HealthDiseases and Conditions

Vascular diseases

Vascular diseases are divided into groups.

Inflammatory processes.

This group includes primary (systemic allergic) and secondary vasculitis. To this category are also such vascular diseases as aortites, thrombophlebitis and phlebitis.


This category includes lesions in the arteries of different locations (brain, heart, kidneys).

Embolism, thrombosis and thromboembolism are more "therapeutic" and "surgical" pathologies.

Also, vascular diseases include ischemia of various types (including limbs), obliterating endarteritis, diabetic macroangiopathy, predangrene, and others.

According to classical anatomy, a superficial and deep vein system is distinguished. Communication between them is carried out through thin-walled vessels (perforating veins). Their defeat affects the formation of venous insufficiency. The main feature of this vascular device is the presence of a valve system that provides a unidirectional blood flow.

Recently, much attention is paid to venous pathology. In particular, its genetic nature is given considerable importance. In many cases, it is not the vascular diseases themselves that are inherited, but only hereditary anomalies in the structure of the vessel walls. Congenital inferiority can be manifested in insufficient equipment with valves or in the form of their anatomical underdevelopment. The provoking factors for the formation of these pathological changes are hormonal disorders, physical overload.

The most common manifestations of pathologies include:

- quickly there is a feeling of fatigue in the limbs after a load;

- a feeling of numbness or tingling;

- constant swelling of the legs;

- an unhealed long period of ulcers on the legs.

As a result of a disorder of capillary function, the pathology of the veins also develops. Due to the pressure in them, the walls of small vessels change. The capillaries become convex and swollen. Thus, a vascular network is formed on the legs.

The reasons for the development of such a pathological state are many. As the main provoking factor, experts call excessive strain on the legs.

In addition, the disorder of capillary function leads to improper nutrition, liver and bowel disease, a violation in the circulation. During pregnancy, it is very important to monitor your weight, otherwise excess weight can also lead to the development of pathology.

Quite a lot of people create this problem for themselves, abusing alcohol, smoking, staying in the sun, taking hormonal drugs.

It should be noted that the appearance of a vascular network is characteristic not only for the lower limbs. As a result of blood circulation disorders, couperose can develop. Vascular mesh on the face occurs in people with increased skin sensitivity. They are the most susceptible to temperature fluctuations, as well as the adverse effects of certain cosmetic products.

The first symptoms of couperose are regularly occurring burning and itching. Later, irritation develops, usually in the forehead, nose or chin area. With the course of the disease, the symptoms become more pronounced and occur more often. In the next phase of the disease develops intense redness on the skin and the formation of vascular asterisks.

If early signs of vascular diseases occur in order to prevent undesirable consequences, you should contact a specialist.

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