HealthDiseases and Conditions

Heart disease cardioneurosis, symptoms, treatment

Cardioneurosis is a disorder in the work of the heart and vessels of neurotic origin. The development of cardioneurosis is associated with mental or physical overload, emotional stress, stress. Often cardioneurosis develops during the period of hormonal changes in the body. The basis of the disease is a prolonged disorder of the central nervous system. The appearance of cardioneurosis can provoke excessive consumption of strong tea and coffee, smoking, alcohol.

In the development of the disease, the psychosomatic type of a person is important. Cardioneurosis predominantly develops in persons emotionally labile, prone to hypochondriacal self-control, with a neuropathic constitution. A definite value is given to hereditary predisposition.

Clinical picture of cardioneurosis

Cardioneurosis, its symptoms and subsequent treatment are non-specific and can be observed in many diseases of the cardiovascular system. Patients complain of a feeling of heaviness, unmotivated changes in the work of the heart, frequent palpitations, sometimes there is a stitching pain in the heart area, intensifying with a deep inspiration, a feeling of cardiac fading or its uneven heartbeat. Complaints of the patient appear or increase in stressful situations, during hormonal changes in the body, which occur during adolescence, during pregnancy, in the climacteric period.

On examination and an objective examination of the patient, attention is drawn to the disturbance of the functions of the autonomic nervous system, which is manifested by increased local sweating of the palms and feet, axillary areas, cooling and marbling of the extremities, persistent white dermographism, lability of blood pressure and heart rhythm, propensity to hypotension, tachycardia and Periodic extrasystole.

Diagnosis of the disease

Different specialists of the therapeutic profile help to diagnose cardioneurosis symptoms. Treatment of this disease is carried out with the participation of a cardiologist, neurologist and psychiatrist. The diagnosis of heart ischemia , heart defects, myocarditis, cardiomyopathy and other heart diseases and vascular system is of great importance in the diagnosis of the disease. Echocardiography and ECG with daily monitoring are assigned from instrumental studies.

Treatment of cardioneurosis

They talk about the presence of such a disease as cardioneurosis symptoms. Treatment of this pathology is long and the result of it largely depends on the patient himself. The disease is treated taking into account the causes that cause cardioneurosis. Treatment should begin with the normalization of the regime of work and rest, full night sleep. The duration of the night rest should be eight to nine hours, in the case of significant asthenization of the patient - up to ten hours.

There is no definite medicine for neurosis. Of great importance in the treatment is the appointment of sedatives, tranquilizers. A good alternative to drug treatment is the appointment of phytotherapy. In spite of the symptoms that determine cardioneurosis, treatment should be performed after a short-term cessation of symptoms. For the treatment of cardioneurosis use infusion of valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, mint, chamomile, fennel, lily of the valley. These plants can be used in the form of fees. A good effect with cardioneurosis gives a natural honey bee, which take 1-2 teaspoons a day after meals and at night. Use for treatment of non-traditional methods - complexes of medical physical culture, acupuncture, reflexotherapy, classical massage.

Regardless of what the cardioneurosis has symptoms, the treatment of the disease should be continuous and continuous. Only if the patient perseveres in all medical appointments and recommendations can you achieve success in the fight against this disease. Ignoring the symptoms of cardioneurosis and lack of treatment over time can lead to the development of angina and other forms of cardiac ischemia, hypertension.

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