
What are the bushes: types, names and photos

The bushes have firmly won their niche in the plant world. Meeting them at every step (in the forests, orchards, gardens, parks and just outside), we sometimes do not attach any importance to them. And completely in vain: knowing what are the bushes, you can create stunning garden compositions that will delight the eye not only in spring and summer, but in the deep autumn.

Shrubs: one of the life forms of plants

Life form, in other words, biological - is a phenotype, the external appearance of the plant, which reflects the degree of adaptation to the environment. The most complete consider the classification of life forms under the authorship of IG Serebryakov, according to which they distinguish:

  • Woody plants (trees, bushes, shrubs);
  • Semi-arboreal plants (semishrubs and semishrubs);
  • Ground grass;
  • Water grass.

Such a separation of all existing plants is based on the degree of lignification of the terrestrial part. The growth of branches in shrubs starts from the base, and with age, the main trunk is hardly distinguishable. In the trees, the outlines of the crown are very clear, and the whole structure of the plant is clearly visible, a pronounced main escape. Thus, the structure of the aboveground part is what the trees and bushes differ in principle from each other. There are also shrubs and semishrubs. The basis for their isolation into a separate group is a low height (up to 0.5 m) and a weak degree of lignification of shoots, respectively.

Classification is a direct answer to the question of what kind of shrubs are. The division into groups can be conducted according to various principles, we will consider the most common:

Classification of shrubs in height

This division can sometimes be relative. The growth is affected by fertilization, soil composition, climatic conditions and the use of biostimulants. Depending on the size of shrubs in nature, they are divided into three groups:

  • Low bushes, the maximum height of which does not exceed one meter, for example, they include Japanese spiraea, Cossack juniper (pictured);
  • Medium shrubs, 1-2.5 meters high, for example, currant, barberry common;
  • High bushes (more than 2.5 meters in height): red elder, lilac, Siberian hawthorn.

What are shrubs depending on the intensity of growth

Considering how fast growing types of shrubs, they are divided into five large groups:

  • Very rapidly growing species (for example, yellow acacia, which grows to 3 meters in 2-3 years, forming dense thickets, chubushnik, tamarix);
  • Fast-growing shrubs, for example, viburnum vulgaris, hazel, Tatar honeysuckle, silver fir;
  • Shrubs of moderate growth (lilac, cherry, Japanese quince);
  • Slowly growing shrubs, they include the juniper Cossack, the cob, the sea-buckthorn;
  • Very slowly growing, as a rule, they are dwarf forms of deciduous and coniferous plants.

Classification according to the life span of plants

The life span of the entire plant as a whole should be distinguished from that of individual shoots. For example, raspberries can grow on a plot of up to 50 years. But her shoots live only two years. There are four groups of shrubs:

  • Short-lived (maximum age is 25 years): elder, chubushnik, tavolga, etc .;
  • Average durability (from 25 years to 30), for example, a broom and currant;
  • Long-lasting species can be from 50 to 100 years old, for example, quince Japanese, viburnum vulgar, lilac (pictured);
  • Very durable have a lifespan of more than 100 years, they include: thuja, juniper (the age of individual specimens reaches four hundred years).

Classification based on frost resistance

This information is often of interest to gardeners, especially in those regions where, as a rule, severe winters are enough, but you want to please yourself with unusual plants. This is where the question arises: what are shrubs and grasses suitable for severe climatic conditions. The factor of resistance to cold should be taken into account, as this will save you from improper purchase, unnecessary expenditure and disappointment. All shrubs are divided into 5 groups:

  • Very frost-resistant - these are plants that can withstand a winter temperature drop of -40 degrees, and sometimes more, this does not harm them; In the main, the group consists of coniferous shrubs (mountain pine, cedar stlanik), but there are representatives of deciduous, for example, hawthorn and Siberian siberia;
  • Frost-hardy, they tolerate cold winters, but if the frosts are too strong, snow-proof shoots will freeze (hawthorn, viburnum, honeysuckle);
  • Relatively heat-loving plants are plants that have a long vegetation period, young shoots often do not manage to grow littered and are therefore easily damaged in spring frosts and prolonged strong winter cooling, for example, bushes of the genus Berezklet, spiraea, ambulance;
  • Heat-loving, in such plants, with a prolonged cooling period, the above-ground part may die completely, so they require additional shelter;
  • Very heat-loving shrubs, they absolutely do not suffer a cooling below -10 degrees.

What are the types of shrubs depending on the exacting requirements for lighting?

Illumination is another factor in the successful development of plants. An improperly chosen place can ruin it. Therefore, it is so important to take into account the light factor when planting your site. Although it must be remembered that in many cases light-seeking is a non-constant characteristic. As a rule, young plants require a shadow because of the danger of burns, and growing, they grow well even under the brightest rays.

Let's consider what kind of shrubs there are, depending on the exacting requirements for sunlight:

  • Light-loving, they absolutely can not stand long shading and prefer to grow in open spaces, for example, dog rose, spirea, mountain ash;
  • Relatively shade-tolerant shrubs: honeysuckle Tatar, hydrangea paniculate (pictured), acacia yellow;
  • Shade-tolerant shrubs tolerate the shade well, but they still grow better in the lighted place, they include the warty-bearing spindle warty, the cob, the hazel.

Ornamental deciduous shrubs

Landscape designers in their work actively use not only flowers and trees, but also shrubs. Because with their help it is possible to create light compositions, voluminous hedges, green shapes or simply to form color contrasts, as many species differ with a beautiful color. Many amateur gardeners know about what there are shrubs (names, varieties) with decorative leaves, and it is perfectly applied in practice. Choosing them for yourself, keep in mind that there are deciduous and evergreen species. The latter are mostly miniature, dwarf forms of coniferous trees. To deciduous species is a huge number of shrubs. It is important to remember that they are all thermophilic, light-loving and demanding for the fertility of the soil, therefore in the territory beyond the middle zone of Russia require careful care and shelter for the winter. The most vivid representatives:

  1. Japanese maple - under this name is united the whole genus of perennial woody plants. In the late autumn, dense foliage is painted in all shades of red and burgundy flowers. A great example of what kind of shrubs (photo below) are beautiful and how with their help the autumn garden acquires brightness and attractiveness.
  2. Barberry. Many varieties are not only decorative, but also bear fruit, berries are used for compotes and marinades, and also as a seasoning. Forms and species are numerous enough, each will pick up to your taste: barberry Ottawa with purple leaves or barberry Tunberga, which in autumn is painted in shades of orange, etc.
  3. Aralia. A thermophilic shrub with straight, very large, feathery leaves is enough.
  4. In addition, undeservedly forgotten rowan, mahogany deciduous, elder.

Beautifully flowering shrubs

When mentioning such plants, the first thing that comes to mind is magnificent shrub roses, decorative shrubs, the species of which are very popular. Another frequent and well-known guest of Russian gardens is a chubushnik, for some reason firmly fixed the name of jasmine, which is completely wrong, since these plants even belong to different genera (Hortensian and Olive, respectively). There are about 60 species of Chubushnikov, the most popular representatives are the Caucasus and Shrenka. Those who want to have a fragrant and unusual garden should also pay attention to forcing, kalina, spiraea, lilac, lapchatka, rhododendrons, buddlei, action, tree-like peonies (pictured).

Berry bushes

Berry bushes are of great economic importance. Rarely, what kind of garden in our country does without currants or raspberries and its closest relative - blackberries. Selection has advanced far ahead in this plan, many varieties and varieties have been identified, differing in the size of the bush, the color of the berries, the rate of maturation. Aromatic currant gives not only berries, but also leaves that brew like tea or use in cooking. It is worth trying to plant as a quince Japanese, chokeberry, hawthorn, Irgu, Kalin, black elder (pictured), honeysuckle and sea buckthorn.

Of course, the nature of care depends on the purpose. So, berry bushes require more attention, they are often exposed to various pests and diseases. But the time spent is worth it, because in the end you get the most valuable vitamins and trace elements in a natural "package", grown with your own hands.

Picking plants for your garden, it is important to know about what are shrubs (names, varieties, species). This will definitely help to make the right choice, correctly determine the planting site and achieve a positive result in growing.

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