Homeliness, Landscaping
Lemorecereus: home care
Such plants as cacti are considered quite unpretentious in their care. Therefore, raising them at home is a real pleasure. But their extraordinary bloom does not leave anyone indifferent. For this reason, in many homes you can meet this prickly miracle. One of the varieties of a home cactus is a plant with a beautiful name, lemerozeres. Care for him, as for all the representatives of cacti, is not very difficult. And even a budding floriculturist will be able to take care of this flower. In the editions on floriculture, a subspecies of the cactus under consideration is often described, like a lemorocereus fringed, so we will also talk about it.
Characteristics of lemerozeres
It is considered that the plant received such a beautiful name on behalf of the famous French professor - botanist Lemaire S. This genus includes six species of cacti, the distinctive feature of which is dark green stems with a height of 3 to 8 meters. The diameter of the flower varies in the range from 6 to 15 centimeters. Side shoots are located in parallel and close to each other, therefore at home these cacti were called "organs".
Features of care for lemerozeres
Despite the "prickly" nature of the cactus, it is a very delicate plant that can be susceptible to various diseases. This is also true of a flower such as lemerozeres. Care for him, for this reason, must be properly organized.
Choose the right soil
Cacti with respect to the ground show capriciousness. If the earth does not fit the flower, then you can simply forget about flowering for several years. In case of successful soil selection, the cactus will be pleased with the flowering one year after the transplant. So, the earth must contain in itself the soil, sand and sheet humus in proportions one to one. If you do not have the opportunity to prepare this nutritional composition on your own, you should contact a flower shop where you can find a special mixture for cacti. As a drainage layer, clay or gravel is suitable. Drainage must be present, otherwise the roots may be rotting.
Place for cacti
The best place for lemerozeres is the window sill, and it is desirable that the window should face south. After all, if there is not enough light, the plants will stretch upwards, losing their beautiful appearance. And as a consequence, from the lack of sun, flowering may not occur at all.
Watering, fertilizer
To make the flower feel good in your home, you need to create conditions that are close to the desert. Namely, it is necessary to water very rarely, but abundantly. And the next watering should be done after the completely dried coma of the earth. It is recommended to water a durable, or even better filtered, non-rigid water. If you follow these tips, lemerozeres will be grateful to you and will please you with a beautiful bloom.
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