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What are the main features of society? General sociology

The use of the word "society" is ubiquitous, but not everyone can clearly formulate the essence of this notion. The definition of this phenomenon and its designation is given by sociology, as well as social science. The last science in this matter has the most significant weight, since it is society that is the subject of its study. Unlike all other sciences, it purposefully considers all possible aspects of society. The rest of science distinguishes only one specific aspect of the phenomenon.

However, we will focus on the presentation that sociology gives us, since in our article we are going to consider the question: "What are the main signs of society?" - as well as some related aspects. They will help us to more consciously operate on this concept and as a whole will be useful for expanding knowledge in this field.

A glance at the concept of society

Let us cite some data from sociology that reflect the essence of society. So, this science considers the concept from two main sides, respectively, representing diverse meanings. Let's talk about each separately, while we will touch upon the distinctive features of society.

Historical and economic aspect

The first side of the study is to consider the society taking into account historical, economic, geographical and political factors. In accordance with this aspect of society are identified as structures larger than just groups of people or community.

Most often in such a channel are allocated quite specific species, such as primitive, slaveholding, feudal and others. They differ in the generality of cultural values, the level of technology development, moral values.

In considering this same historical and economic aspect, societies formed in the territory of a particular country or continent are singled out. This is the Russian, and American, and Western world in general, and the east.

Proceeding from the listed facts, we will sum up this block of information by definition: society is a system limited in time and territory. Any era with its values and the level of technology development is such a society.

Main features

The scientist E. Shils gives us a number of signs on which society is singled out, proceeding from their considered forming factors:

- as an integral functioning structure (the society does not belong to any of the largest systems);

- has its own clearly defined territory;

- has the name, history of education and development;

- the replenishment and expansion of society occurs at the expense of human resources, which are its representatives (with rare exceptions);

- as a sign, complementary with the previous one, - representatives of one association enter into marriage;

- there is a functioning own management system;

- typical presence of common for the representatives of the system of values, norms, traditions, which form the culture;

- the time of existence of society is necessarily greater than the life expectancy of an individual representative.

The features of society, according to authoritative domestic sociologists, are as follows:

  • Territory - it also plays the role of the main material base for the existence and development of social relations;
  • Autonomy - self-sufficiency, which allows to exist without economic and other links with other societies;
  • Integrity - the unification of all individuals in the process of social life, the maintenance and reproduction of generations;
  • Universality - the all-encompassing nature of the structure (for the individual participants).

Let us proceed further to the following concept of society, presented in sociological research.

Sociological and philosophical aspect

So, we have already learned what are the main signs of society in accordance with the economic-geographical aspect of the study. It is time to consider the second aspect of research on this topic in sociology.

The second meaning of society is purely sociological and philosophical, if we consider it as a whole. In the studies of this direction, sociology is based on the results of practical observations and experiments on smaller structures-small communities (families, clans, peoples). A kind of hierarchy of structures is built, from the smaller to the larger. As a result, we obtain a functional unity of communities.

Considering the various institutions of society from this practical point of view, sociology affects the problems of the universe - the origin of the society, the single goal of its existence. Every society has its own history. So, the American theory of "beginning began" takes as a basis some of the founding fathers. Reflections on this subject by sociologists of the times of the Soviet Union revolve around the October Revolution of 1917

Let us briefly summarize what was said in the context of the sociological aspect: society is the largest social group, embracing all the others, making them their own part. We continue to consider the question of what are the main features of society.

Signs of society in the sociological context

The researcher of sociological questions R.Kohnig ascribes to society the following signs:

  • A certain way of life for individuals;
  • Economic and ideological associations formed on agreements;
  • Presence of social units (different peoples);
  • Integrity of social unity, i. Smaller structures;
  • The historical prerequisites for the formation and development of precisely this particular society;
  • Social reality - the processes in which the relations of individuals are tied.

Some basic properties

Before that, we have already considered two aspects of the study of the sociology society, mentioned some forms of society as examples. We also learned about the signs that are inherent in society when studying from the economic and sociological aspects. Now we consider it expedient to dwell on some of its most important properties. To such in sociology, autonomy and self-sufficiency are considered.

Autonomy and self-sufficiency as properties

Previously, we only briefly mentioned the property of autonomy of the structure of society. Now about this in more detail.

The possibility of a society to exist separately from others, to support the functioning of smaller structures that are part of its composition, is autonomy. This property, at first glance, somewhat recedes into the background in the conditions of total globalization of absolutely all world processes at the moment. However, this deceptive impression: the strengthening of international contacts has some signs that autonomy is becoming less obvious, but this process is of a completely different kind.

A vivid confirmation of the autonomy of societies, to which the population of the countries of the world belongs, is the existence of their own systems of power in them. Within the countries there are smaller communities of people, entering on the principle of hierarchy in society as a whole.

Studying further the institutions of society, let us say a few words about self-sufficiency. Self-sufficiency is a property inherent in the people of a particular country, which makes it possible to exist completely in isolation from all other societies. After the division of labor (industrial specialization) between the territories of the world, self-sufficiency is not observed in any country. Modern societies have a new inherent quality - complementarity for economic reasons.

Other properties

An important part of any society is its cultural array. This concept includes many phenomena, there is no need to consider them within the framework of our topic. Let's just say that on the basis of common traditions, self-awareness, moral values of individuals, a cultural society is formed. His formation is preceded by a rich history.

Lesser communities are able to perform their functions in a single system of the country's society independently. This is the main manifestation of the property of self-regulation.


As a conclusion, let's draw a conclusion: society and its features are considered in sociology in various aspects. This takes into account economic, geographic, historical, cultural and other factors. The modern societies appear mainly in the form of countries and their populations. Their most important properties are autonomy and self-sufficiency.

Thus, we have figured out the question of what are the main signs of society that shape it as a phenomenon. We hope that the information obtained will be useful for an informed view of modern society.

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