Health, Diseases and Conditions
Numbness of legs: causes, treatment
Sometimes it happens that one of the limbs loses sensitivity for a while, that is, numbness in the legs and hands occurs. The reasons for this can be very different. Immediately a bunch of questions arise: why it happens, is it scary, what to do in such cases. For detailed information, contact your doctor. And here you will read something that you, perhaps, will be useful for an independent assessment of the situation.
Why does the numbness of the legs and arms occur? Causes
- Elderly people often suffer from atherosclerosis, in which pain and cramps are added to numbness, a person is fatigued and feels weak.
- With an inactive lifestyle in the spine, changes occur: the intervertebral nerves in the spinal cord are jammed. This is how osteochondrosis manifests itself.
- With multiple sclerosis, diabetes and other diseases, neuropathy "starts", at which the nerve endings are affected in the legs.
- If the legs regularly become "wadded", hurt, then, perhaps, this is multiple sclerosis.
- The Rhine disease is only being studied. However, it is known that the blood circulation in the legs weakens, numbness, edema and cramps occur.
- With rheumatoid arthritis, acute pain arises in the knees, and edema appears, because it is an inflammatory disease in which the joints are deformed, resulting in pinching of the nerves.
- Disturbance of metabolic processes occurring in nerve fibers.
- There is compression of the nerve root of the intervertebral hernia.
- If blood circulation is disturbed, less oxygen enters the soft tissues, which causes numbness.
- With neuropathy, the nerves are affected, while the person feels pain.
- Oncological diseases, when the tumor is located next to the spinal cord.
Other factors
If you have numbness of the legs, the reasons for this can be hidden not only in the disease, but also the lack of vitamins, etc. For example, when you are afraid, it catches your breath, which means that less oxygen will enter the bloodstream, and as the vessels also narrow Blood does not reach the feet, they become wadded, do not obey.
Let's say you do not have the diseases listed above, then numbness of the legs, the reasons for the appearance of symptoms are hidden in your rhythm of life. Sedentary work also gives an additional strain on the spine and legs. If you are a programmer, a driver, a cashier, a banker (ie you sit all day), then you slouch, move little, and it does not matter how old you are.
In any case, consultation with a qualified specialist is necessary to diagnose numbness of the legs (causes).
Symptomatic manifestations
- Numbness of one leg or both.
- There is a feeling that the limbs are "wooden".
- It hurts to sit, bend, cough.
- On the body like goose bumps.
- Pain in the legs is given in the back, especially in the spine.
- Edemas.
- Convulsions.
Numbness of one leg
It happens that there is an unpleasant syndrome in one limb, for example, numbness of the left leg. Causes - the onset of the development of serious diseases, such as microinsult, stroke, transit ischemic state of the brain. If there is no pain, and numbness is below the knee and does not go away for long, do not self-medicate, but immediately consult a doctor.
If there is numbness of the right leg, the reasons here can be much more serious. When this happens periodically, then urgently go to the neurologist, because this can be caused by a violation of sensitivity in the nerve endings. If the doctor does not reveal obvious causes, then consult a surgeon dealing with blood vessels, since then numbness is already a signal of brain damage, and possibly a shunting procedure is necessary.
Numbness of thumb
The sensitivity of the thumb is lost, it "tweaks", the skin is shivering? It is possible that when the numbness of the big toe began, the reasons for this problem were likely to be shoes. Uncomfortable shoes cause a temporary nerve pinched, hence the discomfort.
When this happens constantly, especially if pain is also characteristic, sensitivity decreases (the person does not distinguish temperature: cold, heat), coordination of movements is violated, then this is already a signal of diabetes mellitus, intervertebral hernia, frostbite, abnormalities of arteries, nerves and much more. .
Numbness of toes
On your fingers running around murashi, tunic, as if by current. Perhaps you stay in one position for a long time, and it's worthwhile for you to change this position, how it will go. But if there is a nocturnal or baseless numbing of the toes, the causes of a painful sensation can be signs of a disease. This and varicose veins, and vascular insufficiency, in which there is swelling, deposited atherosclerotic plaques, lumens narrowed. As a result, the blood runs badly through the blood vessels, hence the numbness.
Another loss of sensitivity in the toes is possible when the musculoskeletal system suffers (sciatica, osteochondrosis, etc.). Then the fingertips numb. However, the main cause may be the infringement of the nerve of the seat (or sciatica). With gout, blood circulation in the joints is disturbed, so there is a loss of sensitivity. Usually only one of the thumbs suffers, but maybe both, although rarely.
Numbness of hands: causes
If the connective tissue or muscles squeezed the neuromuscular bundle, then this will lead to numbness of the hands. Basically there are only seven places "for compression" in the body, so the diagnosis is usually set fast. It happens that the work of the spine is broken. In this case, it takes much longer to diagnose.
There is also carpal tunnel syndrome, which occurs most often in the working arm. The position of the brush is the same for a long time, that's the tendons and swell. People who for some reason work with the computer for a long time may think that they fall into the category of persons at risk of encountering this syndrome.
However, the faces of working professions, such as a painter, seamstress, driver, even a pianist, can get this syndrome faster than PC-shniki. At the same time, women are more predisposed to such a disease than men, and people of middle age (40 years) and elderly (60 years) age are at risk of encountering carpal tunnel syndrome even more.
After reading about the numbness of the legs (reasons), you can choose the treatment yourself, but only if you just need to change your lifestyle. In other circumstances, a visit to a doctor is inevitable.
- Not that position - change it. Rub the skin to restore blood circulation as soon as possible. Run more often, do exercises, exercise, dance to your favorite music.
- If there are many symptoms, for example, the leg and arm have lost sensitivity simultaneously, then call an ambulance immediately, because this may be the beginning of a stroke.
- It may well have to give up coffee, alcohol, strong tea.
- It is desirable to eat more porridge: buckwheat and oatmeal. It is also recommended to eat germinated grains and eat vitamins, especially those with iron.
- Try not to overcool the body in the cold.
- Doctors recommend the use of contrast baths. You need 2 containers: one hot water, the other - cold. It is necessary for half a minute to lower your legs in one or another, repeating this way 5 times in a row. Do this 2 times a day - in the morning, and then in the evening. After the bath you will need turpentine ointment and good warm socks. You wash your feet with ointment, and put your socks on top.
- Wrap with honey. It takes a piece of natural tissue and honey. Honey is smeared numb place, wrapped in cloth. This is done before going to bed, and in the morning it is washed off with water. Usually, 3-4 procedures are enough for numbness to pass.
- It takes a liter of cold water and alcohol: ammonia -10 gr., Camphor - 50 gr. Alcohol is poured into water and mixed. It is applied to the skin before going to bed, massage movements are done for better rubbing.
- Garlic, or rather tincture from it. We take 5 heads, we press. In the dishes pour garlic on the bottom, pour vodka. The tincture should stand in the dark and cool for exactly 2 weeks, with it being shaken once a day. Take 2 times a day in the morning and in the evening for at least a month.
- You need vegetable fat and sugar in half a cup. They mix, it rubs the numb place. Then they prepare a bath of 2 tsp. Sea salt and a liter of warm water. In the solution, somewhere for 15 minutes. The legs fall down, after which a terry towel is taken and the skin is thoroughly cleaned.
The same applies to the problem of numbness of the toes: the causes, the treatment are almost identical. Here are a few ways to directly prevent, so that the sensitivity of your fingers is not lost:
- Skiing, skating, running ... in a word - sport.
- A camphor ointment is taken. She smears that finger, which is numb. After that, he takes a sock and puts on his leg. It is best to do at night.
- Also, contrast baths.
- Rotation and movement of feet, walking on socks. Try to do a stop all sorts of "pirouettes", this can be done with music.
- Stress ... it must be removed. Look at your favorite movie, sleep, walk in the park, call a friend or girlfriend and just chat with them about anything. Do what will enhance your mood.
In conclusion
Now you know what constitutes the numbness of the legs, the reasons for the occurrence, why there is a loss of sensitivity, and you can choose the treatment. Do not let things go by themselves: maybe it will pass with time. Remember, prevention is much easier in the early stages than treatment of the disease.
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