Food and drinkBeverages

Mulled wine from white wine - a panacea for colds

Winter, early spring or dank autumn is the season of the year when you want heat. And there is one drink that helps to buy it. He has long been known in England, Germany, Austria and Scandinavian countries. It is used at Christmas markets, at ski resorts and at home, sitting by the fireplace. And this drink is mulled wine. If properly cooked, it will be an excellent remedy for colds and depression. It is prepared on the basis of wine: red or white. And the recipe for mulled wine from white wine is not so complicated. Observing some rules, it can be cooked in an ordinary kitchen.

If you translate from German the word "mulled wine", we get the name of this drink - red wine. And the choice of wine for this drink is a whole science. At first, mulled wine was brewed from wines produced in the province of Bordeaux. Now such expensive and seasoned wines are no longer used. They already have absolute taste, and heating can only spoil it.

In most cases for this drink dry wines of a small fortress are taken. You can take and semidry. But you need to make sure that the hot drink does not turn out to be too sweet. Of dessert wines a good mulled wine is unlikely to work. And young and light wines that contain between 8.5 and 12.5% of alcohol will fit perfectly.

But which wine to choose is a matter of taste. There are no special differences in cooking recipes. The difference is only in the selection of ingredients. So if you cook mulled wine from white wine, then it is better to take semisweet. And instead of lemon juice add orange. Some for this drink use even sparkling wines. But for such exotic recipes you will need special knowledge and experience.

But there are also simpler recipes for preparing mulled wine from white wine. Here's one of them. For him, you need a white dry wine in the amount of 750 ml, two slices of lemon, one stick of cinnamon, two buds of a carnation, and honey that is added to taste.

Wine is poured into prepared dishes. To it are added all the ingredients: lemon, cinnamon, cloves and honey. Then the dishes are put on a slow fire and heated until small bubbles appear on the surface. Boil this drink in any case impossible. Then the fire turns off, and the mulled wine from white wine should be infused for 15 minutes. Then you just need to strain it and you can drink it. Drink it only hot!

And here is another recipe for mulled wine. White wine is taken for him, too, semi-dry in an amount of 500 ml. Still for this drink you need such components: a peel from one orange, juice from two oranges, 4 tbsp. L light brown sugar, 0.5 tsp coriander, 5 cloves, 5 boxes cardamom. From one orange the peel is removed, and juice is squeezed out of both. This juice pours into the ladle. To it sugar, spices and a peel are added. Then this mixture is put on a small fire, and cooked until all the sugar has dissolved, and the juice will remain two thirds. After that, wine is poured in and all this is cooked on a small fire. Boil the drink should not. Mulled wine is poured by glasses from heat-resistant glass or ceramic mugs.

Everyone knows that raspberries are an excellent remedy for colds. A mulled wine of white wine and these berries will protect against ARD with even greater force. To make this "hot wine" you will need half a liter of white dry, freshly frozen raspberry weighing 200 grams, sugar - two tablespoons and one vanilla pod or a bag of vanilla sugar. And the procedure is as follows: the wine is poured into a saucepan, raspberries and sugar are added. A vanilla pod is cut, and the middle is scraped into wine. The pod itself also cuts into pieces and leaves after it. The whole mixture is heated to a low temperature almost to the boiling point. Ready drink is poured and drunk immediately after cooking. There are many more such recipes. It's not for nothing that mulled wine has become a favorite drink in many countries.

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