
Ficus poisonous or not and where to put better?

Such a plant, like ficus, is increasingly grown by the florists at home. This unique plant attracts appearance and unpretentious in leaving, so the question: "Ficus poisonous or not?" Is interested in more and more florists.

Attractive external data of the ficus is being pushed towards the acquisition of such a decorative tree grown in a pot. It looks great and perfectly complements the interior. Is the ficus safe? Poisonous or not, and what harm it can cause the plant to children and adults, pets, try to figure it out together.

The whole truth about the mysterious properties of the ficus

For many years, flower growers have sought answers to the interesting question regarding the safety of the ficus. And now the scientists were able to satisfy their demands and give an answer to the question: "Ficus is poisonous or not." This is the question most often interested in lovers of domestic plants.

As a result of the research, scientists managed to establish: the ficus is still poisonous. That's why any manipulations associated with caring for the plant, spend in gloves.

What is in the ficus of the poisonous?

So, the answer to the question: "Ficus poisonous or not?" You already got, now it remains to figure out where in the plant contains poison and in what concentration.

Ficus juice containing rubber (Ficus Elastika - about 40%), hitting the unprotected skin, mucous membranes can cause an allergic reaction, accompanied by itching, redness and other typical symptoms for irritation symptoms.

Does ficus poison for pets?

And how does ficus affect pets? Poisonous or not for cats, hamsters and other domestic dwellers? The plant is not a threat, except that the animal is constantly chewing on it or striving to sharpen its claws. In this case, the tree is better to be taken to another room inaccessible to the cat or dog, where the pet can not contact the ficus.

Owners of four-footed ask: "Is Ficus poisonous or not for dogs?". Calm down, as for other pets, it is safe if the pet does not have direct contact with the plant and does not suffer from allergies.

Is the flower safe for children?

Children, especially kids, constantly touch everything, try to taste, sniff. Is not an exception and ficus. Poisonous or not for children - this question interests many parents. It carries a special danger to the kids. For a growing, not yet strengthened organism, the probability of poisoning with poisonous substances released by the flower is especially high.

Therefore, the conclusion is obvious: if there is a child in the house, reinsert! Refuse to purchase such a plant, and if it already exists in your home, place it in a place inaccessible to the baby or, better yet, give it to someone else.

Hypoallergenicity or lack of it

Allergy sufferers are highly advised not to contact the ficus. Experts do not recommend keeping this plant at home, even if one of the family members suffers from allergy or intolerance to latex. The plant secretes the juice not only due to damage, but also during the period when it is sick. The evolved juice evaporates into the air, and people reacting to even the smallest doses of poisonous substances can catch such compounds contained in the air and get not only an allergy, but also a mucous burn if the concentration of evaporated rubber is too high.

Chronically ill, suffering from allergies and asthma, people during the period when the disease is exacerbated (in the spring), are extremely sensitive to the milk of the ficus. It is among the domestic allergens takes the third position after the wool of pets and ticks.

Proceeding from the foregoing, we can conclude: speaking of ficus, there can be no talk of hypoallergenic plants!

Signs of poisoning (allergies)

Remember that some of the plants are far from harmless and those who suffer from allergies can cause complications in any manifestations: in the form of bronchial asthma, mucosal edema, vomiting, frustration, etc.

Such an indoor flower as a ficus, and with it a philodendron, and diffenbachia can emit a poisonous for human juice. Of course, its concentration is not so strong as to kill, but it can cause some diseases. Acute inflammation, eczema, dermatitis, etc. - a disease that can catch up with you after an inaccurate contact with the plant.

Sufferers from such a disease should know that ficuses, and, more precisely, their juice, can act as a provoker of aggravation.

Seepage of juice is observed not only in case of damage to the plant. Microscopic drops seep to the surface of the leaves, whence, evaporating, poisonous substances volatilize, spreading through the air space of the room. People who are constantly in such a room, inhale these substances together with oxygen, resulting in burns of mucous membranes and the appearance of allergies.

Latex allergies, which grow ficus in the house, can feel its negative impact on the developed cross-reaction to fruits and vegetables. These include avocados, pineapple, banana, peanuts, dates, mangoes, kiwi, melons, cherries; From vegetables - soy, tomatoes, potatoes.

Favorite ficus places in the house

Those who keep indoor plants in the house know that most of them love sunlight, including ficus. Although he feels great on the windows facing north, but too shady place still adversely affects the condition of the ficus. The plant may begin to ache or fade. Therefore, it is better to plant a pot with a plant where there is free access to sunlight.

Those species of ficus, which have large variegated leaves, like bright sunlight, and representatives with more delicate leaves - scattered rays.

In summer, the ficus can be kept on the street, terrace or balcony.

Do not try to move the plant too often. Ficuses do not really like frequent changes in conditions, so they can react to changing places by dropping leaves.

In winter, move the plant to the side where the light enters the room the longest, organize artificial lighting, using a special lamp for this. This will ensure a healthy appearance and active growth of the plant in the cold season.

We hope, we answered your question: "Ficus is poisonous or not." Where to put a pot with a flower is better, it's up to you, guided by the provided recommendations.

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