Sports and FitnessHockey

How to properly skate: a simple but important thing

One of the winter's favorite in Russia, and with the opening of ice arenas already all-season fun is skating. So, the outfit for skating is bought, the skates are sharpened, the heart stops with anticipation of pleasure, it remains a matter of small - to learn how to properly string skates.

Pay attention when buying

Initially, even when buying skates, you need to make sure that they are correctly matched. The basic rule - the shoes should be strictly in size, and they should be measured on socks or pantyhose, in which it is planned to ride. This will help to avoid injuries and extend the life of skates.

It is not advisable to use skates with plastic shoes, as they are not able to properly support the feet, and it is possible to get injured. Experts recommend buying skates of famous firms ("CCM", "Nordway", "Bauer") with leather boots. The harder the shoe, the less likely it is to turn the leg when riding. More comfortable skates with hooks, lace them easier and faster. It is better if the laces are elastic, nylon. And, finally, you need to shoe and lace up the skates, convenience is the deciding parameter when choosing.

Basic moments

For skating to deliver only positive emotions, it is important to know how to properly lace skates:

  1. Lacing should start from the bottom up. It is worth pointing out that in the bow of the ridge the stretch is weaker than in the area of the leg lift. This is necessary in order to maintain blood circulation, when the ankle is fixed.
  2. The upper part of the ridge (an area where the ridge does not usually have eyelets, but hooks) is also worth weakening for a more comfortable ride.
  3. Lace the hind from the outside inward, that is, it turns out that the "cross" lies down on the tongue of the boot.
  4. A good way to check the correctness of the lacing tension is by squatting after each pass through the eyelets. If the tension is correct, then it does not cause discomfort or unpleasant sensations.
  5. From the security point of view, it is recommended to lace the skates.

If everything is done correctly, then the skates sit comfortably, and under the laces it is impossible to stick a finger.

Hockey players have their secrets

But not all skates are laced the same way. For example, skates for playing hockey have a slightly different look. They are more rigid, unlike skating and figure skating. Also they should sit tightly on the leg. How to properly string hockey skates?

  • When training, it is necessary to loosen the lacing up to the third from the bottom of the eyelet, pull out the tongue of the shoe and only after that to put on the skate.
  • Before the lacing, the heel must be shifted back, the tongue of the shoe - keep the foot in the chosen position, the toes - just touch lightly the inner side of the boot's nose. Only then can the shoe be laced.
  • To the point of folding of the foot, the laces are tightened sufficiently tight, then more freely.

It is curious that the well-known hockey players have their secrets, how to properly skate skates. For example, Russian hockey players from the time of V. Kharlamov tightened the lacing tightly from below, leaving them unknotted for two or three holes from the top. Canadians, on the contrary, rigidly fixed the ankle joint. In hockey from properly selected and laced skates depends on the speed of movement of the player and the technique of riding.

Important for skaters

The lacing area of the figure skates is usually softer for more tight fitting of the foot with the shoe. A few tips on how to correctly string figure skates:

  • If they are new, then before riding it is desirable to unbind and lace up the skates several times. This procedure can be carried out and in the process of skating, then the ridge boots will sit more tightly on the foot.
  • With the correct lacing of the figure skates, the heel should not move up or down.
  • The nose part of the ridge should be laced less tightly to prevent blood circulation disorders, the ankle should be fixed rigidly.
  • The upper part should not compress the leg or loosely hang around the leg.

With long skating, the lacing of the skates weakens, it needs to be tightened.

How to properly lace skates? This issue, at first glance, is simple, but from the implementation of this procedure depends the comfort and safety of visiting the rink.

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