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Yuri Korinets: biography and features of creativity of the children's writer

Children's literature is a special niche in art. To write for children, it is necessary to have a special gift - to be able to perceive the world through the eyes of a child, to focus on his interests, to know his psychology. That's why children's writers are not so much, not every literary man has kept in himself the same vision of the world that is inherent in babies. Moreover, only those who have a special talent and can create a living picture of the surrounding world can write children's verses and prose, which the child will recognize and want to perceive, understand, learn, empathize with. One of these writers is Yuri Korinets. The biography of a Soviet children's writer is a story about a special, very talented and extraordinary man.

Biographical information

In 1923, on January 14, in the family of the German Emma Nagel and diplomat Joseph Korintsy, Yuri's son was born. At that terrible time, no one lived well. The troubles and the family did not avoid the Korinets: in 1937 his father was arrested, and soon he was shot. In the first days of the war, Yuri was summoned to the front, part of the fighting was crushed, and he walked back home, to the capital. Before his very eyes, the mother was arrested, and six months later she died in prison. Yuri, for trying to protect his mother, was sent to Central Asia.

But the young man did not become embarrassed or embittered, but completely immersed himself in art in order to escape from the terrible realities of life. First, Yuri Korinets is fond of drawing, finishing school, becoming a certified artist. But soon the art is not just to write rhymed texts, but to create a special world in which the good, love, joy and faith in what is still good will prevail over the craving for drawing. Yuri Korinets moved from Samarkand to the capital, enters the literary institute. Already on the fifth course his book "Overheard conversation" is published. So began the poetic path of the young writer Yuri Korinets. Biography was very successful: after the end of the literary institute in 1958, many children's books and poems appeared.

Features of Yu. Korintz's poetry

Poetic work of the writer is a combination of the child's immediacy and the wisdom of an experienced person, a mix of sad and funny. In his poems, good is always stronger and necessarily wins. And Yuri Korinets has a special ability to spiritualize any subject. In his poems, the main characters are not only people, but everything that can be seen around. This house with its habits and character, a modest little steamer, made friends with the river, which, in turn, is very yearning for a friend, an old fir. The soul of the poet is so pure and bright that he sees a miracle in the most ordinary objects and things and inhales life in them. But the most important miracle is that although inanimate objects and things in the writer's poems are inhumanized - they experience, think, dream, talk, have their destiny - in verses that are unobtrusively fairy, contrived or fiction. The world that Yuriy Korinets created in his works opens for everyone who reads his poems, makes him rejoice and empathize with adventures, the life and destiny of his inhabitants. But most importantly - in this world you want to come back again and again to touch the pure light relations between the heroes, to plunge into the flow of good and even to become a little better, lighter.

From poetry to prose

Works of the writer are very diverse. Yuri Korinets poems for children writes in a variety of forms. This poem is a joke, verse-games, poems, flip-flops, rhymed riddles. But on this conquest of the literary Olympus is not finished: the first prose work of Yu. Korintz "There, beyond the river" becomes the winner of the All-Russian competition and receives the first prize. Two years later (in 1967) a continuation of the story, entitled "In the White Night by the Fire," was published. Further, several more novels for children were published, funny parables, a fantastic story.

Creative heritage

Although the work of a talented writer has not yet been fully studied, it is already possible to say that he made a great contribution to the development and creation of literature for children. According to one of the writer's books, the film was shot by Belarusian cinematographers. He went into a rental called "There, far beyond the river."

In addition, known Korinets Yuri Iosifovich and as a talented translator. He translated into Russian tales of German writers Othfried Proysler, James Creus, Michael Ende. Yuri Iosifovich was engaged in the translation of children's works from Hebrew, Ukrainian, Buryat languages.

There was no writer in 1989.

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