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January 14, what a church holiday

Orthodox holidays were formed in the Old Testament time, then they merged with the New Testament holidays. A certain day of the year is marked by an event from the life of Jesus Christ and his mother of the Virgin Mary, as well as the memory of holy saints. The Orthodox Church glorifies in its services and honors those to whom this day belongs.


The church considered these holidays useful and necessary from the point of view of piety, therefore they were given a special, solemn character. An indispensable condition for the feast was the fulfillment of the sacrament of communion of the Holy Mysteries. In accordance with this rite, the life of all Christians was arranged. They protected themselves from various works during the holidays, behaved themselves in good deeds: they did not make noise and did not arrange feasts, but they sanctified the gifts and served in favor of the church and the poor.

Circumcision of the Lord

And on January, 14th - what holiday? Orthodox! Church members and faithful parishioners celebrate Circumcision of the Lord. This fact is described in detail in the Gospel of Luke. This rite was held on the 8th day of the Nativity of Jesus Christ. In memory of this event, it was decided to set a date for the holiday on January 14. What church feast is still celebrated on this day, what great meaning is it?

The ancient Jews believed that the fact of the fulfillment of the rite in itself is part of the number of the God-chosen. It was believed that if a person is under-trimmed, he is not worthy and has no right to make sacrifices and handle prayers and petitions to God.

The first followers and disciples of Christ, Christians and apostles, also subjected themselves to circumcision. According to ancient sources, the baby Jesus Mary and Joseph were brought to the temple, where the sacrament of circumcision was performed, on January 14. What holiday can be Is more important than the Circumcision of the Lord for all Jews? And why? He proves, contrary to all the heresies that distort the earthly appearance of the Savior, that Jesus was a man and therefore subjected to those rites that were accepted by the Jews.

The betrothed

The circumcision ritual took place on 14 January. Every holiday is celebrated solemnly and magnificently by the Orthodox Church. This significant day reminds all believers that the God-child on the eighth day of his Christmas was circumcised. During this ceremony he was called by the name, which was foretold by the Archangel Gabriel at the Annunciation of Mary, and also by the angel Joseph the Betrothed to the Holy and Righteous - Jesus (the Savior).

The name is the sign of the greatest service in the image of the human Son of God. He is called to the earth to save people from their sins. The Old Testament circumcision is a type of the Baptism of the New Testament, it is established in the sign of the Covenant with the Lord and purification from original sin.

Jesus Christ is a "sinner"

The date that leads to reflection is January 14. What Orthodox holiday is calling us to humility? Circumcision of the Lord. This was not the complete and true cleansing that was established after Jesus took upon the sins of the world and shed his blood on Calvary in the name of his salvation. And points to the first Old Testament warning of our forefathers overhearing us ("Iniquity is conceived and in sin my mother is born to me").

Jesus is the Son of God and the True God, in everything similar to people, except sin, he did not need any purification. But according to his humility, he accepted the position of sinful people and on this occasion said that he had fulfilled the law, and not violate it. Later, Saint Demetrius of Rostov wrote that in circumcision the Lord showed more humility than at Christmas. When the Lord was born, he was transformed into a man, and in circumcision, enduring the pain laid for sin, he took the image of a sinner.

The covenant of the Lord

Remember the date of January 14th. What church feast serves as a reminder of the faithfulness of peoples to the Creator? Abram was almost 100 years old when the Lord appeared before him and said: "I am Almighty God, walk before me and be blameless, and I will establish my covenant between me and you, and will very, very multiply you." What does it mean to walk before God? It is constantly thinking that he sees and knows all your thoughts and deeds. To be undefiled means to not offend the Creator with your thoughts and deeds, not to forget about the honor that God bestowed on you by his closeness to people.

By this conversion to man, the covenant of the Lord begins. He blesses Abram to the numerous offspring and adds to the names of the married couple the letter "a" and "p": Abraham and Sarah. Now from him and his offspring, faithfulness to God is required. To remembrance and preserve the covenant and as a promise to execute the command, an external action is chosen - circumcision.

Inner Sanctification

Date, which is called to recall the covenant of the Creator - January 14. What holiday unites all believers? Circumcision is a ritual, designed to educate in generations the desire for unification and the desire to be one people for worship only to the God of Abraham. This action includes inner sanctification, without which the circumcision ritual does not make sense. The increase in the number of people chosen by God is not yet proof of a cordial attachment to the Creator and faithfulness to the faith of the forefather of Abraham. That is why the books "Leviticus" and "Acts" denounced and ridiculed "uncircumcised hearts and ears."

Consecration of the head of the family

That is why the deep meaning is laid on this day - January 14. What holiday is of great importance in the life of Christian believers? According to the prescribed rules, this rite is performed on the eighth day from birth, when the baby grows a bit stronger, in addition, the number eight means perfection and completeness. To postpone for later terms the action meant the manifestation of negligence and neglect, which was considered an unacceptable phenomenon, where it was a question of God's command.

This ritual is necessary only for boys, and for the continuation of the family only the heads of the family are consecrated, since the wife is one with her husband.

The Feast of Circumcision is a reminder that Christians in the New Testament have entered into with God.

Saint Basil

Another holiday is celebrated on 14 January. What holiday? St. Basil the Saint. If the Circumcision of the Lord convinces us that Jesus is a true man with flesh like people, the day we honor the memory of St. Basil, whose life was cut off on this day, tells us about the divine beginning of Jesus. That he was and is one of the three faces of the Holy Trinity. Saint Basil was an ascetic and a great ascetic; the main thing and struggle of his life was the conviction about the Hypostases of the Holy Trinity, he believed and upheld this Orthodox teaching.

At that time, there were many unjust people, they were endowed with power in this world, not everyone managed to avoid delusions, but not only St. Basil, but also managed to give a helping hand to the shaken in the faith and helped to get back on the righteous and right path. In Russia, Basil the Great along with Nicholas the Wonderworker is the most revered saint.

Let's go to lavish

On the calendar - January 14. What holiday in Russia was celebrated at this time before 1918? This date coincided with the Orthodox holiday of the Circumcision of the Lord. In the secular calendar of Tsarist Russia this day is the first in the New Year. In our time, the date of January 14 (Circumcision of the Lord) in the modern interpretation is: "Old New Year". It is still loved and celebrated by all Russians.

On the old style January 14 - what holiday? Replenishing! At this time, on New Year's Eve, it was customary to go with songs and congratulations on homes and wish the owners health, happiness and all kindness, and for this the hosts were presented with gifts, which were then shared among themselves. In this generous evening Vasilyev sang: "Szedrik, Vedrik, give me a dumpling, a pile of kashka, a shred of sausage ..."

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