HealthDiseases and Conditions

Obliterating endarteritis - symptoms and treatment

Obliterating endarteritis - It is a disease of the vessels, most often of the lower extremities, rarely of the upper ones, as well as the vessels of the brain and heart. The disease has been known since ancient times and called it different terms: "femoral angina", "endarteriosis", "intermittent claudication", "Burger's disease", "trombangiitis". To him are exposed mainly men from 20 till 50 years, that is people at the most active age.

At the end of the XIX century, Russian surgeon AA Vvedensky noted that obliterating endarteritis is very common among residents living in places with severe climate, and exacerbations occur in cold weather. He noticed that systematic cooling and frostbite of the limbs lead to a disruption in nutrition and tissue sensitivity.

However, the disease occurs in countries with a hot or moderate climate, so it can not be said that the occurrence of the disease is caused only by the action of low temperatures. Numerous scientific studies have shown that nicotine is able to increase clotting and viscosity of blood, worsen and slow capillary blood flow in the main vessels. During smoking, there is a marked decrease in skin temperature, the restoration of which, after quitting smoking, takes from 5 minutes to 1 hour or more. It was revealed that 1 cigarette, smoked on an empty stomach with sick endarteritis, is capable of causing vasospasm for a period of up to 17-18 hours.

It can cause mechanical and mental injuries. So, the scientists established that after the earthquake in Ashgabat, the number of endarteriitis diseases, among city residents, increased 3-fold. It is also known about the sharp increase in the incidence of this disease after the world wars (the first and second) in virtually all countries in the world.

Obliterating endarteritis: symptoms

The disease develops slowly. The periods of exacerbation can be replaced by prolonged remissions. There are 4 stages of the disease:

  1. Ischemic;
  2. Trophic disorders;
  3. Ulcerative-necrotic;
  4. Gangrenous.

The first is the ischemic stage, characterized by a feeling of creeping crawling, slight fatigue of the feet while walking, muscle cramps, chilliness.

For the second - trophic disorders - it is typical sharp fatigue and chilliness of the legs, the appearance of muscle pain when walking, changing color and reducing skin temperature. "Intermittent claudication" during this period appears through much shorter distances and severely limits the activity of the patient. There is a weakening of the pulsations of the arteries of the feet on the affected limbs or the absence of one of them.

The ulcerative-necrotic stage is characterized by constant "intermittent claudication", drilling pains that increase in the horizontal position, the formation of ulcers in the interdigital area of the feet or brushes. Nails are deformed, their growth slows down, there is an acute reaction of feet to temperature: because of severe pain, patients do not tolerate neither heat nor cooling of feet. To the ulcerative process may join lymphangitis, thrombophlebitis. The slightest trauma at this stage leads to the formation of non-healing ulcers.

Obliterating endarteritis In the gangrenous stage is characterized by the fact that toxic substances that affect the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys, and the cerebral cortex are distributed to the general bloodstream. There can be extensive necrosis of the tissues, constant burning pain, which not only deprives the patient of sleep, but is often accompanied by severe depression.

Obliterating endarteritis: treatment

In our time there are no cardinal treatments that can stop the progress of the disease. It is possible only complex medical therapy, which can slow down the process in the early stages of its manifestation.

It is very important to eliminate the causes that contribute to the development of the disease: refrain from drinking alcohol, smoking, from working in a cold, damp room, especially associated with prolonged standing on the legs. Successful treatment will be facilitated by a decrease in the use of high-energy foods and neuro-emotional loads, the use of curative physical education and, if possible, sanatorium treatment.

In the absence of success of treatment by conservative methods, surgical intervention is used - sympathectomy, shunting or limb amputation.

Obliterating endarteritis is a serious disease and timely treatment to the treating doctor will be the key to successful treatment.

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