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Which fish is better for human health? Fried fish - good and bad

For those who honor fasting, it is very important to saturate the body with protein. What, if not a fish, will help to do this? But before using this food, let's think about the maximum benefit of it for the body. After all, fish are different. What type would you prefer - sea or river?

Fish are divided not only by their habitat, but also by the fat content of their meat. It is also important to know where this creature is caught. After all, fish absorb into their flesh all the negative substances from environmentally unfavorable environment. A carp, perch and carp, grown in artificial reservoirs, are often fed with food waste, making their meat look like pork taste. In this article we will consider the question of which fish are the most useful for humans.

The value of a food product

Russians have recently underestimated the inhabitants of the seas and rivers. More and more meat appears on the tables. Is it any wonder that oncological diseases, myocardial infarction and stroke came to the forefront as a cause of death? Let's take a closer look at the usefulness of fish as a food product.

The most important quality is the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are also called Omega-3. Such compounds you will not find either in meat of animals, or in vegetables, or in fruits. In some types of fish Omega-3 more, in others - less. Below we will talk about the beneficial effect on the body of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Another essential substance for health, contained in all types of fish, is phosphorus. When the body lacks this mineral, problems with teeth, bones, and memory begin. Sea fish is rich in iodine. This mineral has a beneficial effect on the work of the brain. But the most important thing, than fish is useful, so it is digestibility of fiber. Despite the fact that the meat of some varieties of the inhabitants of the seas is more caloric than beef, these fats are quickly broken down by the body. That's why fish, as advised by nutritionists, should be present on the table at least three times a week.

A panacea for health?

There is no "universal pill" that treats all diseases. Therefore, there is no such product, eating on which, one could live a long and happy life. In fish there is quite a bit of iron, so you should draw this mineral from other sources. But the chemical composition of the inhabitants of the waters is quite rich. When looking for the answer to the question of which fish is more useful, one should be guided by a problem that is of concern to us.

Is your heart pissed off? Lean on fish varieties rich in Omega-3 (salmon, sardine, mackerel, ocean herring). This acid helps to adjust the heart rate, reduces blood clotting, cleanses blood vessels and normalizes blood pressure.

Want to lose weight? Then you will approach low-fat varieties of fish (pollock, hake, Navah). In these species there are many proteins.

To increase muscular mass will help and cod with sea bass (sea wolf). To heal the liver, lean on the halibut. To saturate the body with iodine, use sea fish. River inhabitants (perch, crucian carp, carp, carp) will be useful to people with problems of the gastrointestinal tract. Pike meat is an antiseptic that helps fight infection. The use of catfish has long been proven. Its sweetish meat is medium fat, it is useful for the skin and nervous system.

Which fish is more useful - caught in a natural environment or grown in captivity?

This question is not so simple as it seems at first. On the one hand, fish in its natural habitat eats a variety of food. She moves in search of food for long distances, which prevents her from accumulating unnecessary fats. Such individuals are not subjected to stress from living in small water bodies. All this affects the taste of meat. But on the other hand, an unfavorable ecology directly affects the benefits of fish for the human body.

Individuals who live in contaminated lakes and rivers can do more harm than good. Not less dangerous to health and some marine life. To the question "Which fish is more useful?", Given a hundred-two hundred years ago, the answer would be: Atlantic tuna. But now its livestock has catastrophically decreased. And in the meat of individuals that can be caught, contains dangerous mercury.

Fish living in a natural habitat are more often infected with helminths than those grown in captivity. But often inhabitants of ponds are fed with usual food waste, which negatively affects the taste characteristics of their meat and reduces their useful properties.

Fish categories by fat content

All inhabitants of salty and fresh water bodies are divided into three large groups. The main criterion for classification is the saturation of their meat with Omega-3 acids. We mentioned the benefits of this acid above. It lowers the level of triglycerides in the blood, and therefore beneficially affects those who are at risk of strokes. Fish oil also strengthens nails, teeth, makes skin and hair healthy, helps fight depression and other nervous diseases.

In this light, the answer to the question of which fish is most useful to humans is obvious. First of all, these are all kinds of salmon (salmon, keta, pink salmon) and sturgeon (sterlet, stellate sturgeon). The fat content in them is not less than 8%. This group also includes some species of herring, eel, halibut, mackerel.

The second category includes fish with a fat content of 4 to 8%. This - river trout, horse mackerel, halibut, pike perch, carp, tuna, catfish, lean herring.

And, finally, a diet fish. In the Hake, pollock, cod, navaga, river perch, makrus, flounder, pike, bream, blue whiting less than 4%. But in these species of fish a lot of proteins. Caloric content in the representatives of this category is only 80-100 calories per 100 gr. Product. Therefore, this fish is good for those who want to lose weight.

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To solve health problems, it is important to eliminate cholesterol plaques that can block blood vessels. And with this, polyunsaturated Omega-3 acids work best.

Which fish is more useful in the fat category? It's mackerel. There are a lot of acids in it. But the saturated fat, which can harm people with reduced secretion of the stomach, is quite small. Again, you need to consider how to use mackerel. Often it is sold in a smoked form. It is important to understand that such processing of meat, especially hot smoke, reduces the useful properties of fish. It is better to eat mackerel baked or cold smoked.

A fount of beauty and youth

What fish is healthy for hair, skin, nails and teeth? The one in which there are a lot of vitamins E and a ruler of V. And in this plan as not to remember so-called red kinds of fishes. This is chum salmon, salmon, salmon, salmon. Their meat is very fat, caloric content is not inferior to pork. But do not worry. This fat is well absorbed by the body and does not contain harmful cholesterol. On the contrary, it carries in itself dissolved vitamins A, E and D. But most of all vitamin B, responsible for healthy shine of hair, the ideal condition of the skin and the strength of nails, in salmon. Its so much that 100 grams of fish is enough to fill the daily rate of this vitamin.

Are you afraid that, together with the density of your head of hair, you will be pestered by extra pounds due to the frequent use of fatty salmon? Then go for freshwater fish. Diet, but not less useful for healthy skin and hair, are perch, pike perch, carp, carp, crucian carp.

For expectant mothers

Trout is a useful fish for pregnant women. It is less fatty than salmon, but Omega-3 is not less. If a woman expecting a child at least once a week to consume a dish of fish, then it is easier to bear all the hardships associated with pregnancy (toxicosis, hair loss, etc.). Docosahexaenoic acid, belonging to the Omega-3 type, lowers the level of prostaglandins that affect uterine activity and, thus, reduces the risk of miscarriage.

Any fish included in the diet of pregnant women contributes to the normal development of the fetus. Unsaturated acids have a positive effect on brain activity, protect a pregnant woman from nervous breakdowns. Sea fish to future mothers need to alternate with freshwater.

For obese people

What can you recommend to lose weight, what kind of fish is useful? For health, you can recommend fillets of pollock and hake. Also it is necessary to include dietary meat of Navaga, cod and other low-fat fish in the diet. Especially delicious is a popular Mediterranean product like sea wolf (another name for sea bass). In 100 grams of this fish contains only 112 calories. Obese people often suffer from liver disease. In this case, they should eat halibut more often. The meat of this fish contains selenium, a substance that synthesizes antioxidants and protects the liver from free radicals. Tuna perfectly normalizes the metabolism and thereby also promotes weight loss.

Fried fish: benefit and harm

This useful food in all respects can be a threat when it:

  • stale,
  • Grown in an ecologically unfavorable water body,
  • Is infected with helminths.

It is also important to know how to cook fish. After all, then you should take into account the accompanying products. Particularly good for health boiled fish. The benefits of fried foods are much less. After all, vegetable oil begins to release carcinogenic substances when heated. But, on the other hand, the fried fish have such an appetizing crusty crust ... It will not work for any other kind of product processing. The conclusion is one: you have to fry the fish in a non-stick frying pan without oil.

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