Health, Medicine
Finger Pulse Oximeter - Health Under Control!
In the modern market of medical equipment there are many types of different devices. Such diversity is undoubtedly an extremely positive fact, but at the same time complicates the choice: some potential users simply do not know about the purpose of these or other devices and do not have a clue about the principle of their operation.
One of these devices, which has recently appeared in the medical arsenal and is well proven, is a device for measuring the oxygen content in the blood - a pulse oximeter. Its value can not be overestimated. But first things first.
During the day, the human body consumes about 10 m3 of air, while the heart pumps about 7 tons of blood through the circulatory system. All this titanic labor is necessary in order to saturate arterial blood with oxygen and provide them with all organs and systems. The human body is universal: it can exist for about a month without food and for several days does not experience an acute need for water, providing itself with internal reserves. However, without oxygen, it can not function for two to three minutes.
Since the supply of oxygen to the arterial blood is an indispensable condition for life, the pulse oximeter has also acquired the status of a necessary and highly sought-after medical device.
More recently, to determine the degree of saturation with oxygen, the patient had to take a number of tests, which greatly complicated the diagnosis. The ambulance teams had to use the old methods in everyday practice: to use a mirror to determine the breath, to feel the pulse for the purpose of checking the heartbeat and other far from the most perfect techniques. Such manipulations required considerable time and were not highly accurate, and therefore, the number of deaths was significant, since the patient sometimes simply did not get to the point of providing therapeutic assistance to the patient.
According to experts of the company LLC "Technologies for Life", the appearance of pulse oximeters radically changed the situation in medical practice. The device is easy to use, reliable and precise, characterized by compact dimensions and the presence of additional functions.
Structurally, the pulse oximeter consists of a display, a microprocessor and a sensor built in directly into the device or fixed on the finger, less often - on the earlobe, even less often - the wing of the nose. All devices are equipped with a sound signal option that proportionally reflects the level of oxygen saturation of the blood.
Today, not only stationary instruments, usually used in medical institutions, but portable models, in particular finger pulse oximeters, can be found on sale, which makes it possible to always have such a device at hand. And this means - now to determine the saturation of the blood with oxygen equally simply as in specialized health care institutions, and at home.
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