Health, Diseases and Conditions
Barley: treatment at home, folk remedies
With what only ailments a person does not face in life! Almost all of them bring pain, discomfort, and some are also capable of spoiling the appearance. In this article, we'll talk about such trouble as barley. Folk treatment includes a lot of means and years-old recipes, but this ailment is not trivial, as many believe. Therefore, if possible, you should first see a doctor who prescribes medication and authorizes the use of certain folk remedies. Our business is to offer you effective prescriptions, and yours is to consult the doctor regarding their application.
What kind of ailment?
Barley, treatment at home which is carried out quite effectively and quickly enough, is an inflammation of the hair sac, which is located in the sebaceous gland or the edge of the eyelashes. As a rule, people first notice the presence of a painful swelling, and only then - a formed abscess. Approximately 6-8 days after the onset of the disease, barley, as they say, ripens, and can break out. There are a lot of factors that can provoke barley. Treatment at home involves the use of many means, of which we now talk.
What will the doctor advise?
As we have already said, a visit to a specialist is highly desirable. After all, this kind of inflammation can lead to negative consequences, and in order for them not to exist, the doctor often prescribes antibiotics that they can not prescribe for themselves. As a rule, such means as "Tsiprolet", "Tobrex" and so on are appointed. If the infection has just made itself felt, the specialist can recommend using medical alcohol or green tea. You just need to take an ordinary cotton swab, dab it in one of the means and set fire to the inflamed area. Hold the stick of the eye for about 15 minutes, but only be careful, the liquid should not get into the eye. Thus, barley is treated at home with medications. And now let's talk about the people's means, called to fight the disease.
Urine is a proven remedy
The treatment of barley at home by urine has been practiced for more than one generation. Do not disdain and neglect this tool. Take a small piece of cotton wool, urinate on it, wring out excess liquid and apply to the inflamed area. The number of procedures per day is unlimited, but 4 times will be enough. Of course, this method does not seem to many people aesthetic, but far from one person such lotions have been saved from the surgical intervention necessary when the form of the disease is neglected. By the way, it is strictly forbidden to heat "unripened" barley, and in the winter it is impossible to supercool the eyes. How to be? Apply the lotions with urine - they perfectly warm the affected area.
The Golden Ring is not just an ornament
How else can you overcome barley? Treatment at home implies the use of a gold ring. Does this seem unusual to you? But this method has no contraindications. For the "ritual", prepare a gold ring (the older it will be, the better it will be) and a mirror. From the decoration used, direct the sunlight in this way in the mirror, so that if reflected there, it falls directly on the barley. As people say, who tried this method, it is enough to spend several times a sunny rabbit on barley, and he will not disturb more. Here such unusual ways you can defeat barley. Treatment at home in children of this ailment can also include this method, because it is completely safe.
Warming up
As we have already said, you can not heat barley. It is allowed to perform such a procedure only at the very beginning of the appearance of discomfort, that is, only on the first day. Later carried out warming can lead to a lot of unpleasant consequences, up to loss of vision or eyes. At an early stage of the disease, the compress will accelerate the "ripening" of barley and kill harmful micro-organisms, and at a later stage - complicate the situation. So be extremely careful! To warm up barley use the following compresses.
- Take a chicken egg, boil it hard, cool a little, and in a warm form, put it to the eyelid. Repeat the procedure no more than 2 times a day.
- Prepare a piece of gauze, formed from several layers, soak it with a warm broth of chamomile or boric acid (a weak solution). Recommendations regarding frequency are the same as in the case of eggs.
- Take the flax seeds, lightly warm them up, shift them into a sock or a handkerchief and apply to a sore spot.
Help in this case honey
If you do not have allergies to this most useful and delicious product, then this method will help to remove the inner barley. Treatment involves the use of the simplest and most accessible ingredients. So, take a small piece of rye bread (crumb) and half a small spoon of honey. Sweet product poured into a cup or saucer, from above we put bread. Now we need to wait a little, so that the crumb absorbed as much honey as possible. We form a cake from the resulting mass. It can be glued to the diseased eye with a patch or bandaged. Do this for 2 or 3 consecutive days.
Such useful gadgets
This method will also be very effective for those who want to defeat barley. Treatment at home is very convenient to carry out with lotions. What can be used for such procedures?
Decoction of marigold. If you have dried or fresh calendula flowers at home , then you are very lucky! Take 10 g of raw material, pour 200 ml of clean water, put on fire. Keep the broth on the stove for about 10 minutes, then remove, be sure to cover with a lid and wrap the dishes with a very thick towel or blanket. Soak the drug in this condition for an hour. After this, strain the miracle remedy, moisten in it a layered bandage and do the lotions three times a day. - Aloe. About the benefits of this plant with many ailments and can not speak. Aloe will also help here. Take a small sheet, rinse it thoroughly, chop it and immerse it in clean water (200 ml). After a day, the infused liquid can be used for lotions.
- Plantain. If you have barley on the eyelid, treatment with this method will give a result quickly enough. To prepare the broth, both dried and fresh leaves of the plant will work. Three large spoons of raw pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave for a couple of hours. After the specified time, you can proceed to the procedure.
Strengthening immunity
In most situations, this ailment overtakes people with a weakened immune system. Accordingly, it must be strengthened. Start eating foods rich in vitamins E and C, balance your diet in such a way that the menu contains as many fresh vegetables, berries, fruits, rich in minerals. Doctors advise in the period of illness to drink as much liquid as possible in order to remove toxins and speed up the metabolism. Regularly engage in sports, namely cycling, swimming, running. All this will strengthen the body, give it strength, make you less vulnerable. During the course of the disease, wash your hands as often as possible and try not to touch the sore spot. Heal and be well!
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