
Treatment of erysipelas

Eighty-eight weeks of therapy is accompanied by erysipelas. Treatment - antibiotics in particular - must be selected competently. It is this fact that determines the success of therapy. Treatment of erysipelatous inflammation involves the appointment and anti-inflammatory drugs, funds that strengthen the walls of blood vessels, antiallergic medications, vitamin complexes.

The patient needs to drink plenty of fluids. In addition, treatment of erysipelas should include medicines that can reduce the toxic effect of the infectious agent.

In the case of the formation of a large number of vesicles, local therapy is prescribed. They are dissected, the content is deleted. After this, sterile bandages are applied with antibiotic agents. Treatment of erysipelas should include physiotherapy. As a rule, prescribe electrophoresis, ozocerite and others.

Penicillin is given every three hours for five to six days around the clock. Treatment of erysipelas can tolerate durant preparations. They include medicines "Bicillin", "Ecomonocillin", "Trihydrate Oxytetracycline."

Ultraviolet irradiation with the use of erythemic doses is also used. Even after the elimination of the disease, an effect should be made, however, suberitemic dosages of radiation are used.

With a sharp edema cold lotions are used from Burov's liquid, diluted in a proportion of 1:20, a 3% solution of boric acid, ethacridine lactate. In addition, lubrication with ichthyol-camphor ointment (50%) is applied.

Chronic recurrent erysipelas suggests detection and suppression of focal infection.

High dosages of antibiotic drugs are used in the treatment of elephantiasis. With elephantiasis, X-ray therapy (except the face area) is used, in some cases - corticosteroid preparations.

The first step in the development of inflammation on the leg should be to reduce the patient's body temperature. For this, antipyretic agents are used . Further therapy is selected only by the attending physician. In addition, the use of antiseptic drugs is allowed.

How to treat erysipelas with folk remedies?

Fast food is a very effective way to get rid of an ailment. It is believed that within three days in the absence of food the disease completely passes.

With the development of the disease, bandages with chalk are also used. To do this, it is necessary to sprinkle the place of defeat with chalk in the morning, apply red woolen cloth over it, then bandage. The procedure is repeated the next day. Chalk in this case it is necessary to take a new one.

In case of inflammation, there are also fees and broths with medicinal herbs.

  1. You should take a tablespoon of chalk and the same number of sage leaves. The components are mixed and poured onto a flap of cotton fabric. The mixture is applied to the lesion site and is bandaged. The procedure must be carried out four times a day.

  2. Seeds of datura (two tablespoons) are poured into 250 milliliters of boiling water. The mixture is infused for thirty minutes, filtered. After this, the infusion should be diluted in a 1: 1 ratio. This drug is used in the form of lotions.

  3. To treat inflammation, rye flour is also used. Sifted, it is finely sprinkled on the lesion. On top of the flour, blue wrapping paper should be applied. Then re-bandage. The procedure must be carried out before sunrise in the morning.

Patients diagnosed with this disease should be observed by a dermatologist. In addition, for preventive purposes, the skin is treated with salicylic or camphor alcohol.

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