EducationThe science

The Concept of Science in Philosophy


Science is a kind of cognitive activity of a person aimed at obtaining and developing objective, well-founded and systematically organized knowledge about the world around us. In the course of this activity, facts are collected, analyzed, systematized and further synthesized on the basis of available data new knowledge that allows scientifically based forecasting of the future.

The concept of science in philosophy occupies one of the most important places. Science is the basic form of knowledge of the world. For a philosophical vision of the world, it is necessary to have a definite idea of science, about what it is like, how science is arranged, how it develops, what it is available, what one can hope for thanks to its achievements.

The concept of science in philosophy consists of its definition, goals, ideological basis (paradigm), a complex of ideas and ideas about what science is, and so on. This also includes the problems of scientific ethics - a system of rules governing the relationship of people in the field of scientific research.

Any ideology is the registration of data obtained by empirical way, which relate to the interaction of people among themselves or with nature. Practically always the establishment of truth is fraught with errors. The verification of ideological postulates by empirical methods is quite a challenge.

The concept of science in philosophy is defined as the sphere of activity of people whose main function is the development of knowledge about reality on an objective basis. Science is a form of social consciousness. It includes activities to acquire new knowledge, as well as the very sum of all the knowledge that underlies the picture of the world. Under the science also understand certain branches of scientific knowledge.

The system of sciences in philosophy is divided into social, natural, humanitarian and technical. It originated in the ancient world, but how the system began to evolve from the 16th century. In the course of its development, it has become an important social institution that is essential for society and has a tremendous impact on its activities.

Historically, there are separate stages in the development of the philosophy of science . This philosophical discipline began to develop along with positivist teaching. It was then that for the first time there was an urgent need to study the language, logic and methods of exact sciences. In different stages, different phenomena were identified as the main problems of the study, various topics were discussed and there was no unity in the opinion of what to include in the concept of science in philosophy.

In positivistic philosophy (at all three stages), the main task of the philosophy of science was to understand the essence of the natural-scientific theory as a whole, attempts were made to determine its structure, the means of forming knowledge. At this time there is a problem of the growth of scientific knowledge.

At subsequent stages of the formation of the philosophy of science, positivists increasingly departed from the actual content of the scientific theory. Logical-positivist teaching in fact actually went into metaphysics, moving away from science. The neopositivists continued to rely on empiricism. They reduced philosophy to the logic of science. Post-positivists tried to analyze the influence on the development of science of "extra-scientific" factors (cultural, spiritual, social). At this stage, science began to interact with the social environment. From this moment, science has become a promising and interesting topic for philosophers. The theories of neopositivists and postpositivists remain relevant to the present day.

There is such a thing as the problems of the science of philosophy . It is understood as the problems of the growth of scientific knowledge, the study of the origin of science and its development at each stage of social development. The philosophy of science seeks to develop worldview guidelines for solving these problems. The main problem of the philosophy of science is the problem of the emergence of scientific knowledge itself. In general, all problems are divided into three groups: the problems of the philosophy of science, arising from the characteristics of philosophy; Problems within science itself; Problems of interaction between philosophy and science.


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