
Inoculation from dysentery to adults and children

Dysentery is a disease that occurs in children and adults. It brings many problems to the sick. For prevention is a special inoculation against dysentery. It will be discussed later. How effective is vaccination? What are the features of the process you need to know to everyone? Are there any consequences or side effects of the vaccination against dysentery? To understand all this is not so difficult.

Description of the disease

What is dysentery? As already mentioned, this disease causes many problems. It is infectious in nature. In other words, dysentery is an acute infectious disease.

It is transmitted by the fecal-oral route. For example, through water or food. The disease is mainly treated as an outpatient. The patient has various kinds of intestinal disorders, as well as general weakness in the body.

To protect a person from a disease, he is vaccinated against dysentery. It is not included in the list of national vaccination calendars for children and adults. But to know about this vaccination is necessary.

Composition and release

The vaccine being studied is presented as a solution. It is in this form (and only in it) that a tool is developed for vaccinating citizens against dysentery. Sold in small ampoules.

The vaccine consists of a liposaccharide obtained from a pathogen called shigella Sonne. Further, the component passes through purification by enzymatic and physicochemical methods.

Store the solution in a cool and dark place. Vaccination against dysentery is done both intramuscularly and subcutaneously.

How often do

Some are interested in how often it is necessary to be vaccinated against the disease being studied. In fact, there are no clear indications about this. Proceeding from the fact that the vaccination is not included in the national vaccination calendar, vaccination is carried out either at the request of the person or in case of outbreaks of infection.

By its action, the vaccine begins to work in a few weeks. It allows you to develop antibodies to shigella Sonne. Accordingly, a person does not get dysentery.

Immunity to the disease is not eternal. It remains only for 12 months. Further it is necessary or to be re-grafted, or completely to forget about similar vaccination.

Accordingly, in order to prevent the disease, you can be vaccinated against dysentery once a year. So it turns out all the time to maintain immunity to the causative agent of intestinal infection.


When is dysentery vaccinated? There are a number of recommendations in this regard. Not everyone needs to face vaccination.

Vaccination against dysentery should be done:

  • People who travel to areas with high incidence;
  • Children going to camps;
  • Employees of the public catering sector;
  • Persons employed in the field of public amenities;
  • Employees of infectious hospitals and hospitals.

In addition, the indications include an outbreak or an epidemic. As already mentioned, the vaccine against dysentery is not included in the Russian national vaccination calendar. And so it is not necessary to do it.

About contraindications

But there are concrete contraindications to the process. And they must be observed to avoid the negative impact of vaccination on the human body. Everyone must remember this.

To date, the vaccine against dysentery contraindications has the following:

  1. Infant age. Babies can not do the vaccine in question. It is allowed only for children over 3 years old.
  2. Pregnancy. This is also often referred to as the period of breastfeeding.
  3. Recently suffered disease. It is recommended to wait a month from the moment of recovery - only then vaccinate.
  4. Presence and exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  5. Propensity to allergic reactions. It is not recommended for allergic people to get an inoculation against dysentery. Hypersensitivity can also be attributed to contraindications.

There are no more significant prohibitions. Usually, children and adults with immunocompromised immunizations are not vaccinated against dysentery. The presence of a general malaise in the body is another ban on vaccination.


What are the consequences of vaccination after dysentery? This, too, must be known to everyone.

In fact, there are no serious consequences of vaccination. Vaccination against dysentery is considered as safe as most similar substances. Nevertheless, any drug intervention is always a certain risk. And they are important to take into account.

The vaccination against dysentery consequences has the following:

  • dizziness;
  • migraine;
  • nausea;
  • Local reactions (eg, soreness of the injection site);
  • temperature increase.

In some cases, you may experience hyperthermia. But this is a very rare manifestation of vaccination against dysentery. Therefore, you can not be afraid of it.

The bulk of side effects manifests itself in the first day after vaccination. It is recommended that you consult a doctor for general advice on how to resolve any ailments caused by the injection. Self-medication is not necessary.

Where do

And where to apply in order to get the appropriate vaccine? Where to get a vaccination against dysentery in Russia?

To date, you can use this service in infectious hospitals, dispensaries and hospitals. These are the most common places where citizens apply.

You can also go (as an adult, and a child) to a private clinic. Most of these institutions have the necessary vaccine. But this information is best clarified in a particular private clinic.

Vaccination process

Vaccination from dysentery for children and adults is done according to similar principles. As already mentioned, vaccination involves the subcutaneous injection of a needle into the human body followed by injection. Intramuscular injection is possible.

Before vaccination it is necessary to collect anamnesis and find out the patient's state of health. Children and adults are recommended to give a general analysis of blood and urine in order to maximize the body's readiness for vaccination.

The needle is inserted into the upper third of the shoulder when vaccinated. It can be said that an inoculation against dysentery for adults and children is an "injection in the shoulder". For all ages, the dosage of the drug is the same. It is 0.5 milliliters. It is necessary to type so much a preparation in a syringe.

To do or not

Is it necessary to do the vaccine under study? Everyone decides for himself. In fact, with proper treatment for dysentery, you can get rid of all in a week. Only in the "neglected" cases such a disease ends pitifully. In practice, it does not occur in Russia very often.

It follows that once again without special evidence to do the vaccination is not recommended. It is also not necessary to resolve such issues on our own. It is best to ask advice from the attending physician - therapist or pediatrician. Only he can tell how much the vaccine against dysentery is needed in this or that case.

Results and conclusions

This article examined the basic information about vaccination against dysentery. This disease occurs in children and adults. No one is immune from it.

Vaccination from dysentery to adults is carried out on the same principles as children. The vaccine is practically safe for the human body. It is recommended that you learn about the need for grafting from your doctor.

The name of the vaccine produced in Russia is Shigellvak. It costs about 2,500 rubles. It is at this cost you can find a solution for injection in the country's pharmacies.

As already mentioned, vaccination against dysentery infection is not included in the list of mandatory vaccines. Therefore, one can not say with confidence about the need for vaccination against dysentery. Only in exceptional cases should a person face a corresponding injection.

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