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How to cook macaroni in microwave oven: secrets, tips, recipes

The question of whether it is possible to cook macaroni in a microwave oven was asked, probably, by many mistresses. It happens that all the burners are busy (for example, when preparing for a holiday or during conservation), and there is nothing to eat. Microwave is always at your service, so why not use it? However, remembering the failures with eggs, people sometimes are afraid to experiment. And it's vain, because it's not only possible to cook macaroni in a microwave oven, but it's also not difficult. Yes, and time savings are observed.

A few subtleties

Before proceeding to the process, read the inscriptions on the package. You categorically do not use instant pasta - it just crawls into porridge. Do not cook in microwave and a very thin vermicelli, and for the same reason.

The basic principles of how to cook pasta in a microwave are not too different from the more familiar cooking on the stove. But some nuances are still present. The most important thing is that you need to pour more water than with classical cooking. An approximate ratio of 1: 2 in favor of water. But if the products are thick, it is possible that more fluid will be needed. But your macaroshki definitely will not "run away" and do not burn to the bottom.

There may be a problem with placing a long paste in the dishes. Spaghetti is often not fit entirely. If you do not want to break them, you will have to stand the pan in the oven for a couple of minutes without a lid, and when the twigs become flexible, gently wrap them inside.

Basic recipe

Before you cook the pasta in the microwave, take the responsibility to choose the dishes. Microwave is quite loyal to plastic, but for cooking it is not good. Dig in your bins a glass or ceramic vessel, suitable for the oven and large enough.

The water boils; This stage can also be carried out in a microwave oven, but it will take an unprofitable lot of time. It is better to use a conventional stove or electric kettle. The resulting boiling water is poured into a saucepan, the products are immersed in it. Water should be above their level at least three centimeters (or better). The contents are poured; To prevent sticking, a spoon of sunflower oil poured in. A lid with a hole on the vertex is poured in, the container is placed in the microwave. The total power is cut, the timer is set for six minutes. As the oven turns off, the paste is left in boiling water "to reach", since it is impossible to cook macaroni in a microwave until it is ready - they will start to fall apart. Depending on the brand and manufacturer, it may take up to ten minutes to wait. Soft paste is filtered and transferred to a plate. Sauces, butter, meat components - at the discretion of the hostess.

Alternative recipe

The method proposed below for how to cook macaroni in a microwave can be considered controversial. But it is tested by many and recognized acting. The products are laid in a suitable dish, poured cold water and cleaned in the microwave. The mode is selected as the maximum; The timer is set for a third of an hour - during this time the pasta becomes soft, but retains its elasticity. If you like a softer option, put time for half an hour.

However, microwave is good because it is not difficult to include it additionally, if it turned out that the product was not prepared.

Tomato dressing

Just a paste there are very few people want - too boring. There is a way how to quickly cook pasta in a microwave and make them a very appetizing and self-sufficient dish. The algorithm will be as follows.

  1. The water boils.
  2. In the prepared saucepan, the paste is poured and flavored with a small amount of vegetable oil.
  3. The base is poured with boiling water and salted.
  4. The container is closed with a lid and shaken gently (carefully, so as not to burn yourself and spill water).
  5. The pan is removed to the microwave for eight minutes; The heater is switched on at maximum power.
  6. Pasta is seized, the water is drained.
  7. In the pan, add either tomato paste with your favorite seasonings, or a ready-made ketchup. The container is again shaken.
  8. The pan returns to the microwave for a couple of minutes to warm up and soak the pasta sauce.

All! Tasty, satisfying, beautiful.

How to cook macaroni in microwave oven: recipes with cheese and cheese

Cheese dishes with pasta were and will be popular. To carry out the conceived, first cook pasta with a basic recipe. In parallel, a sauce made of butter, mustard, flour and salt with seasonings is made. There is rubbed a piece of hard cheese. The mixture interferes with the ready-made pasta, which for four minutes is returned back to the microwave.

For experiments with cheese, pasta is cooked according to prescription number 1 and transferred to a container used for baking. On top, they are sprinkled with lean oil, poured with sour cream and sprinkled with crumbled cheese and chopped onions. Two minutes of full power, and you can start dinner.

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