the word "steamer". With each pronunciation of the stressed syllable, the pear is squeezed. If there are no adhesions in the Eustachian tube, the air passes unhindered.

This procedure is often combined with a pneumatic massage of the drum membrane. With the help of a special device, the membrane is exposed to a stream of air, the strength of which is controlled. This procedure positively influences the mobility of the drum membrane, prevents the formation of adhesions.

Operative intervention

Not always with the help of medications and physiotherapy it is possible to defeat adhesive otitis media. Treatment with conservative methods does not bring results? In such situations, when the disease has a bilateral character, the patient is prescribed an operation - tympanotomy. During surgery, the doctor opens the tympanic membrane, thereby providing access to the auditory ossicles. Timpanotomy allows you to get rid of accumulated exudate, eliminate spikes.

Even the operation does not give 100% guarantee of a positive result. Often, against the background of a large area of damage to adhesions, the adhesive otitis media develops again. Symptoms of the disease after the operation do not differ from those before the beginning of the course of treatment. The patients are diagnosed with scars gradually deforming the tympanic membrane, which affects the quality of the hearing. It is impossible to stop the pathological process and improve the patency of the Eustachian tube. In such situations, they resort to replacing the stone with artificial polymeric prostheses, and ventilation is performed through the auditory canal.

Danger of recurrence

Patients who have transferred adhesive otitis within six months after treatment should be under the supervision of an otorhinolaryngologist. After this period, it is recommended to undergo a second examination to make sure there are no pathological changes in the ear cavity. When detecting abnormalities, the course of treatment is repeated. In the future, the disease can provoke fibrinous-cicatricial changes in the structure of the middle ear. Unfortunately, such violations are irreversible. In the absence of adequate treatment, pathology can cause ankylosis of the joints of the auditory ossicles, which leads to total deafness.

Preventive measures

An acute inflammatory process in the middle ear often results in a diagnosis of "adhesive otitis." Treatment with folk remedies or medications does not always bring a positive result. Surgical intervention is very laborious and does not allow to prevent relapse of the disease. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent disease. It is recommended to begin with the first days of the child's life. Breastfeeding provides a full-fledged formation of the ear muscles, resulting in reduced susceptibility to the effects of pathological agents. Moreover, it strengthens the body's immune system and reduces the risk of developing respiratory diseases.

Modern pharmacology offers a number of drugs to increase resistance to viral pathologies and quick recovery from colds. They are also an excellent prevention of adhesive otitis media. Among such medicines should be allocated "Influvak", "Imudon", "Bronhomunal". Before using the drugs, it is recommended to consult with a specialist about the dosage and duration of the course of prevention. If the inflammation can not be avoided, it is necessary to follow the treatment scheme that the doctor suggests. Any departure from the advice of a specialist is dangerous for relapse.

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