HealthDiseases and Conditions

Causes and Symptoms of Myocarditis

Myocarditis is called an inflammatory disease, accompanied by a defeat of the heart muscle. This condition is extremely dangerous, since in the absence of treatment, often leads to the development of cardiac and vascular insufficiency. So what are the main symptoms of myocarditis? Is there really effective treatment for the disease?

Myocarditis and its causes

In fact, the inflammatory process can be caused by a multitude of factors of the internal and external environment. The most common disease develops against the background of infection. Virtually any bacterial or viral disease can give a complication in the form of myocarditis.

In addition, inflammation often occurs against the background of toxic tissue damage. It is interesting that potentially dangerous substances can get from outside (for example, some poisons) or be the products of vital activity of pathogens, including some multicellular parasites.

Quite often the symptoms of myocarditis arise against a background of a strong allergic reaction. In addition, some autoimmune diseases can also be attributed to the causes.

Myocarditis: symptoms and treatment

In fact, the clinical picture can be different. In this case, everything depends on the severity of the organic damage to the myocardium, as well as on the underlying cause of the disease. For example, if an inflammatory process occurs against a background of bacterial infection, the first signs appear after a few weeks. At the same time, poisoning symptoms of myocarditis can develop for several hours.

First of all, there is a strong fatigue, drowsiness, and also a permanent weakness. Body temperature, as a rule, remains normal and only in some cases rises to subfebrile parameters. Tachycardia and arrhythmia are also symptoms of myocarditis.

Along with this, severe dyspnea appears. It can be observed as during physical exertion (even the weakest), and at rest. Some patients complain of night attacks of dyspnea, which, naturally, affects the condition of the body and the quality of life.

Quite often, inflammation is accompanied by discomfort and a slight sensation of burning in the heart. In turn, acute myocarditis can lead to the appearance of very severe pain resembling an attack of angina or even myocardial infarction. In such cases it is necessary to immediately deliver the person to the hospital.

Sometimes the symptoms of myocarditis are more visible and dangerous for the life of the patient. As already mentioned, in the absence of treatment, the disease can provoke the development of cardiac and vascular insufficiency. Similar complications have characteristic external signs. In particular, a good specialist will immediately notice the cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle, skin on the hands and feet, as well as bloating of the vein around the neck. In addition, a decrease in systolic pressure can be observed.

As for the treatment, in such a disease it is first of all important to determine its cause, on which the choice of effective treatment depends. For example, with bacterial infection, you need to take antibiotics, and for allergies - antihistamines. In addition, anti-inflammatory drugs are used, including those that contain corticosteroids. At the time of treatment, the patient needs a strict bed rest and a corresponding diet with a minimum amount of salt.

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