
Fatschedera: home care and transplant

Fatshedera Lize is an intergeneric hybrid. The plant was bred in 1912 in the city of Nantes (France) by crossing Japanese fatsia and ivy (Hedera), resulting in the corresponding name.

The hybrid inherited from "parents", perhaps, the best qualities. From Japanese fatsia he got beautifully carved leaves, and from ivy - the ability to form long shoots and simple care at home. Fatshedera unpretentious and suitable for both well-heated rooms, and for cool.

General information about the plant

Almost immediately after the breeding of the hybrid by the Liza brothers, it became very popular among gardeners and florists. Exotic, but easy-care liana has become widely used in the vertical gardening of winter gardens, terraces, balconies and even the walls of houses in a mild climate.

The plant belongs to the family of the Aral Sea. Fatshedera can reach a height of 5 m, while its annual increase is about 30 cm. The hybrid is perennial, appreciated for its decorative properties, blooms with inconspicuous pale green flowers collected in an umbrella. Fatschedera (care at home is described further in the text) has large star-shaped leaves with 3-5 lobes. The surface of the plates is glossy, smooth, dark green in color. The variegated forms are deduced, however they grow more slowly. The fruits of the plant are dark blue berries.

Lighting and air temperature

In contrast to the fatsia, the fatsheader prefers bright illumination, but it is better to protect indoor specimens from exposure to direct sunlight. Only under such conditions comes flowering and fruiting. The plant adapts to partial shade, but in this case it is desirable to illuminate in the winter. The variegated forms are especially sensitive to the level of illumination (in the photo below), with its lack, an effective contrast on the leaves is lost, the beauty of the fatsheders fades.

Care at home for the plant involves the organization of the correct temperature regime throughout the year. The hybrid needs coolness. In summer, the temperature of the air in the room should be moderate, preferably not above + 18-23 ° C, and in winter it should be kept in the range of + 5-18 ° C. The plant is resistant to coolness, therefore in warm regions it is grown in gardens.

Soil for the fuckheaders

Fatschedera prefers light, air-permeable primer. If the earth is sufficiently heavy or dense, experts recommend adding perlite or sand, as well as peat. You can buy ready-made soil in a specialized store or prepare it yourself. To do this, take in equal proportions peat, light turf and garden soil, sand and mix the mixture thoroughly, disinfect.

Watering and humidity

When caring for a fatshedere at home, remember that the plant is demanding to water. The soil in the pot must be constantly moist. Watering is abundant, in summer time periodicity 2-3 times a week, in winter - every 7-10 days. However, in this case, the water in the pot should not stagnate, since it leads to rotting of the roots. Signal of the problem can serve as falling leaves. Use pots with a pallet and drain excess water from it in time.

Like the parent species, the fatshedera prefers moist air. Ideally, it is recommended to spray it with water at room temperature daily or at least 2-3 times a week.

During the active vegetation period, the plant should be fed every two weeks. It is recommended to alternate complex mineral and organic fertilizers.

Fatschedera: home care, transplant

Young specimens need an annual transplant, adults need only change the pot once every two or three years. The procedure is carried out in early spring, before the plant will move into active growth. For the transplant, a soil is used, the composition of which is described above (sand, peat, garden and turf land). Do not forget about the drainage layer on the bottom of the dishes, which should be 1/3 of its height.

A new pot for fatshedery should be selected for 2-3 cm in diameter more compared to the previous one. Once it reaches the desired (maximum) size, you can confine yourself to an annual replacement of the topsoil.

Reproduction of Fatshedder by layers, cuttings and seeds

Fatschedera home care (photo on the text) requires minimal, in addition, it also quite easily reproduces in the vegetative way. To obtain new plants, use apical cuttings about 15 cm long with several buds. They are rooted in moist sand, providing a constant temperature of + 20-25 ° C. After the rootlets appear, the plants are transplanted into the prepared soil mixture.

Reproduction by layers is more troublesome. In early spring on the escape, the fatsheders make a small and shallow incision. Then wet moss is applied to it and wrapped in polyethylene. It is important to maintain the humidity under the wrapper. Approximately two months later, rootlets form on the place of the incision. The top of the shoot together with the roots are cut and rooted in a separate pot.

Rare variegated forms, characterized by more demanding care at home, Fatsheder Variegata in particular, can be obtained from seeds purchased in the store. Sowing is carried out at any time of the year, but the most favorable spring and summer. Seeds are scattered over the surface of the substrate and only slightly covered with earth. It is best to use a mini-greenhouse or a container with a transparent lid. For germination, a temperature of +27 ° C is required. Before emergence, the container is placed in a warm and dark place. Young seedlings are planted as they grow.

Pests and diseases

Fatschedera is susceptible to a certain group of pests and diseases. Most often the plant is affected by a spider's red mite. The first signal about the appearance of a pest can be a blanching of the color of the leaf blade. In addition, the plant can damage thrips, aphids and scutes.

Of all the diseases of bacterial and fungal nature, most problems are caused by gray rot, which is confirmed by numerous reviews of the fatshedere. Care at home, carried out by all rules, is a guarantee of health. The plant should be observed, the leaves and soil should be inspected regularly, and preventive treatments should be carried out with a soap solution or special preparations. It is important that abundant watering is not accompanied by low air temperature and drafts.

When growing fadtsheidery Lisa care at home includes also pruning shoots. You can leave them at a level of 30 cm. The curling branches of the plant need support. In order for the bush to acquire the desired shape, it is necessary to pinch the tips of the young shoots.

Falling of leaves in old specimens is quite a natural process, which, as the experienced plant growers say, should not be feared. However, if the young leaves turn yellow, then, most likely, this is due to waterlogging, and their small size, stunting and stretched shoots is a signal about the lack of sunlight.

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