
How is the list of friends "VKontakte" formed?

Most users of the social network have repeatedly asked: "How is the list of friends" VKontakte "formed?". So on what does it depend? From the system? From the user? You, probably, will be surprised if you learn that both factors influence how the list of friends "VKontakte" is built.

You can find out who is in your friends in two ways:

  1. Go to your page and in the menu, to the left of the main photo, select the item "My friends" - it's the second from the top.

  2. Scroll the main page a little down and on the left side, right after the gifts, there will be the "Friends" tab.

In any case, by selecting one of the items, you will be taken to the same page. In the middle of it will be a list of friends and several functions for processing their pages. From the very top there is a graph for quick search - it is the name or surname of a friend, and on the right - a more extensive search by sex, city and age.

How is the list of friends "VKontakte" formed?

At the very top are the people whose pages you visit most often. Their list is formed automatically and depends only on your active pastime on your friends' accounts. What tabs from the menu on the right you would not open, for example, "phone book", "new friends" - the list is created automatically. The same is true with the on-line tab.

How is the list of friends "VKontakte" from the standard groups formed?

By default, "VKontakte" has several "lists" in which you can enter your friends. They have names:

  1. Best friends.

  2. Relatives.

  3. Colleagues.

  4. Friends of the university.

  5. Friends of the school.

How to build a list of friends "VKontakte" in this way, depends only on you. Any one of his friends can be entered in the corresponding column without any obstacles. Information about people who are on such lists is not checked, for example, anyone can be entered into the column of "colleague", as the management of the VKontakte network will not confirm or deny this information.

A list of friends who are in such groups can be seen by any user. To cancel or somehow hide one of the standard groups is impossible. As for adding friends to such lists, it's very simple to do. It is enough to go to the list of friends and choose the option "add to the list" next to any of them in the options. Then, in the pop-up window, tick the required group.

How is the list of friends "VKontakte" formed when using their groups?

Friends "VKontakte" can also be in individual lists, which are created by the user personally. Such groups carry any destination and name. The main feature of such lists is that they are hidden from others and are accessible only to you. You can create an individual category in the friends menu on the right side. After the standard groups there is an item "create a list", when you click on which appears a pop-up window.

Its menu will be divided into two parts: on the left is a list of your friends, and on the right are people who will be in the group. To begin with, you need to come up with a name, for example, "guys." Then just click on the people from the left column and they will move to the right. Now you understand how the list of friends "VKontakte" is formed in this way ?! To consolidate the positions of friends in it simply click on the "save" button at the bottom of the window.

In order to delete individual categories that are not used and do not contain friends, it is enough to enter them and select the item "delete the list" at the top. The advantage of friends who are in such groups is that they can be denied or allowed access to content on your page through the privacy menu in the settings. To do this, go to the settings and select the "privacy" tab, and then edit the features by selecting the item "some friends lists".

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